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in the past

Really fun game, amazing graphics, nice stories, and great haptics. One of the few truly next gen games available on the PS5.

When do I get to meet my dimensional counterpart?!?!?!

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart pra mim é uma das experiências mais controversas que eu já tive com um videogame, por um lado, um hype por ter me surpreendido com o jogo de 2016 e pela promessa do jogo, carregamento de portais e o SSD do PS5, ansioso fiquei pelo port pra PC quando anunciado, então, joguei no day one, por outro, uma experiência boa, porém não correspondendo meu hype.

Baixei o jogo no meu SSD M2, ou seja, tive uma bela velocidade de carregamento dos portais e com um belo desempenho.
Entretanto, poucas partes aonde os portais são realmente afetados pelo SSD e só possui um apelo estético, os portais focados pelo level design são poucos que consigo contar na mão as vezes que eu tive que usá-los em combates e sinceramente, são pouco impactantes.

Em questões gráficas o jogo não deixa a desejar nenhum pouco. Mesmo jogando em uma placa de vídeo abaixo do recomendado pela steam, os gráficos eram surpreendentemente bonitos, a pelagem é super bem detalhada e mesmo jogando no baixo em nenhum momento achei o jogo feio, mal polido ou com texturas de baixa qualidade

A variedade de armas e gameplay são bem interessantes como eu me recordava do de 2016, uma gama de possibilidades e combos com todas as armas e um sistema de aprimoramentos que não é ridículo ao ponto de ter todas as armas no nível máximo e com um preço aceitável visto a quantidade de engrenagens que você obtém em cada área do game

Os colecionáveis são bem distribuídos, são feitos estágios bônus, desafios de arena no bar, locais escondidos no mapa dos planetas que você visita durante a jornada.
Uma boa parte são apenas pra disponibilizar customizáveis ou para dar uma profundidade para a história. As únicas que realmente afetam a gameplay são as armaduras que te dão bônus de acordo com a quantidade do mesmo set que você coletou.
Apenas coletei os que estavam no meu caminho enquanto explorava e fazia a história principal. De customizáveis só lembro de ter pego a de poder trocar a cor da minha chave de fenda e a textura das engrenagens

Num geral, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart é um jogo mediano assim como seu antecessor, não faz jus a expectativa que eu criei dos portais, não trás nada de inovador. Diria que Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart é a definição de um jogo meia bomba que poderia ter sido muito maior

A pesar de que el juego es súper espectacular y divertido no he podido entrar en él porque, si hay algo que me desconecta mucho, son las tramas marvel y es imposible no ver como su historia se acerca a una película del MCU. Tampoco digo que esté mal eso, tiene sentido por quien es el estudio que lo hace, pero no es mi rollo simplemente.

Jogo excelente, muito bem feito e muito divertido de se jogar. Facilmente recomendável para qualquer um

This game despite being only 6 hours long bored the ever living crap out of me as I had to take MULTIPLE breaks from it just to see the credits roll. It has a severe identity crisis as it tries to be a puzzle platformer, a collectathon and a third person shooter all at the same time and manages to be hot garbage at all 3. Basically, a hodge-podge of nothingness meant to showcase the power of a next-gen console and its graphical/technical competency
The artstyle is extremely bland to the point its detrimental to the actual gameplay as breakable items easily blend in with the environment. And of course the game shares the obnoxious trait of every other playstation exclusives, relying too much on presentation and restricting the player freedom to a mere button input

Garbage game, can't even be called "popcorn entertainment"
Just don't play it

Teste Visual do Playstation 5 é incrivelmente mais divertido do que eu pensava, adorei realmente tudo relacionado ao game, extremamente divertido e um espetáculo visual, recomendo

Visually the game is stunning but the plot is predictable and quiet forgettable. And Rivet should have had her own equipment and weapons

A classic Ratchet and Clank game in structure, story, and combat with incredible movement mechanics about half way through. Looks shockingly good as well.

Worth playing the New Game + as well!

