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The thing about the Telltale-like Choose Your Own Adventure branching story games is that, if your game is fun and endearing, people kind of don't care if they can see the seams. Its true for the original Walking Dead game and its true for Until Dawn. Just a banger time hanging with some dipshit teens on their dipshit mountain.

Good game for a kind of watch party setting. I played this one with my mom lol

It's a pretty decent interactive movie kinda thing. It fully embraces horror movie tropes and runs with them, which is both charming but also kind of just makes everything a little too safe and predictable in a way, for the most part. It plays it safe until it goes a bit off the deep end in a more surprising direction, though I found that that change in direction kinda broke the experience a little bit.
The game also expects you to just accept certain things that are a liiiittle too convenient and far-fetched for me. There's also some revelations that are a little too obvious, while another one that also seemed pretty telegraphed, but less obviously so, never actually manifested. Like, for instance, there were some moments of especially bad acting by one of the characters that made me suspect there was something more going on with him than there ever actually was. It was just... bad acting. You know, instead of intentionally bad because of the character, in universe, being untruthful.

Overall it's a bit hard to talk about the narrative here. For one, I don't want to spoil anything but also, it's a narrative that changes based on your choices and, to a lesser extent, your performance. There isn't much gameplay to speak of, besides some clunky exploration where you walk around and examine things marked by a shiny dot in a very linear way, and QTE's that can also be a little clunky.
Besides that, you just get presented with a few choices to make in a pretty short moment and while they don't always clearly mean what you think they mean, that only very rarely ends in any real frustration and if anything it just matches the vibes of having to make quick, rash decisions while panicked out of your mind, like the characters are in that situation.

The consequences of your choices are really impactful, though, which I love. There are some cracks where you can peer behind the curtain of how things are put together a bit too much, like how a choice just loads up a certain scene that doesn't always transition the most gracefully and doesn't take every nuance into consideration, but it didn't break my immersion all that often and was mostly just impressive, especially compared to other, similar games that came before this.
It really is like an actual modern (well, it's almost a decade old at this point, but you know what I mean) take on the kind of FMV game that was popular during the infancy of CD-based gaming.

Also, for a decade-old game, it still looks pretty dang good.

Now, one thing that didn't work for me at all was the scare factor. I guess this makes sense since it's supposed to emulate generic horror movies more than, say, a Silent Hill or Resident Evil game, and horror movies almost never have any kind of effect on me, but I was hoping the fact that I was (somewhat) in control of the action would be enough for me to feel... anything. But I didn't.
Jumpscares by themselves don't do much for me, except annoy most of the time, even when they work. But in this case, I didn't even flinch once. They all just felt really cheap and were way too obviously telegraphed for me to be taken by surprise at all. Plus, the beginning of the game had so many cliche fakeout "just a prank bro" scares that I was already jaded by the time those were replaced with real jumpscares.

I can't say the same about my mom, though, who is in her 60's and doesn't have much experience with horror stuff. They got her pretty good with almost every one of them. To the point where I was wondering if that's something I should subject her to lol. I didn't know there were gonna be that many jumpscares in the game when I started it :x
But anyway, your mileage may vary. If you get spooked by horror movies, you might get spooked by this one. But even if not, it's an enjoyable ride nonetheless.

This is everything I was hoping David Cage’s ‘Indigo Prophecy’ would be.

At least in the sense that it’s narrative and gameplay mechanics operate and function in the same manner, but instead of devolving it’s story from a mature and compelling mystery into a 13 years old’s wet dream… it actually keeps up its sophistication with well written plotting while continually making each moment equally consequential.

Fuck yeah.

What a trip this was. The way they utilize and manipulate player expectations to tell a more complex and interwoven story is awesome. It never goes too far, and it almost always keeps you guessing. It’s easily my favorite horror narrative in any of the horror games I’ve played.

Its atmosphere is unmatched, and its characters are all well written- even when they’re not immediately likable. Supermassive clearly knows what they’re doing. Time to play The Quarry.

the entire cast of this game would literally push each other off the nearest cliff for a dollar i love it

5.5 | Por mais que ainda caia naquele velho formato de terror clichê, se sustenta bastante pela experiência mega imersiva na ambientação.

