Reviews from

in the past

i ended up getting stuck in a time loop and played the same part of the game for an hour straight. how did i get into college?

Holy shit. Absolutely absurd game

This one is an actual masterpiece.
Insanely interesting characters and a really engaging plot, with an extremely good plot twist and I love all of it.
Please play it. Play it before you get spoiled. It's great.

Not a long read, but not a short one either. I read it all in about a week and a half. It's a great visual novel with very intricate meta elements.

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the best visual novel of all time? maybe not, but how this game includes the player (literally YOU. yourself.) is mind blowing.

totone is a video game based on a love triangle, with multiple, multiple irrelevant endings.

the way the game is designed, is to mostly end up in the end either not dating either of them or to be dating miyuki, who is the black haired character.

the other person involved in the love triangle, aoi, is potrayed as a weirdo from the very beginning. shes the weird girl, completely delusional and still involved in childish roleplaying, referred to as chuunibyou. her chuunibyou fantasy involves herself believing she lives in a game world, where she is just a character. she has literally no social skills and no self awareness over her appearance either.

to cut the review short and to the point, the game also contains super super r18 sexual scenes. though these are optional, unfortunately, they are very important to the plot. not because the player is meant to enjoy them (most weirdos who enjoy visual novels will enjoy them anyway), but it shows the lengths YOU as a player went to date the weird girl over miyuki.

to explain, the only way to not end the game in an ending where you are with miyuki, and instead with aoi, you as a player must make super fucked up decisions. like, super fucked up.

to summarize the worst, ending up with aoi involves CUCKING yourself by watching her fuck other dudes, literally eating their cum out of her, being turned on by that, and having your own turn.

though this was not fun to watch, its purposely an event you must choose to go through to show the extent you would go to not date miyuki (who, by the way, is the perfect, sporty, good looking popular girl in the game) and rather choose aoi (never seen a hair comb in her life, zero social skills, no friends etc.).

this is where the REAL plot of the game starts. as you have probably played through and ended up with miyukis endings multiple times, as hers are more likely and rational to get, you've had multiple times where you've "promised" to miyuki to always love her. again, this just happens at the end of playthroughs, and every playthrough is a fresh start.

however the plot point is that once you manage to somehow end up with aoi with your fucked up decisions, miyuki confronts you over it. not just the character you are playing, but YOU as a player. from this point on, miyuki becomes a terrifying character, does terrible things (animal abuse and murder etc). she is seemingly conscious that she is in the visual novel that YOU, the player, are playing, and she is also aware she is just a character in a video game.

its a lot better in the game than explained, but the fourth wall breaking is incredible. afaik, there is no media that involves the player themselves as a plot point like totone. i wouldn't consider DDLC one because it is more of a clone of this game. its a pretty cool concept and if you can get past the hard-to-watch r18 scenes, you'll be surpised at how cool this game as a concept is.

i also loved that when i finished the game, i realized, the title of the game: You and Me and Her, refers to me (miyuki), her (aoi), and you being YOU, not the character/protagonist (shinichi) that you play as in the game.

pouco susto muito sexo porem muito bom

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Pour moi c'est doki doki littérature club mais en mieux, plus long, plus dévellopé (tant au niveau de l'écriture de l'histoire et des perso que dans le coté "intéractions méta") et surtout plus impactant.

im dont regret because i played but i wouldnt want to play if i knew?

this was the first VN I ever read in Japanese, and it was an awful choice. Reading something meant to take 10 hours in 100 was NOT fun.

That said, I still abhor aoi, she deserves all that is bad in the world

honestly this thing is life changing

yeah guys i got tricked into thinking it was like ddlc cuz it said psychological horror on the box and then i realized im not interested in this game at all and i dont even like visua novels i didnt even make it past like 4 hours in

che incredibile perdita di tempo
grazie al cielo la versione di steam è censurata e non ho visto nemmeno una goccia di sborra
tutto ciò che è spacciato per innovativo in questo videogioco è stato già collaudato da altri, tra cui l'irreprensibile ed omosessualissimo kojima
non rompetevi i coglioni con i paragoni con ddlc perché le differenze sono molte di più rispetto alle somiglianze

Based weebs play it with the patch and spend just as long feeling emotionally torn as well as pitching a tent

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goodbye, aoi.

wouldve liked it more if i actually gave a fuck about the leads

unique game to remember forever

i think its hard for me to value anything more than sincerity in a work. a sincerely expressed feeling or truth, or whatever, can get you a long, long way

Plusy: pomysł na historię, jakość wykonania, fenomenalny VA, świetna muzyka
Minusy: bez solucji osiągnięcie true enda może być frustrujące

I have not fully completed this game due to my PC resetting, but the only thing I can say is this is an amazing visual novel that truly is something to be experienced without any info

playing this made me mad at how reliant ddlc was on jumpscares. i found the slice of life lead-up to be actually enjoyable and well written, and the worldbuilding in both acts was strong. the true end was meh.

haru is best girl

Somehow, the unholy matrimony between White Album 2, Doki Doki Literature Club, Undertale and NTR actually worked. The way meta elements are explored go beyond anything Doki Doki/Undertale tried to do and genuinely blew my mind multiple times, while also tying it with compelling drama and a love triangle I couldn't help but get super invested in. My only complaint would probably be the weak opening which literally made me drop the game for like a year, and the writer not being able to keep his fetishes in his pants (but that's par for the course with eroge). Also Kanako Itou song peak peak peak

Soon you reach the end of their journey: one filled with love, tears, jealousy, and many, many more emotions. Despite the world once seeming so one-dimensional, Y&M&H tosses and turns it in ways I haven’t seen in recent years. Never has a title made me question the morality in which players treat the characters whom set the stage since Spec Ops: The Line. Y&M&H pleads with you to stand firm with your choices, to understand the promises that were made throughout your playthrough, and to hold true the emotions felt.