Reviews from

in the past

There's something deeply ironic about people hailing this as "The Citizen Kane of Videogames" when it feels ashamed to even be one at all.

A linguagem cinematográfica em suas múltiplas expressões é resultado de um processos históricos e criativos que durante as primeiras décadas do cinema apresentaram as possibilidades e consolidaram essa mídia como uma linguagem própria, tomando a distância necessária de formas de expressão das quais o próprio cinema emprestou elementos, como a música, o teatro e a literatura. Para que o cinema pudesse de fato nascer foi necessário que houvesse um esforço em descolar-se de suas influências e apegar-se a sua própria tradição, tornando-se, portanto, a mídia mais autorreferencial já vista até então. O bom cinema celebra a si mesmo.

Os videogames, por outro lado, em específico o senso comum em torno da mídia interativa, celebra empréstimos, ou mesmo assimilações de artes alheias à tradição dos games, em específico o cinema. Deve-se, antes de tudo, reconhecer a relação histórica e a importância da influência da linguagem cinematográfica sobre a construção da cultura dos videogames, dado pontos de intersecção técnicos compartilhados pelas duas mídias. No entanto, cabe estabelecer que uma arte só existe quando ela realiza-se em si mesma, sem depender de empréstimos, isto é, a evolução da linguagem dos videogames depende que os games sejam cada vez mais games e celebrem a sua condição como jogo, diferente da ideia atacanha de compreender a presença de elementos cinematográficos em um jogo como sinônimo de qualidade dentro do espectro. Pelo contrário, nesses casos o que prevalece é a covardia de admitir-se como jogo e seguir a fundo um projeto de criação dentro das infinitas possibilidades da linguagem.

Sob essa lógica, The Last of Us apresenta-se como um jogo essencialmente de enredo, focado nas relações entre os personagens, valendo-se principalmente de cutscenes que pontuam os principais momentos da trama e dão sentido ao jogo, entre uma cena e outra existem sequências de exploração que consistem em segurar o direcional para frente e arenas de combate que permitem o uso de um combate quebrado e disfuncional oferecido pelos desenvolvedores, ao passo que, em termos de narrativa, principalmente nos momentos de cutscenes, após a segunda metade o jogo opera com qualidade. Trata-se de uma boa história, de bons personagens, cenários interessantes de serem observados, que no entanto não compõem um bom jogo, o corpo narrativo não integra-se junto às mecânicas, a relação se dá em dissonância, percebe-se um jogo disjuntado, cujas partes não possuem coesão. A muleta oferecida pelas sequências cinematográficas não mais é capaz de dar conta da complexidade que os videogames da ultima década demandam.

Cabe ao vídeo game negar qualquer coisa que não seja a si próprio, pretensões que visam alternativas alheias às qualidades da mídia retardam sua evolução, leia-se, perceber empréstimos cinematográficos como benéficos ou mesmo pontos altos num produto da mídia, nada menos é que desprezar a própria mídia e impregnar uma visão míope sobre suas possibilidades. Deve-se libertar o videogame e amar o videogame, pois este ainda não foi inventado.

The first time you play it, it absolutely takes your breath away. However, I think looking back, while it's still pretty strong, it's not as unique or interesting as other things I've played.

Um dos exclusivos mais famosos da Playstation e com toda certeza um dos melhores jogos da história dos videogames. Tudo nesse jogo é basicamente perfeito, desde a história até a ambientação. A evolução da relação de Joel e Ellie é linda, porque você consegue sentir que aos poucos os dois vão se tornando pai e filha. Os dois passam por situações tensas, beiram a morte e mesmo assim conseguem ter momentos lindos juntos. O fato da filha de Joel ter sido morta torna a relação deles muito mais dramática. Inclusive, é possível ver como o Joel passa a se sentir mais confortável em se abrir com a Ellie ao passar do jogo. A ambientação desse jogo é maravilhosa, tudo isso é muito bem apresentado com a direção de arte incrível desse jogo. Todos que tem a oportunidade de jogar esse jogo devem jogar, você nunca irá se arrepender de passar horas acompanhando uma história tão linda e cheia de suspense. Facilmente entraria para os melhores jogos da história, por tudo que ele carrega e pela sua influência não só nos jogos, mas também dentro do cinema. Inspirando até mesmo o filme Logan.

One of the best examples of what went wrong with mainstream games

Do you know the embarrassment of hearing people talk about a funny video, then watching it and finding it's not funny at all? That's my relationship with this game.

I hyped my brother up to buy it because everyone was calling it a masterpiece. He bought it, and then we played it. The game has a fast-paced introduction of a father trying to save his daughter, then you watch a cutscene, skip some years, walk around people talking, then cutscene, then talking... then cutscene... then you play a little bit of hiding and sneaking, then cutscene, talking.... and that's it.