Aproveita bastante da câmera fixa nos cenários e existem qualidades realmente interessantes na gameplay que enfeita o formato da narrativa por não ter apenas jumpscares previsíveis a toda hora. Me intrigava por exemplo o conceito bacana dos totens durante a progressão da história, ou o sensor de movimento que é uma excelente mecânica para causar um medo a flor da pele no jogador em ocasiões muito tensas(principalmente nos dois últimos capítulos).

Mas a coisa mais intrigante do jogo inteiro são as sessões melancólicas com o Dr. Hill. As conversas profundas introduzidas a cada divisão de capítulos acrescentam uma imersão legal pro espectador e deixa-lo hypado pelo o que vier.

Tem sim algumas ideias maneiras. Só uma pena mesmo o roteiro ser uma estupidez total...
Nada nesse jogo consegue ser natural ou orgânico e com bonecos EXTREMAMENTE CRINGES. É tudo tão artificial os diálogos e as ações dos personagens que faz parecer um filme genérico americano. A atmosfera assustadora e inquietante não combina nem um pouco com essa vibe de adolescente pastelão tendo probleminhas de relacionamentos. No quesito textual o jogo é patético demais.

Além de não conseguir polir com cautela os pontos das decisões na direção. Da pra perceber que grande parte das escolhas tomadas pra conectar as etapas do plot são forçadas e fúteis, pois não aproveitam o objetivo da premissa sobre as consequências pelos seus comportamentos de forma orgânica.

Num geral, tinha potencial para gerar um jogo de terror divertido e emocionante pela incrível ambientação e ótimas mecânicas. Entretanto decidiu fixar nessa fórmula de terror caricata e plástica. Diverte, porém é fraquíssimo.

Literally the first game I beat on the PS4 and what a cool, unique jump into the next generation this was! Loved the unique controller functions combined with fun storytelling and the classic use of the butterfly effect that I always love.

first game to ever serve cunt. 'its cringe' thats literally the point you troglodyte

I love how the game shifts the genre of horror it's going for. Performances are great and the visuals really stand out.


This game is so much fun in the most simple way possible.

I think the ideal way to play this is to rent it or borrow it from a friend. Spending your afternoon/night to power through this game is the perfect way to experience it (and at night is when you want to play it for sure). And most importantly, play it with a friend!

My wife and I rented this game when it came out from a Redbox, so we only had 24 hours to complete it. Luckily, it's already a short game experience.

And "experience" is really what I would call it. It's barely on the cusp of being an visual novel "walking sim". I think most people actually would call it a walking simulator, but I'm a little more lenient because I'm fond of this game I guess.

The story revolves around a couple mysteries, and it's fun as hell to figure out where things are going. It's also a horror game, so there's plenty of fun jumpscares. It's like an interactive campy horror flick (completely intentionally, by the way!). The characters are pretty much every trope from a horror film, too. In what would usually earn a yawn and eyeroll from me, there's reasons why they're all like that so I enjoyed it a lot. Some of the characters have a growth arc too, which is cool to see.

Even when you think you may have the story figured out, it's still really fun to watch it unfold.

Some cons:
- The facial expressions have some jank. Dark Pictures studio just.. is like that. All of their games have really janky facial expressions.
- Some absolutely BULLSHIT deaths in this game. But mercifully, you can save and load often. In my opinion part of the experience is reloading and trying again. Some scenes will absolutely have you tearing your hair out (its kind of fun, to be honest)
- A couple characters are really really irritating. But hey, they're supposed to be older teens/college kids so maybe it's more realistic for them to act the way they do. I was able to push past it, but I can see if other people can't.

Like I said, this game is best played with two or more people watching you play. They don't even have to pick up the other controller for the co-op--just have some people around to watch the madness and mystery unfold. Great fun!

Played in one night in a dark room with a bunch of friends. Best way to play for sure

how anyone can give this higher than a 5/10 is beyond me. this is the horror game ever. i had fun laughing at it with my friends at least!

Great concept, sure hope they won't spam it to death without making any improvements on the overall design philosophy.

The story is very good even if it is just a parody of typical slasher flicks. While remaining true to that goal it still sets itself apart with need ideas. Animation is obviously killer for 2015 even if it suffers from some of the fish-faced expressions found in Skyrim.

O pico da Supermassive Games, depois deste foi apenas desgraça.

