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21: I really enjoyed this one for whatever reason. Blackjack is always pretty fun in anything, and RE7 adds their own twist to make it a little more interesting. The survival modes are great, as they add some challenge to the game and actually incentivize you to think about strategy. I don’t like how they’re partially RNG, but that’s the game of blackjack… so whatever, I guess. It’s also annoying how some of the opponents have rigged moves — that they will always spam, which forces you to defeat them in very specific ways that sorta limit your freedom of approach. Good shit! 3.5/5

Jack’s 55th Birthday: I hate this one so much. The running in RE7 is one of its more annoying aspects, so an entire game mode forcing you to run around huge maps in specific routes whilst gathering food was never going to be fun. It’s even more frustrating how you have to do this several times, as your inventory space is limited; so it’s essentially an exercise of memorization— which I’m noticing most of these modes seem to have in common. Fuck this one. 1.5/5

Daughters: This is the first DLC to actually expand the story of the main game, whereas everything before this was centered around some sort of minigame; and I have to say, it was pretty good! My biggest complaint would probably just be that it’s too short and… basic? It doesn’t really do anything new, it’s all about finding items in a specific way so you can get the “true ending”. I don’t know man; it would’ve been cool if this one DIDN’T have any puzzles and was instead a look into the Baker’s lives before Evie came along and fucked everything up, which I guess it sorta is? for approximately 40 seconds! Everything after those first 40 seconds comes down to: go there! collect this! and then go there once you have this thing! It’s just boring after finishing the base game, which was literally this exact thing. I did love all of the new scripted cutscenes, the music, and the way it managed to make me feel bad for the Baker’s— even more than the base game already did. 3/5

DLC's - Ranked
2017 - Ranked

The Banned Footage DLC of Resident Evil 7 offered new modes and minigames, making it the most varied of any Resident Evil game.

21: A Saw-inspired game of Blackjack. I loved it and spent quite a bit of time playing. The difficulty really reached unforgiving levels.
Daughters: Play as Zoe in a prologue showing what happened to the Bakers when they first encountered Eveline. I really liked it, especially seeing the family before they were infected.
Jack's 55th Birthday: A silly minigame about searching for food to feed Jack. Capcom really went wild here.

21 > Bedroom > Daughters > Ethan Must Die > Jack's 55th Birthday > Nightmare

About on par with the first volume, though this is marginally better exclusively for the gleefully twisted "21" - which is not only a really fun spin on Blackjack (even when the A.I. blatantly cheats it seems like it only does so to stimulate your problem-solving skills, and how you're able to save your own ass out of a corner via the trump cards) but this continues the RE series' trend of genuinely shocking violence in a way that made even me feel sickened. Vile shit, I'm impressed! As far as memes go, Jack's 55th Birthday is initially amusing but as a score-grabber really uninteresting imo. Daughters is fine, with arguably the most enticing premise out of the two packs but it's out the door as soon as it seems to begin. It's always nice to see more Jack convulsions, but we finally get to see the Baker's horrific, undeserved transformation and it's over in the blink of an eye? It really needed to be the same length (longer, really) as Not A Hero to work at full effect. Plus its different endings seem kind of pointless to me. Anyways, not bad - but hardly anything that will really blow the roof off.

This compilation feels a bit more essential in comparison to the first volume. We get a bit of extra lore (with two possible endings) on a short scenario where you play as Zoe, and a Blackjack minigame where Clancy's life is on the line.
Daughters is definitely worth the trouble here, while 21 feels a bit too random for my personal taste. Still, this just makes me wish Daughters was a part of the original release.

I somehow managed to beat 21 without losing ONCE wtf

Another collection of DLC's, though I personally prefer the first one, even though this one is technically larger.

21 is kind of fun, but I found it to be a little too tedious for my tastes. It's literally just blackjack with gore, and a bunch of strategic modifiers introduced in round two that I wasn't too big a fan of. It wasn't really my cup of tea.

Daughters is okay, it shines a light on what the Baker family was like before Eveline entered their lives, which is nice. But gameplay wise, its mostly just kind of annoying. There's, as far as I know, two different endings which are only slightly different based on one choice you make near the end, and it doesn't really feel all that rewarding either way. The puzzles aren't really interesting either, they're either too boring or too convoluted to feel rewarding. Outside of being able to see the Bakers pre-infection, there's just not much worth seeing here.