I know it's a beloved game, but don't play it. Just go to YouTube and watch a supercut of the cinematic cutscenes.

I don't really see how someone can call it a masterpiece... It's not bad but definitely nothing special

Fantastic story with charming characters, from the very beginning of the game it gripped me with "that" emotional scene, ever since then I wanted to see where Joel's adventure would take him next and was not disappointed. Satisfying ending.

a lot of people point to 2007 as “the year gaming started to decline” due to dumb and frankly odd reasons but when you can really start to pinpoint when modern gaming started to lose the plot with the last of us.

i don’t hate it, but you start to notice a lot of the gimmicks and nuances that would plague a lot of single player story driven AAA games in the future, like how it tries to blend cutscenes and gameplay together in a bit of an awkward way, or how the gameplay takes a backburner to show of the plot that you have to take VERY seriously cause SAD things happen and obviously that makes a plot good cause it made you feel an emotion. the plot also has to have a lot of semi obvious twists that have to be their cause… cause it just has to ok???

it didn’t really help that a buch of san fran art school drop outs started to take notice at the rise of gaming after the 2010s gave way to a new found interest in gaming as a sub culture thanks to the retro gaming community and the popularity of titles like halo and portal. to that kind of crowd, this was the first game that “took itself seriously” despite being the video game equivalent of the later walking dead seasons.

either way, i still don’t hate it as a game, but i hate what it did to gaming as a whole.

The Last of Us consolidou o estilo mais cinematográfico no mundo dos jogos e merece ser respeitado goste ou não. História com protagonistas interessantes de acompanhar e boa gameplay quando está lutando contra as criaturas.

If you want to know how to write well-written characters, play this game.

I CHERISH THIS SHIT. One of my favorite pieces of art / media, it's just so well done and effective. I can't say much that hasn't been said already but it's a certified classic

My favorite game of all time. The most fun, but also the most emotional ride a game has ever taken me through. Everything from the combat to the looting was perfect. At that time this game was also one of the most beautiful games graphically that I have ever played. The ending was one of the best endings of any game as well.

It is a most overrated video game that I have ever seen boring story boring characters boring and generic yes graphics

Listen the story is very good but if someone says this game's story is the greatest story ever told in gaming I would be begging them to play more video games

HBO Showrunner: "Most games are pretty simple. You jump on enemies, you die, you have to insert another quarter to continue. The Last Of Us changed that."

As you can read from this statement, the history of gaming consists of 'Super Mario', NO OTHER GAMES, and 'The Last Of Us'. Oh by the way yeah, the game is shit from all aspects.

Actually what George Romero's movies always lacked was survivors doing hours of platforming puzzles and scavenging for broken garbage.

Yeah. It’s good. What can I say about The Last of Us that has not already been mentioned? There’s nothing to bring to the table except another 5 stars. But, I will say that I love this game because it can touch you in the heart. It has so much emotion put into it that the game part takes a backseat to the story. But the gameplay is still incredibly satisfying!! The game is just amazing. What else can I say?

An amazing and emotional time in a post apocalyptic world.
The story was simply brilliant and heart breaking at times.
Joel and Ellie were downright amazing. Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson did an outstanding performance.
The best parts were the Intro and Winter.
3 things are a problem for me.
1 is out of my control, 1 is inconsistent and 1 is enough for me to put this at 4 and a 1/2 stars instead of 5.
The 1st thing was sometimes the cut scenes froze then caught up. This was probably the disc's fault.
The 2nd thing was enemy ammo drop. Sometimes they dropped it and sometimes they didn't. Is it 50/50 or was the RNG not in my favour????

This game has one of the most stellar stories you'll find in gaming, with great character-based storytelling and chemistry between the two main characters. The gameplay leaves something to be desired, there's times where it gets a little slow paced and even the most suspenseful of moments struggle with awkward gameplay mechanics. The story ultimately overshadows it, though, and this is worth playing just for how engaged you'll be with the characters alone.

Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us is a 2013 masterpiece that perfected what had started back on Uncharted 2 - the formula being adapted to a 'mature western survival horror cinematic action game', with enough grit to attract the attention of hordes of baby-mans that enjoy feeling like adults by consuming “complicated violent male daddies” media.
Anyway, jokes aside, this is a fantastic game, the kind of game so good that, back then, generated fresh interest in the medium from folks that weren’t already into it. In other words, The Last of Us is probably one of the great examples of games that made people into gamers. Yes, gamers are not people.

Nowadays, shows its age with some of the level design, but still, we have here an unflawed absolute hit - if you can stomach what it offers and what it entails.