This review contains spoilers

Welp it's spooktober lads so obviously you play or watch something scary. I decided to play until dawn and man does this game do a great at job at being scary. Until dawn is a decision based game that takes place in blackwood mountain and it is divided into 10 chapters.You play as basically every character in the game except for 3 i think so there isn't really an mc. The characters in this game are Chris,Ashley,Emily,Sam,Mike,Josh,Jessica,Matt
Hannah,Beth,Dr. Hill and the stranger. The game introduces some of these characters in a pretty cool and unique way in chapter 1. Basically they have these intros that tell you about their personality and if they have a crush on someone or if their someone's best friend and girlfriend.
Sam is diligent, adventurous, considerate and she's Hannah's best friend.
Chris is humorous, methodical, protective and he has a crush on Ashley.
Jess is trusting, irreverent, confident and she's Mike's new girlfriend.
Emily is resourceful, intelligent, persuasive and she's Mike's ex.
Matt is motivated, ambitious, active and he's Emily's new girlfriend.
Mike is intelligent, persuasive, driven and he's Emily's ex.
Ashley is academic, inquisitive, forthrigh and she has a crush on Chris.
Josh is complex, thoughtful, loving and is Hannah and Beth's brother. Hannah,Beth, Dr. Hill and the stranger are the only ones without these character intros. This game definitely has a great cast. The story was great and interesting enough to keep me glued on the screen.If i had to name a problem about the story is that they didn't give Matt enough screentime. The decision making in this game really great. They actually matter in this game unlike in Twdg.Qte's are also handled very well. You don't need to have the fastest reaction time in the world but it also doesn't give any time to slack around and oh boy a failed qte in my playtrough literally got a character killed.Another interesting thing in this game are the totems. Basically when you pick them up they show you something from the future that YOU can prevent by making the right decisions. These totems are totally optional and i never really picked them up so i wouldn't know what could happen in the future. The visuals in this game are chefs kiss. The dark enviroments and the creepy sounds are definitely some of the things that make until dawn scary. Josh being the antagonist of the game was kinda predictable at first but the part where they make Chris save Ashley or save Josh made me think it was another person. And speaking of Josh he is absolutely a great antagonist. He basically pulls another epic youtube prank to all his friends because they were responsible for the death of his sisters. The sequences with him and Dr. Hill were very intriguing. At first you think Josh was the one who killed Jessica (she died in my playtrough) but then you learn about the scariest part about this game the wendigos. Their basically these orphan of kos looking monsters and whenever they appear the game gets filled with tension especially at the chase sequence with Emily and the part near the end where the lodge is crawling with wendingos. Don't even get me started on those parts where you don't have to move the controller. I would definitely recommend this to someone who likes decision based games or just wants to play something scary for halloween. Overall this is a damn good decision based game with great visuals, story, and characters. 9/10

its so funny watching bad things happen to those people

A must-play for every horror fan who owns a PS4 or PS5. An interesting story, fantastic visuals and a clever use of the PS4 controller make this game an exciting and terrifying ride.

que jogo divertido! definitivamente uma das experiências mais legais que eu tive com jogos de escolha depois de detroit e esse jogo me prendeu bastante! por mais que eu não ache a mecânica uma das melhores, eu passo um pano porque claramente o foco do jogo são as escolhas que você faz.

particularmente eu fiz muita escolha idiota e completamente imbecil pra tornar esse jogo um filme slasher dos anos 90 e não me arrependo! divertido demais e pretendo platinar ainda esse mês, só não curti muito a dublagem em português, as vozes são ótimas mas achei que faltou um pouco de localização e adaptação pra lingua

sam te amo

there were no gay sons and only thot daughters in the world’s shittiest supernatural narrative with like one character that was not unbearable

Yeah I'm giving this a 4.5 I don't give a fuck honestly this is a hot take but this is by far my favorite PlayStation exclusive. Loved the horror atmosphere loved the story and found it extremely intriguing and the characters were great to be honest besides one but I'll give a character ranking shortly.

I did have two deaths happen throughout my playthrough first one was Emily which I caused on purpose because I fucking hate her guts and I also got Ashley killed because of a stupid mistake. Spoiler warning but instead of going with the group I went to check out the voice as soon as I selected that option I had a thought that these Wendigos could mimic voices and yes of course they can but I didn't want to restart my game and go back as that ruins the whole point of the game. I'm sure if I want with the group she would of survived.

