Reviews from

in the past

Fallout New Vegas, from the bounds of my thoughts to rating games, does something no else does. Because if you take away the PC buggy-ness due to age, you have one of the best games ever produced. A game filled with so much fun, life, and creativity, that even while playing in 2023, it still holds up. Beyond even that of games release in the past five years. A must play for everyone; and something that is more then earned its worth to sit on my best games of all time list.

Foi o primeiro Fallout que realmente JOGUEI, e foi muito bom. O jogo é bem nos moldes dos jogos da Bethesda, o que eu gosto, onde você vai fazer as secundárias que às vezes são mais legais que a história principal. Possuindo uma gunplay muito boa e o uso do sistema VATS, o jogo é muito divertido de se jogar. O sistema de reputação também é algo que faz o jogo ser diferente, onde você não pode agradar todo mundo e precisa escolher com cautela seus aliados. Porém possui problemas que são muito significativos para ser um jogo perfeito

Bem legal, fiz muitas sidequests e o universo é muito bem construído. A história é melhor que a do Skyrim (o único da Bethesda que joguei) por exemplo, dando muito mais escolhas para você fazer, que REALMENTE mudam como o jogo é. A conclusão dela é boa e adorei o epílogo que aparece após você terminar o jogo, onde mostra o que aconteceu com cada pessoa/facção que você ajudou, mostrando que você REALMENTE mudou algo na vida daquelas pessoas.
Achei que faltou um pouco mais na questão social, pois você cria diversos laços, mas aquilo não avança; se você conseguisse ter um romance com certos personagens seria incrível para você sentir aquele personagem mais real.
Senti também que faltava alguma coisa ao completar algumas missões, alguma progressão ou mudança de alguma cidade, as quests pareciam que terminavam no meio.

O jogo é bem divertido. Porém não envelheceu tão bem, tendo diversos problemas que hoje em dia foram resolvidos, principalmente o tracking de missões. Além disso, eu precisei baixar alguns mods para o jogo ficar mais confortável de jogar, pois as mecânicas usadas na época envelheceram extremamente mal. A gunplay é divertida e a construção de build é onde o jogo brilha, onde eu me sentia jogando um RPG de mesa, onde você precisa colocar ponto por ponto, e o que você escolhe te ajuda muito em alguns casos. A exploração do mapa é legal e o jogo no começo é bem difícil.

Trilha Sonora
Meu Deus, a trilha sonora desse jogo é fenomenal. Usar a rádio para escutar as músicas deixa elas um pouco mais especiais e te deixam mais imersos no universo do jogo.

Pontos positivos e negativos
+Trilha sonora fenomenal
+Historia boa
+Boas sidequests
+Gunplay muito divertida
+Sistema VATS
+Muito legal mostrar a conclusão de tudo após o final do jogo
-Precisa de mods para ser jogável no pc hoje em dia
-Não envelheceu muito bem
-Algumas quests pareciam incompletas

Fallout New Vegas é ótimo. Possuindo uma história bem escrita, trilha sonora fenomenal, boas sidequests e gunplay divertida, o jogo chega a ser quase perfeito, mas não tenho como negar que parecia que precisava de mais conteúdo em algumas sidequests e que o jogo envelheceu bem mal, necessitando de diversos mods para EU me sentir confortável jogando, além de precisar baixar um para conseguir abrir o jogo em Windows mais novos. Nota 8/10.

I did a new playthrough in over a decade after finishing the Fallout TV Show. Still the greatest western RPG I've ever played. I just wish we had a version that didn't crash every 30 minutes.

Replayed the game and finally played the DLC. One of the greatest of all time. If you're reading this cut off all contact with the outside world and play this forever. It's worth it.

Still the greatest Fallout game ever made.

Fallout New Vegas es mi Fallout favorito.

Fallout New Vegas es el que juego con mejor inmersión de toda la saga (la saga 3D al menos), con una capacidad para tomar cualquier decisión, una ambientación increíble, un lore y personajes super buenos y bien desarrollados y una historia brutal.

La jugabilidad sigue siendo algo tosca ya que es prácticamente lo mismo que Fallout 3 (en temas jugables) con lo que sigue estando algo limitado, pero con la grandísima variedad de opciones para personalizar el personaje y mejorarle se puede cubrir bastante.