Excellent level design and good use of the new mobility options on top of all the usual R&C strengths may make it the best Ratchet game to date.
Still, having to fight the same 5 enemies over and over again through the latter half of the game, some repetitive weapons, the not at all subtle way the game makes bossfights easier if you die on them, a pretty rough PC port and being true to the series tradition of having every post PS2 game be written like one of those terrible nickelodeon shows forgotten by everyone but the most mentally derranged deviantart users were some pretty big gripes I had with the game.

It's funny how satisfying collecting currency becomes once you replace the series's iconic bolts for literally any of the other choices the game gives you.

It took me a while to come around on this one. When Rift Apart launched on PS5, I stayed up until midnight to play it - but I never ended up beating the game. I found the dual Ratchet / Rivet perspective to be somewhat pointless in that they played exactly the same, I didn't really buy into the narrative, it just didn't work for me.

Receiving a Steam Deck OLED for Christmas, I bought Rift Apart during the Steam Sale to give it another go.

I'm glad that I did - as I really ended up enjoying the game significantly more this time around. I still think it's quite flawed and I echo some of my prior issues: I outright skipped every Clank / Kit puzzle sequence, it managed to bring its combat to a place of repetition often by repeating the same few mini-bosses constantly, and the whole "I'm still working on myself" therapy-laden narrative just didn't really entice me. I know that's ultimately a reductive framing of the story but I grow weary of every character in the game learning to love themselves and their friends and heal and forgive - maybe I'm just cynical but it felt shallow to me.

Where the plot succeeds though, and where Insomniac's incredible talent shows though, is in how the game navigates its massive set pieces. There are countless moments across the campaign that feel massive and orchestral - incredible boss encounters or traversal sequences that are exceptionally cinematic but remain interactive, the SSD throwing you between dimensions or characters to build contiguous and awe-inspiring sequences.

It's all just so smooth, the entire game is near frictionless and hyper-chaotic in its spectacular (in multiple senses of the term) combat. I had a great time just muscling through wave after wave of wimpy enemies with my rolodex of bizarre firearms. That's great stuff.

Despite having a lot of issues with Rift Apart, this is really is the ideal AAA blockbuster to me. A concise playtime, massive set pieces that flex the team's design skill without sacrificing playability, and a great game feel throughout.

As a sidebar - we know now that Rift Apart cost Insomniac 80 million to make. Frankly, that investment resulted in a game that looks and feels more evidently premium than the 315 million dollar Spider-Man 2. A massive shame that Rift Apart wasn't a commercial success.

Just found this game to be very barebones and unexciting. This just feels like a third person shooter disguised as a ratchet and clank game. Very vanilla. Every boss fight was just me holding down the right trigger till I won. Snore!

Único defeito que eu achei é que é muito curtinho. Platinei em umas 15 horas, isso porque enrolei ainda, mas é um ótimo joguinho

This was my first Ratchet & Clank Game and it felt very modern and the combat was fun, it was very enjoyable getting new weapons. The final boss fight was also visually impressive.

Platform: PlayStation 5
Date Started: March 3rd, 2024
Date Finished: March 6th, 2024
Time Played: 11 Hours

"You think a crushing defeat is all it takes to stop me?"

Ratchet & Clank must be one of the most consistently great and enjoyable franchises I have played (minus the PS4 reboot thing), and Rift Apart is no exception! Continuing on the story and introducing a couple excellent new characters, this adds a lot whilst still maintaining the feeling of those PS2 classics!

The story here is an engaging one, although I'm not the biggest fan of "multiverse" style stuff, with the cast being the main highlight carrying it through. It creates plenty of huge set piece scenarios that are always fun, however I think that the rifts were ultimately kind of a gimmick. They, most of the time, just act as fancy grappling hook points or story set pieces, so I think more could have possibly been done game-play wise with their implementation. Additionally, you end up fighting the same types of enemies and mini-bosses throughout the whole thing, but, ultimately this didn't really impact my enjoyment all too much.

