Reviews from

in the past

Goes hard when combined with Parenti lectures

Tigrinho foi de base agora o bagulho é subway money 💵🛹

(não joguem isso)

this gacha-ass game only deserves 1 star from me but it let scrawny 10 year old me play as a kooky goth broad which probably did something to my brain (/pos).

hey! tweet
bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing binb bing

Goes hard paired with that scene where Brian Griffin gets bloodily run over by a car

game made with the single goal of stealing away as much of your time as it possibly can.

the game is kind of dead and wants you to spend money on everything. its alright to kill time, nothing special anymore.

Not as good as subwar surfers

Such a deep story, really changed my views on a lot of stuff

no coin reviveu this game 1>50 reocrde do homem noamteji jkeito sei demais

Single handedly brought back Family Guy Funny Moments

who would've thought this game from 10 years ago will become a cornerstone of the tiktok experience in 2022

this + some reddit TTS or TV Clip is the ultimate slop combo.

Культовый в своем жанре, который сейчас нужен лишь для видосов в тиктоке с историями из жизни, анекдотами или телефонными пранками

How can you play this? There's no Family Guy!

Conheço um amigo do Senai que joga esse jogo até hoje

I predict the speedrunning scene will explode in 2 / 3 years with the most unfunny memes ever.

September 2022 update: LMAO

Why is TikTok not listed as a platform?

Vale mt mais a pena jogar a sequencia de 2023 aonde você ganha dinheiro de verdade coletando as moedinhas e desviando de trens e obstáculos, cliquem no link no meu perfil pra receberem o bônus do Galopiano.

Truly one of the endless runners ever

This and a Peter Griffin smoking crack

Temple Run 2 better >:(

(in all seriousness it's 3 stars like TR2)

very satirical take on society truly masterful writing the ending had me in tears

What if Temple Run but with an artsyle that didn't age as badly, had less depth, and I had to constantly tell my students to stop playing

Thanks Mom for forcing me to play this garbage so you could brag about be farther than your friends

This is where capitalists realized they could farm children for money

obrigado kanye west o subway money me tirou das dividas

memories ... yeah its pretty alright