Las misiones tanto secundarias como principales, tienen todas muy buen nivel, no me he encontrado ni una sola que me haya aburrido, gracias a su estética tan oscura y tétrica que tiene todo en este titulo.

La variedad de armas/compañeros/lugares/armaduras y enemigos hace que te cueste encontrar repetidos alguno de estos, aparte de tener un diseño brutal y un desarrollo en el caso de los compañeros y enemigos buenísimo.

Lo único malo que podría destacar seria su pequeño mapa en comparación a los actuales, no es algo justo, pero a día de hoy si que se hace algo pequeño o vacío en algunos sitios (es un desierto, si, pero se nota demasiado vacío la gran parte del tiempo), aparte de un final que dependiendo de cual hagas puede ser mejor o peor, pero que no te dejen continuar después del final es un golpe durísimo, siendo aparte algo rápido y un poco agridulce.


La historia es una locura, somos un mensajero que tiene que entregar una ficha de platino en el Strip de New vegas, en mitad de la entrega Benny nos retiene y nos da dos tiros en la cabeza para quitarse problema, pero por milagro nos salva Víctor, un securitrón a cargo del Sr. House, lider de New Vegas, a partir de aqui tendremos libertad para hacer lo que queramos, pero a niveles muy locos, podremos matar a quien nos de la gana sin restricciones e ir y seguir el ritmo que nos de la gana, con una variedad en el dialogo asombrosa la cual nos dejara hacer/decir lo que nos de la gana, el desarrollo ira según con quien nos aliemos pero el objetivo final será una batalla por la presa Hoover en la mayoría de casos, al final del juego tendremos una "cinemática" en la que veremos lo que pasara en el futuro de New Vegas en consecuencia de lo que hayamos hecho durante nuestra partida.


Los DLCs en esta ocasión no los he jugado porque he acabado bastante quemado al tener un final tan rápido y sin la posibilidad de avanzar a partir de ese punto, cosa que no recordaba sinceramente, pero ya me los volveré a pasar en un futuro 100%.

En resumen, Fallout New Vegas es el juego de la saga 3D, con mejor lore, mayor importancia en el universo y la hora de jugar el mas libre y divertido, gracias a esa libertad que nos dan, de toda la saga, al menos para mi, los DLCs son una locura al menos como los recuerdo, pero esto ultimo no puedo decirlo con certeza.

meu notebook foi de base nn deu tempo de zerar

The only good modern Fallout game.

This review contains spoilers

Fallout: New Vegas is a post apocalyptic roleplaying game developed by Obsidian Entertainment as a spin-off for the Fallout series. While Bethesda was creating Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, they negotiated with Obsidian to develop a sort of “expansion” to Fallout 3, which later turned into this game. What followed was a 10-18 month dev period at Obsidian that took ideas from previous canceled titles in the series, like Van Buren (the old CRPG version of Fallout 3). I’m surprised that the game is as great as it is considering the low dev time with crunch, Bethesda’s buggy Creation Engine, and cut content ranging from post-game to playable ghouls and super mutants. While I’m never okay with crunch in game development, what came about is not only a much better game then most Bethesda titles, but one of the best RPGs of all time. I don’t remember how I got into this game, but I remember playing this all through my Xbox 360 days and having a blast as one of the games I would come back to often just to chill out. Unlike Fallout 3, I didn’t complete every achievement but I came damn close and I’ve always marveled at the improvements made between 3 and New Vegas. For PC, I bought this game long ago but I never really sat down to play it until my boy BFD Survivor went out of his way to mod the entire game because I suck at that, so without him this playthrough wouldn’t be possible.