With a vast array of great weapons, slick gunplay, lovely characters and genuinely amazing graphics, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a worthy entry into the franchise, and a really great time from beginning to end!

like doom eternal but family friendly

Um jogo bom para a franquia, apresenta personagens que definitivamente poderão retornar no futuro, mas não ousa muito no geral.
O port pra PC está bem mal otimizado, como todos os lançamentos da Sony no PC ultimamente.

This was a rad as hell entry in the Ratchet & Clank franchise. Though, it's definitely not perfect? But I'm honestly never looking for perfection with these games.

My favorite part about this game is honestly its character design and animation, which are similar to my biggest praises about Pizza Tower. But where this game falters is it's story. It.. takes itself too seriously and it's honestly so formulaic. Carried by really good voice acting performances and jokes in the classic Ratchet & Clank style, without the edginess of those older games... which I miss. Pizza Tower did NOT take itself seriously, and yet, the cartoon world it made for itself was simplistic enough that it felt nicely thought out despite its clear absurdity. Rift Apart feels like it bites off more than it can chew with the story. Too many attempts at heartfelt moments that are just.. whatever, and the explanation of universal travel stuff is just lame. Still! This game is visually GORGEOUS and the weapon selection is once again fun as hell, if not a little overkill with the amount of weapons, and ones that are just too similar.

Really cool gameplay stuff added like the rift grapple, rocket boots, etc. Combat is fun once you find a groove, but is definitely on the shallow side. Good for younger audiences I think. Really glad I played this one for many reasons, I love Ratchet & Clank, I love insomniac, I love how this game looks, I love the world, voice acting, characters (for the most part), and the artstyle. Super original as always, something I will forever praise. Despite everything I said, its a must play PS5 game in my book.

I was not expecting guns and platforming.

Also ratchet is one cutie patootie

I quit playing after I heard the pirate song. If you know then you know.

Oof. What a let down. Only a few of the guns are any fun. I like that when you buy one weapon, both characters get it, but they should have played a little differently. There's a lot of empty space on the map. Places that the map acts like you should go, but have nothing. Crashed my PS5 over 10 times. It has Invisible walls for no reason. The humor is awful. This is like going to your 20 year high school reunion, and the quarterback is wearing his letterman jacket, reliving the "glory days."

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (2021): El mejor de la saga, aún siendo lo mismo de siempre con pequeñas variaciones. Me sorprende que la fórmula siga funcionando, pero es que son realmente divertidos. Lástima que a nivel de personajes se aproveche regular, lo demás muy bien (8,10)

this was a very fun game. I had a lot of fun with it and i loved Rivet. im unsure if i can go back to play the older ones but i will keep my eyes open for the next ones if they keep including Rivet and Kit

Good ol' Ratchet and Clank game. Beautiful graphics. Fun minigames to change things up every so often. Fun character personalities and great animations.
Weapons aren't as interesting as previous games in the series. Meh plot.

This is not a sequel to the 2016 critically acclaimed, hit movie Ratchet & Clank.

Thank god.

This is a game I no doubt enjoyed, heck it was the main reason why I wanted a PS5 in the first place. I just REALLY wish it was longer, when I finished it I was expecting it to keep going but nope. Also didn't really like the lack of variety in the bosses. I think this game is a bit undercooked but it is still great.

This game looks very impressive and the characters are cute, but the gameplay and story were a bit lacking. Nothing bad, just a bit short and boring.

I'm a childhood fan of the yellow lombax rat guy and I expected not to like this game simply because of how "clean" it must be (especially after ratchet 2016).

well. fuck me, it was REALLY damn good. probably the best gameplay in the series. the movement with the hoverboots gets particularly insane, I was flying through the game and skipping platforming or puzzles like it was nobody's business. the environments are drop dead gorgeous and give me enough of a reason to go back and immerse myself in this world. I always loved r&c world design and this entry does not let you down on that.

some negatives though: forgettable weapons, TERRIBLE sound effects, unremarkable soundtrack (david bergeaud my father I miss you so much), and that thing where characters respond all witty all the time like they're in a superhero movie.

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