Now I only played this during the night which might be why I took a lot longer to finish it then what I would of liked too I started at like 11pm on the 23rd but didn't play for long as I was too tired I can't recall playing any on the 24th but I did play for 4 hours last night and I finished this 23 minutes over 12 so I guess it really only took me 3 days to complete.

Now for my character rankings imma just get this out of the way but Sam was my favorite easily and she get's plus +3 points first point she played in my favorite film franchise Scream. second point is because Hayden Panettiere is just mummy and extremely bad and the third point is how bad she is like why is her in game character so bad like we needa talk about that ass as soon as she got the sport gear on I couldn't stop staring every time that ass was on screen. I'm so down bad bro. Anyway here are my rankings

Overall I love this game will probably replay sometime in the future I might even go for it's platinum.

i do love me some b-horror movie stories and i played this with my girlfirend who hates both horror and video games and she actually had a fun time

This was probably one of the best horror experiences I've even head. Truly amazing, the story, the ambiance, the sound design everything's just so good.
Go completely blind and you'll enjoy it!

After trying out the Dark Pictures games, and liking them a lot, I thought I need to check out Until Dawn, the first major Supermassive horror experience that is considered their best, and loved by many. After 6 hours, the credits rolled and I was left with a lot of questions, and most of them started with a "why". After consideration, I believe this is a "Walking Dead situation" all over again, when Telltale delivered a game that was so new to a lot of players, that they instantly loved it, no matter what.

In Until Dawn, you play as a bunch of teens, who are up in lodge with the host who invited them a year after a tragic accident that affected him mentally. The "party" is basically an excuse, they just kind of bonding and talking about the event that was taking a hold on the group, and not so long after the guests arrive, strange things happen. You need to make sure that the group stays alive, because any one of them can die a horrible death, and cannot be saved from what is lurking out there.

The main theme of Until Dawn is loss, nature and mental health with a bit of grief, love and survival sparkled in to make sure everyone is satisfied. What I really, and I mean really disliked about this game is the writing. Until Dawn tries to surprise you, making sure that you do not know anything for sure and question your choices during the game where you need to choose from 2 options. Rather than thinking fast, you need to think about the consequences of your actions, but certain events need to happen in order for the story to progress. No matter what you choose, certain things will play out the same way, as some of the cast has gigantic amount of plot armor. This issue was mainly a "me problem" I guess, because I experienced the Dark Pictures first, where totally different character moments can happen on different playthroughs.

Until Dawn's strongest aspect however is the fact that this cast is great and I really liked most of them. Usually, these games offer a wide selection of characters and most of them are annoying, but here, they managed to make most of them stand out on their own. I really liked Sam, Mike and Chris, Ashley had her moments, and I wanted to spend more chapters with Matt and Jessica.

However, the worst offender of them all, the gimmick that should have been great was Dr. Hill, who was so under utilized that after a big reveal, I almost felt betrayed by the writers. He is supposed to analyze the players actions, judge them based on their poor choices and make them question their own decisions. Pretty much like the Curator in the Dark Pictures, who is always there to mock you, or even support your decisions. Dr. Hill's whole character is a weak gimmick, and I am baffled that people are not disappointed how poorly he was implemented.

Overall, Until Dawn is disappointingly mediocre, and I do not understand why people love it so much. Do not get me wrong, it is decently made and offer some good moments, but it is just not up there with the Dark Pictures, and those, even in their weakest moments shine brighter than Until Dawn.

A historia é uma salada mista (tentam por de tudo) mas jogar esse jogo foi bacana, levei alguns sustos, fiquei tenso, ansioso e tudo mais que um jogo de terror deveria propor.

Minha experiência foi bem da boa, recomendo demais!

I like narrative games and this is one of the best that do it well.

Eu nem sou fã de terror mas esse me criou

such a fun game, im obsessed with it! the horror factor is doubled considering i also live in the remote canadian wilderness, much of the scenery is what my home looks like for over six months of the year. the characters are all very enjoyable, even if you only enjoy hating them, and the aesthetic is perfect ♡

Every aspect of the early to mid-2010s zeitgeist ground up and served piping hot, such a treat to play for the first time. Terrible in the best way possible, I’m 100% inviting Until Dawn to the blunt rotation

graphics are amazing for the year, cool story, hooked me really well