The plot is going to be small because it’s intricate and based on player choices: You play as Courier Six, a courier who was ambushed and shot by a guy in a checkered suit (with a checkered past) along with a couple of Great Khans. However, you’re not dead and you’re saved by Goodsprings doctor Doc Mitchell, who heals you and sends you out on your way. The whole goal from here is to find Benny, and on the way you’ll run into various factions and quests, ranging from the New California Republic (from Fallout 1 and 2) who run a tight military with its own U.S. style political system to the barbaric slaver group Caesar’s Legion. You’ll find more groups, but those two and a mysterious billionaire named Mr. House are all fighting over New Vegas, a conflict which you’ll get wrapped up into fairly quickly. You can also choose a fourth route for Independence, and to do that you’ll need to look into Benny and his motivations. That’s about it for the explicit plot, but I just want to say that the writing here is fantastic in every way, cohesive and philosophical in its design as well as reactive depending on your choices.

The reactivity of these choices are amazing in how far they span, based on what skills/perks you have in what conversations as well. I don’t know how to explain it because of scale, but I’ll include a link here below as an example. Keep in mind the route that most take, you end up in Nipton first and you’ll witness Vulpes crucify the entire town in a lottery. If you skip this and confront Benny, then go back to Nipton you’ll get an acknowledgement from Vulpes that this is your second encounter. Otherwise, gameplay is solid and casual; combat is pretty simple and improved as well, with an aim down sights added as well as the ability to add weapon mods. Everything is a breeze with VATS, a lock on system and aim at certain spots on a character and for the most part it's overpowered as hell. Only thing I can really bring up as a criticism is you can recruit companions, which are awesome for the most part. However, I feel like in the quest to be casual, the game sacrifices actual faction balance to prefer an NCR playthrough. I hate the Legion, but I would’ve preferred at least one more pro-Legion guy to make it well rounded. The ideal playthrough pivots towards NCR to me, mainly because Boone is former NCR and Arcade hates the Legion, and while the others are kind of hit or miss there’s nobody really on the Legion’s side. There was Ulysses, a cut companion retrofitted into the DLCs but story wise sometimes it feels like there are certain sides you’re encouraged to join more than others. That’s my hot take though, and it doesn’t stop you from joining Mr. House or Yes Man and backstabbing the NCR later like I did. I hope I explained that well enough.

The graphics for New Vegas are the same as Fallout 3, maybe touched up a bit but for the most part it’s the same. What made me is atmosphere: whether you’re out in the desert dodging radscorpions, or murdering squads of Legion, one thing that you’ll have to get used to is the color brown. It’ll never NOT feel comfortable to me because of the warm vibe, and this mixed in with the ease of the combat I’ve never felt stressed or tense other than bugs. I’m okay with this, though I miss the gray and oppressive feeling I got from Fallout 3. The environments are for the most part mixed up enough to make it unique but cohesively blended. The factions are unique and interesting, with Caesar’s Legion sticking out like a sore thumb due to their Roman-like attire. Everything else in the game feels appropriate with a fifties/Mad Max aesthetic. One of the most unique and endearing factions for me have to be The Kings, which basically impersonate Elvis after a gang raided a school for Elvis Impersonators and I adore them heavily with their slickback hair.

The voice acting for the most part is probably voiced by the same couple of actors though there’ll be a couple of familiar faces: Ron Perlman is back as the narrator, Matthew Perry does pretty well with the obnoxious mafioso Benny, and I recognized Danny Trejo as companion Raul. There are others as well, Zachary Levi of Shazam plays Arcade Gannon and Kris Kristofferson plays Chief Hanlon but if I didn’t look that up on IMDB then I wouldn’t have noticed. Overall, the voice acting is solid, I didn’t really notice anything bad though I question if my standards are low because I hear people rip into Matthew Perry even though I didn’t think he did bad at all. Now the SOUNDTRACK! The main menu theme will always be recognizable but the credits that plays during the finale is just sad, the epitome of “You won, but at what cost?” and I wouldn’t be surprised if people have cried over this at some point. Most of it is new stuff by a guy named Inon Zur, but you’ll hear old tracks from Fallout 1 & 2 by Mark Morgan played as well. The licensed tracks are memorable with tracks like Johnny Guitar by Peggy Lee, Big Iron by Marty Robbins, and Ain’t That a Kick in the Head by Dean Martin. It all fits the atmosphere as a dangerous yet comfortable joyride into the apocalypse.

