Reviews from

in the past

remove the unnecessary overuse of the stylus and the weird artstyle and this is isn't the worst of the ds castlevanias

Have completed most Achievements and have done a 100% run with all enemy item drops

GOAT game. 10/10 gameplay 10/10 music 10/10 graphics. The art is worse than Aria but literally everything else is an improvement. Play Aria and this back to back if you want to experience PEAK igavania.

Talvez o fato de selar os demônios estregue a SUA experiência do jogo.

Only major complaint is the final boss, who is extremely annoying/boring and I dread every time I play. But other than that, this game slaps hard. The best bosses in the series, better implementation of the soul system than Aria, the best map design in the series, and some amazingly fun sequence breaks for replays.

Without the touch screen controls (if you use the No touch screen patch or definitive edition patch which i HIGHLY recommend it), this is basically just Aria of Sorrow but MUCH better

and i already loved Aria of Sorrow so this is basically just a glow up of a already favorite Castlevania of mine!

Underwhelming for a Castlevania game. Required grinding if you want anything cool. Movement feels weird and your walk speed is slow

Aria of Sorrow was amazing game but Dawn of Sorrow is formula perfected. Aside from character art that everyone complains about anyway, this game looks gorgeous with detailed, layered backgrounds and lavish animations. Music goes on par with graphics giving us best soundtrack since SotN without even one weaker tune. All the gameplay additions make soul farming and combat far more engaging. DS touch screen gimmicks do not become much of a hindrance (however reaching out for stylus in the middle of the battle can be distracting) and game 90% of the time still depends on button inputs. After all those years I am still impressed what IGA and his team achieved here even if lack of Ayami Kojima art is sorely missed.

Pretty much Aria Of Sorrow but not as good.

silver haired twink kills demons but slightly less cooler than the previous game

a really good successor to the GBA game, i get that the seals using the touchscreen could be annoying for some but honestly they're not that hard to do. the only one that's really complicated i'ts the last one. if you just don't want to deal with it just patch the rom and you'll be fine.

awesome game :)

We still need that damn Julius Belmont game

Level design confuso, mas o esquema de almas e de armas mt melhor

alright follow up to aria but the change in artstyle has always been a turnoff. still a great sequal just not beating the original anytime soon.

like the first one but worse. one of the most frustrating final segments in the series and also fuck the touchscreen nonsense

i hate the touch screen garbage but kino otherwise

This is one of those games that would be one of the best for me. Unfortunately, I learned some things about it and had to lower the score.

I love doing Luck builds in Castlevania games! Igavania games are weird about their drops and it's fantastic. You can get coffee, or a suit, or a magic vacuum that steals souls - it's so interesting. I'm not into grinding into games, but Castlevanias are the only ones where weird stuf you get pushes me to kill an enemy a few more times. So I pretty much lost all interest in the game when I discovered that in this game, Luck stat is borked. How do you manage to do this?!

Dawn of Sorrow is even more reliant on enemy soul drops than its predeccessor. Not only do you get cool abilities, and need them to progress sometimes, but also you need souls to craft better weapons.

So I went through the majority of the game getting steamrolled because I refused to switch out my Dancer Soul and my dumb 777 shirt, which, turns out, was all for nothing, since getting past 36 Luck gives you like a 0.001% bonus every level and Dancer souls don't even raise the luck that counts towards the appearance of souls. What.

if you download the touch skip mod, the game becomes way more fun

Une excellente suite à Aria of Sorrow. Garde ses mêmes mécaniques mais est plus long que celui-ci. Les boss sont parmis les meilleurs de la saga.

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 4.5
Story/Lore: 4
System: 5
Chracter: 4
Total: 4.4

I haven't played this since I was a kid, but damn.

I have gyat to finish this game

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One of the best Games for the DS. and arguably the best Metroidvaina game. Everything about this game is absolutely incredible (except the touch controls). Love the story and the way it looks. multiple game modes with a boss rush and new game plus with different characters. I love this game.

Worst thing about this game is the cinematics/portraits artwork. Everything you want in a Metroidvania game, the story also is a great conclusion to the castlevania timeline. Touch screens stuff isn't wonderful but doesn't take away from my enjoyment

Great AoS sequel, I didn't mind the anime take with this one. Still feels fitting and very pleasant.

Awesome sauce but the final boss sucks dick.

Maybe metroidvanias aren't my thing, maybe I have skill issues.
Soundtrack was great, cannot remember anything about the story, probably have to try the other ds games