Reviews from

in the past

It’s such a terrible game, you can’t help but go back and play it because of how utterly disastrous it is. A wonder for LITERALLY no one.

Character designs are great, though.

2/10. It functions. That's all I can say.

Okay. Does this game deserve a 4/5, no. Has Balan become a part of my personality enough that I feel like I have to rank it highly or it reflects poorly on myself? Yes. It's bad, but honestly it has charm, there's a game with potential somewhere beneath the very VERY crusty surface.

I'm the #1 wiki editor for this. I have a shirt about it

i had fun with it but the ending was so baffling to me it immediately dropped my impression of it. it wasn't bad but if you don't like simple platformers it definitely isn't for you

okay.. is hating on this game like a joke? like.. really?
if nights into dreams came out today would people hate it?
does everyone hate whimsy & magical games?

i don't really like platforming games but this was actually really fun & cute! it was soo comfy & charming! it felt like dreams but you're walking instead of looping in the air. the costumes were super fun to swap to & learn how to use them in levels! i haven't finished it but i just played 9 hours & got to the 9th level which was hard but fun!

i honestly watched so many videos when this game came out by huge youtubers shitting on it, i even got a recommended video from 3 weeks ago about it sucking. people comparing it to mario odyssey even though there's really nothing similar except they're platformers..

i will update my review when i finish it but i really enjoyed it!

There was zero Wonder in this World

An utter tragedy. What should have been Yuji Naka's big comeback in the gaming industry turns out to be his worst game yet- a pitiful, poor knockoff of Super Mario Odyssey that looks like it was made with Dreamcast hardware in mind and some inane, poorly-conceived levels, powerups, and especially controls that make for a hardly-enjoyable experience even when seen through the lens of old school game design.

I don't know if I'll ever actually take the time to play this.

Misunderstood gem.

(A game all is about the costumes and a fucking sleepyass hub world but the costumes rarely differ and if they do you probably would want to abuse a selection of them to break the levels. Yuji fucking Naka... This game will be forever remembered by Dunkey's video.)

desapegado de qualquer autoralidade em level design - te dá as ferramentas e você faz o que quiser enquanto explora As Histórias Mais Tristes de um jogo em cada fase (animadas espetacularmente pelo mesmo estúdio que fez as CGs de dragon quest xi). nenhuma vontade de ser cinema porque teatro é mais legal com todo o seu improviso.

o único nights possível em 2021

One button. One dream. One star (just kidding, I'll give it two for effort).

Platformer that is inspired by Mario, Yooka-Laylee, Banjo Kazooie etc. It's not exactly inspired with "costumes", a character/ability switching gimmick many remember from Donkey Kong 64. However, balance is thrown out of wack because the abilities overlap. "One button does everything" means you can't jump when you really want to unless you have the proper costume. Dialogue is in Japanese only. Levels are cutely presented, short and to the point, but some things aren't possible to accomplish until you unlock the proper costume. Story makes positively no sense, everybody dances one of two available songs when the darkness is purged. Difficulty isn't exactly consistent. Soundtrack and people memeing farmer Sneed are two redeeming factors - but not much else is good about this game.


Yeah, it’s bad.
Although I did have some fun for what it was worth, I couldn’t 100% complete a level early on because an item I needed to collect didn’t appear. I would leave the level and return. I tried restarting the game, restarting the console, redownloading the game.
I contacted Square Enix’s support line and they told me that it might be the SD card the game was downloaded to and to download the game directly to the switch’s internal memory.
Sure, Square. Sure.

¿Cuántos problemas de diseño tiene? Sí.

Creator of the beloved Sonic the Hedgehog series debuted a new mascot platformer earlier this year, this time focusing on costume-based puzzle solving. It has quite a few – ahem, “unique” – sensibilities, but it’s overall a clumsy, bizarre, and disjointed experience. I liked it more than the most, but there’s no question that this is an exceedingly strange title.

Full Review:

I will gift you a copy so you can enjoy one of the games of all time.

Este juego se miraba como algo bonito y entretenido, cuando lo jugué me sentí igual o más estafado que con algún juego de cell que vi en una ad.

More interesting than it has a right to be: a 3D collectathon platformer with a kid-design aesthetic with some truly baffling elements... full of uniquely implimented traversal gameplay dynamics that rewards scrutiny and strategy and even bending the seemingly out-of-range areas for exploration. Still hedging my bets in the middle because in terms of difficulty this is still baby-level and has an annoying hub and level unlocking system, but not so easily written off.

May this review protect you from wasting time in this game, the game designer did not want and did not try to make something pleasant and similar to the game.

Да обезопасит вас эта рецензия от бесполезной траты времени в этой игре, геймдизайнер не хотел и не старался сделать что-то приятное и похожее на игру.

I wish this game was a better. The potential for this is through the roof. A spiritual successor to sega classics like nights and sonic adventure should be great, but they squandered all that potential. The fact you only need one button to play this game really says it all. Sad.

Still gotta do the post-game sometime

solid weirdo platformer with open levels and fun ideas about "the jump button." no focus testing, no second guessing, just old japanese dudes trying to make something cool. would be someone on your forum's favorite game, were it on dreamcast. 3'Yuji

(they couldve skipped the boss fights though)

What's this game called again?
Balloon wonderland?

I love this game's atmosphere, story, music, art, pretty much everything aesthetic about it. It is so cute and it pretty much the exact story format that matches me the most. The problem is that its gameplay is horrible, the controls feel clunky and the level design do not really fit in with the suit gimmick very well, especially given that it is so easy for them to be lost. I wish this game had more time in the oven and more care, because I genuinely could have seen this becoming one of my favourite games of all time, but alas, I'm gonna give it 3 stars but it is pretty much entirely because of my own bias towards this game.

I love when balan appeared and said it's balaning time and balaned all vker

What where they thinking when doing this game

me cago en el puto gato que me acaba de saltar

This game is ALMOST onto something amazing and I need everyone to see that