Played it "remastered" on ps4.

Hey erm I don't know if you know this but the story is actually really fwikken good dude, like dude it's so good. But fr this is still one of the only games where PPL DONT KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE WHEN YOU GET SPOTTED, YOU CAN BE GETTING SHOT AT AND SNEAK TO ANOTHER COVER AND THEY DONT KNOW. WHAAT. This game makes shooting 3 ppl more intense than any other game shooting 15.

- Uma área com 3 estraladores e outra com mais 3. 6 no total.
- Você tenta ser stealth. Os estralantes te escutaram e estralaram sua bunda.
- Você desiste de ser stealth depois de morrer tantas vezes pros estralapikas e resolve meter bala.
- Você matou os 3 entupidores e gastou metade das suas balas.
- Chegam mais 3 estupidores da próxima área. Eles não são páreos pra sua pistolinha.
- Tu chega na próxima área de onde os outros zumbis vieram.
- Eles respawnaram
- Você tenta meter o pouco de bala restante que tinha.
- Você morre.
- Dica da tela de loading: “Você pode optar por combate ou stealth.”
- Zero estrelas

l'une des pires chiasses puantes et odorantes que l'humanité ait un jour créée

This game is a real treat. You'll find yourself always wanting come back to see what's next in what's possibly one of the best "movie-type" games out there. As such it doesn't have the deepest gameplay, but that's not what this game is about. Genuinely a game to at least try before you die... Hopefully not to the infected!

Tive a sorte de jogar quando o jogo lançou e por isso não vi videos de let's plays e nem de curiosidades sobre o jogo, eu joguei direto e me apaixonei pelo jogo. Me apeguei aos personagens e a história o que me fez zerar o jogo mais de uma vez. Uma parte muuuito boa desse jogo e que eu tenho saudade até hoje seria o modo Facções. Só quem jogou o modo facções sabe o quão divertido e estressante ele podia ser, até hoje quero jogar um jogo como o Facções novamente, infelizmente não jogo faz um tempo e na última oportunidade que tive de jogar de novo só tinha gente nível 999+ e várias estratégias novas que eu não conheço kkk. Enfim, zerei o jogo muitas vezes, platinei e agora esse jogo tem um lugar guardado no meu coração. Recomendo muito.

Over ten years since it was first released, I finally decided to play the first video game ever with a story. Hearing nothing but praise, and seeing it called one of the greatest games of all time, expectations were high going into it.

Taking place in a desolate world overrun by infected mushroom zombies, the main character gets wrapped up in the world's longest escort quest across half of America, taking a girl who possibly holds the cure to the outbreak through several states. It's here where you see the state of the world 20 years after the outbreak started, and in typical fashion, it's every man for himself. Joel isn't afraid to reduce the already dwindling human population if it means he survives, and his selfishness is a very prominent theme, right up to the game's conclusion where he forsakes humanity for the life of a single girl that he came to view as his daughter.

Joel isn't a good person. Very few people in this game are. Yet together with Ellie, you can't help but take his side. Their dynamic throughout the game feels very organic, and you see them both change throughout the game. While Joel becomes softer towards the end of the game, we see Ellie become quiet and less jovial, coming to terms with the lives she was forced to take and the trauma she has gone through during their journey. A moment that stands out for me is when she hacks somebody to death with a machete after he attempted to assault her, it's a pretty impactful scene. Their back and forth dialogue isn't grating, but some lines do border on marvel tier writing, though a lot less cringe. I'm not going to detail every part of the story, but I agree that from a narrative standpoint, the game is pretty decent.

However, this is a PS3 game. And I say that in the most derogatory way possible. I don't think this standard of gameplay holds up very well at all playing it in 2024. It's not terrible, but it's not exactly satisfying either. The gunplay especially feels weak, no doubt deliberately due to the game's focus on survival elements and its attempts to incorporate stealth. It feels very formulaic, where you enter an area and enemies are patrolling, so you either kill them all with guns or use stealth to quietly take them out. The only time the stealth felt good was the chapter where you play as Ellie and have to escape through a snowstorm after being kidnapped. Why? Because she has a knife with infinite durability, and the snow actually provides cover. We can't forget the classic mechanics such as moving a ladder, pushing a crate and boosting your partner up so they can then pull you up too. Very much game mechanics from that era of gaming.

Also, you're trying to tell me Joel didn't bleed to death, get his wound infected or die from hypothermia after the university chapter? He's immune to death, they should be using him for the cure instead.

Overall, it's a pretty good game and I'd say it's worth playing for the journey, but it's far from one of the best games ever made looking back on it.

Yeah guys the game is good. But can you please stop remastering it and remaking it every 5 months?

uma das melhores experiências que tive com jogos