To wrap up the plainly obvious: buy/play New Vegas and DLC. Play it on Vanilla first then delve into modding. I won’t play this often due to my backlog, but if there's an endgame for me on gaming, modding New Vegas is it. I had forgotten my love for Fallout, and had chalked up its personality to “Post Apocalyptic Family Guy” with the constant references. I was dumb, and this game helped me rediscover my love again. For those who wonder if it’s accessible for casuals? Yes, even as a child while I didn’t understand all the nuance, I understood the content/subject matter while also feeling effective with combat. The only thing I can say is with modding New Vegas: prepare to have a lot of time on your hands as the Engine isn’t exactly stable. I used Nexus Mod Manager and had help from my buddy and I still had issues. What happened to everyone right after the release? Bethesda released Skyrim (another personal classic) and Fallout 4, Obsidian would go on to create Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds before both were bought by Microsoft later.


From Steam Reviews:

"Uhhhh actually, Caesars Legion made some good points. Life under them really wouldn't be that bad bro"

Joaozinnnn, toca aquela
joaozinho da guitarra, toca, toca aquela

genuinamente el mejor y peor juego de fallout

Jogo foda, história foda, arma foda, personagens foda, em resumo, tudo foda!

One of the best games ever made

Second playthrough.
The first time I played New Vegas back in 2016, I thought it was a janky, uninteresting piece of trash so I uninstalled it. I was pretty young and dumb back then. This game is indeed, very janky when it comes to gameplay. But mods fix that just fine.
When the word "role-playing game" comes to my mind, Fallout New Vegas is the most prominent title that I remember. In every sense of the word, this game is an RPG and an absolute masterclass at that. The character writing, the main narrative, side stories, environmental storytelling and many more aspects of this absolute gem of a game are executed perfectly.

Obsidian did the impossible and turned out one the best rpgs of all time in less than a year. Unlike Bethesdas retcon butchery, that goes on till this day, New Vegas respects its source in both narative and gameplay intention. Yes, it takes a bit of work to get this running on PC, cause its about as polished as a white BMW in a muddy landslide but its more than worth it

This game is god tier in role play games. It gives you freedom to be anything. I personally played as a sane scientific expert in Plasma that helped everyone in the Mojave. The second playthrough was an insane melee psychopath that joined the files of Caesar.

It isn't a FPS game, it's an FPS-RPG game. So it's not Call of Duty with numbers. And no, it's not Destiny either. But you may already have known that.

Factions are present. What the hell is a faction in this game? Well, it's a group with a certain ideology they follow. You can choose what to do with them. Ally with them, do some missions, gain their respect. Kill everyone, it's your choice.

Just play it, stop reading. Be the diplomatic Messiah the Mojave always needed or be the Boogeyman that puts the end to all conflicts, because they're all dead!

The DLC's are great too, some better than others but overall good. My favorites were Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, both take two wild approaches to it's story and gameplay.

The first play through of this game is amazing, with an unmatched sense if discovery for this incredible world. Actions truly have consequences, and in this game your actions can be whatever you want.

Took me several retries but game finally clicked after I finished Fallout 3 first. Coming from that game, you'll slide right in as there are only slight changes/improvements to gameplay. Desert and cowboys setting isn't really my jam, but glad that there's more variety in the environment as you progress with main game and in the DLCs. There are also multiple endings in base game and DLCs that encourage multiple playthrough (or reload your save game if you're hurrying). Got the "bad" ending trying to please all factions. Will definitely play again someday to try the other faction endings and shoot for other achievements. My biggest complaints so far is that it crashed a lot - even in the middle of combat.

Esse jogo consertou absurdamente tudo de errado com Fallout 3, ele tem uma história espetacular, ótimo sistema de RP, os companions são incríveis, e há facçãoes novas pois os devs estavam com novas ideias, como a eterna luta entre NCR e Legião de Cesar. Além do mundo interessante os Personagens bem escritos e um mundo bem construído e com isso em menos de 1 ano e 6 meses a Obsidian que era um baita estúdio com os games de RPG como Knights of old Republic 2 e Icewind dale 2, fez o melhor jogo de todos os tempos nós termos objetivos isso não é um jogo é um doutorado de Game design bem feito e o Final é incrível tudo na verdade é.

