Reviews from

in the past

Goes hard when combined with Parenti lectures

this gacha-ass game only deserves 1 star from me but it let scrawny 10 year old me play as a kooky goth broad which probably did something to my brain (/pos).

Why is TikTok not listed as a platform?

game made with the single goal of stealing away as much of your time as it possibly can.

Not as good as subwar surfers

This is where capitalists realized they could farm children for money

obrigado kanye west o subway money me tirou das dividas

Wait, where's the Family Guy and subtitles and satisfying video?

Okay so like I got no.2 on the hungarian 2024 week 19 leaderboards after playing for only one day since like 8 years ago, does that count as beating the game? Anyways it sucks lol, it's designed in a nasty way that takes advantage of short attention spans and locks you in a feedback loop of hundreds of mini achievements you can achieve under one run, gets you addicted slowly and manipulates you into spending money on it, while also pushing ads in your face and rewarding you insanely heavily for watching them. Yes I just unironically wrote a review about Subway Surfers...

i watch gampleay of this while watching family guy clips on tiktok

Love playing it on the side while I'm driving.

Um jogo marcante de android passando pra um símbolo de cassinagem (Subway money)

ruined more people than League Of Legends

Tigrinho foi de base agora o bagulho é subway money 💵🛹

(não joguem isso)

Temple Run 2 better >:(

(in all seriousness it's 3 stars like TR2)

Vale mt mais a pena jogar a sequencia de 2023 aonde você ganha dinheiro de verdade coletando as moedinhas e desviando de trens e obstáculos, cliquem no link no meu perfil pra receberem o bônus do Galopiano.

the game is kind of dead and wants you to spend money on everything. its alright to kill time, nothing special anymore.

I was there since the beginning (yep I'm trying to flex on you all)

who would've thought this game from 10 years ago will become a cornerstone of the tiktok experience in 2022

Культовый в своем жанре, который сейчас нужен лишь для видосов в тиктоке с историями из жизни, анекдотами или телефонными пранками

memories ... yeah its pretty alright

Foi um dos primeiros jogos q joguei da playstore e passei bom tempo nele.

>> Prós
• DIVERTIDO : O melhor desse genêro.
• SOUNDTRACK : A música tema é mt boa.
• TEMA DOS PAÍSES : Existe várias versões com diversos países do mundo, eu baixava o do Japão e Brasil.
• SKATEBOARDS : Simplesmente o GOAT dos itens desse game.
• BOTAS : Segundo melhor item do game, combinado ao skateboard é melhor ainda.
• JETPACK : Terceiro melhor item do game.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Frank.

it was meh since the beginning and now you see it so much behind "AITA for committing mass murder, shooting a dog, burning my ex's house down, etc" videos that it makes me want to die inside

lot of hours sunk into this