And Jack's 55th birthday is...there. It's not bad really, it's just a silly little minigame where you run around, collect food, and kills enemies wearing party hats. It's silly enough to not feel intrusive, but not interesting enough to really be worth it.

Overall, I think I prefer the first batch of DLC's more, only because I felt more rewarded when I got through those. I just wasn't too into these ones.

jackbox got nothing on re7 torture blackjack

Banned Footage Vol. 2 is the second part of Capcom's post-launch support for Resident Evil 7, and I'll admit to it being a fairly significant improvement over Vol. 1, which I wasn't a massive fan of. 21 is easily the best part of the DLC, with it keeping the oppressive, Texas Chain Saw Massacre-esque atmosphere of the base game and giving us more of Lucas, who was one of the game's best antagonists. The actual card game is fairly fun, though it is unfair by design, so it's especially rewarding when you use the game's own rules against Lucas and beat him at his own game. Daughters is a walking simulator (and I don't mean that pejoratively) that fills in the blankets as to how Eveline got ahold of the Baker family. It's short and fairly unexciting, but it is nice to have additional gaps filled into the story, and I like how the Bakers changing from their old selves into demented monsters happens near-instantly, showing the true terror of Eveline's powers if she were used as a weapon. Jack's Birthday Party is a lot of fun as well, consisting of a goofy arcade mode with a charming 1920s aesthetic where you search a handful of levels for food to feed Jack. I actually had a lot of fun with JBP's aesthetic and gameplay, but unfortunately, I find since half of the levels are just harder versions of the other half, it doesn't have the staying power I'd like to see. BFV2 is certainly an improvement over BFV1, and I find it easier to recommend this one at its chosen price point.

Uma dlc curta que acrescenta MT na atmosfera do jogo original. É maravilhoso.

i spent like 7 hours beating 21+ and i enjoyed every moment of it. thank god for gambling.

daughters is nice for additional backstory, but it's not really something i'd go and replay after the initial experience.

jack's 55th birthday is honestly tedious trying to keep your combo going and i don't look forward to the achievements from this trying to 100% re7.

21 is so fucking fun i wish gambling was real

for some reason, "Buckshot Roulette" has been on my backloggd front page for probably 3 months now, and every time I see it I think about how an RE7 DLC already did it 7 years ago. And it did it better

This DLC adds two new (short) missions. One is a fucked up game of Blackjack while the other shows what happened to the Baker family, sort of prequel to the main game. Yes, it's very short I totally agree but the high quality of content from the main game is also present here. I got everything in the gold edition and when it's on sale(which is frequently) you are definitely getting a good deal on this.

21 - I enjoyed this one because of the extra layers of strategy the custom deck offers, and the initial playthrough with Lucas taunting you is just edgy enough to be enjoyable. I tried the harder difficulties, but they felt like they dragged on too long for my tastes.

Daughters - this is the big lore dump of the dlc, light on gameplay but gives some backstory of the Bakers. I was under the impression that Eveline slowly worked her way in the pysche of the family, so it was a little odd to me that here it shows they basically fall under her control immediately. I think it would've been more effective if it showed a gradual descent into madness.

Jack's 55th Party - I gave this a shot but it's not really my type of minigame. I did appreciate how goofy the whole thing is though (molded in party hats??).

Overall, a bit of a mixed bag, but I bought it at 50% and can't complain at that price. Worth it if you wanted more lore, or if the other two minigames look enticing.

I LOVE 21 ... however the survival plus variant of it has been wasting hours of my life these last couple days, so actually this is the worst thing ever. May the last 2 opponents rot in the video game equivalent of hell 🙏

Assim como a Banned Footage Vol. 1, novas experiências, muito interessantes e diferentes e divertidas, recomendo

i got so fucking good at blackjack

I think this package of "games" is alright. I thought the weird Saw games were kind of fun but too random. Then, I found the Daughters story pretty interesting. I liked how it had multiple endings and allowed for more playtime.

Compared to Vol. 1, this one kind of sucked. 21 tries too hard to be edgy and shocking, Jack's 55th was too goofy and got old quick. However, Daughters was very interesting and added plenty of lore to Evelyn's arrival, in the style of a true horror film.