It’s taken a lot out of me to write a review of this game. Been a favourite game of mine for years, and every time something in my life happens — good and bad — I think back to this game. This is a long review, so bear with me. This is just me speaking from my heart, at 2am, after crying for a few hours. This won’t be an average review by any means.

It’s been a tough week for me. Tough year, even. It barely even started. I’ve had lots of losses and lots of personal realizations recently. And it’s been tough to deal with.

Is it stupid to think of a game like Fallout: New Vegas? Yeah. Maybe it is. But when I say this game changed my perspective on life, I mean it.

This whole game is about letting go which is something I have a hard time dealing with. Letting go of friends, of viewpoints, of habits… it’s never been easy. Especially when it’s something close to you.

But something that always comes back up is the theme of letting go to what you hold dear. Every single time I think it’s this foreign concept that I’ll never master, I remember playing FNV. I remember playing the dlc, I remember finishing the main story, and realizing that I let go of so much. By completing my main save, I let go of my character. By doing the dlc, I let go (in game) of old concepts and beliefs.

It’s poetic. To let go of a core part of yourself isn’t easy. It’s something I hate doing even though it’s inevitable. But this game — and the lessons it taught me — has almost guided me through this process, like a helping hand.

For months I wanted to write a review of this game. I never knew how, nor did I know what I could write about that hasn’t been said already. “Good game, great writing, bad graphics, famous mechanics,” etc. gets stale. I never saw someone talking about the core lesson that it taught me and has taught the biggest fans of this game.

Recently I’ve had to let go of a lot of timings I held dear. I won’t say specifics, obviously. This is a largely anonymous review. You don’t know my name, nor do I know yours. You’ll never think about me again. But one thing I hope people take away is that, if the theme didn’t sink in, play it again. If you’re having a hard time coping with grief, play this game. It’s a soothing hug, a guiding hand, a gentle voice — all reassuring you that it’s okay that the process hurts, it’s inevitable but it passes with time.

Nobody’s going to read this. But I’m finally ready to write this review of the game. It’s been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. I could never find the words to put how this game has helped me down on paper. But I finally did it. Everything clicked. I finally found out how to write it all down. I can move on from this, too, even if it’s minor. This will be a hard week but I’ll move on.

If anyone is reading this and is struggling too, time will pass and carry you with it. Everyone has the capacity to let go and move on. It just takes gentle guidance.

this is my favourite video game of all time. since first completing the game in an extremely bare bones, A to B main questline speed-thru in 2020 (working for MR HOUSE? WHY?) i've 100ed% this bad boy at least five times using a myriad of different character quirks, builds and faction affinities. you'd think i'd be bored of it by now, but yet every few months i find myself coming back, unable to resist the escapism that comes with feeling like a political mastermind-rough around the edges gunslinger-deranged mailman hybrid revolutionising the political landscape of a recovering post-war 23rd century society and ushering in a new era, devoid of misguided nostalgia for the past.
also you can give yourself like really high luck and just rob every casino under the sun which is based and awesome

This is the greatest video game of human civilization.

The themes of the past and future in New Vegas are so thick you could slurp it up. The struggle of keeping any status quo or rebelling and trying something new, trying to break the curse the Old World could not. Caesar foolishly following the leads of past facists, with the aesthetics of Romans to mask him. The NCR, either knowingly or not, becoming the same bureaucracy burdened, expansion hungry government as the one that was responsible for the hell world they live in today. House, still alive from the past, obsessed with his own ego to prove he is better than everyone.

The Sierra Madre, a monument forever kept for the memory of a man who wished to protect someone from the terrible future. Dean Domino, wasting away for 200 years just stuck on this fucking plan to steal gold that means NOTHING now. Catherine, hell bent on revenge against Elijah who also cannot stop jerking off over old world tech.

Joshua Graham, twisted so far by the words of Caesar eventually leading to a rubber band back to man trying to redeem his actions. He may still be tainted by that past, but he truly is trying to make people's lifes better now, in the way he think he can.

The scientists of the Big Empty, a symbol of the terrors, and sometimes gifts, that the Old World left scarred deep into this new era. Maybe they could become better people, maybe they would not burden this newborn land with the pre-existing poison they have exuded. We can see that with Doctor Borous, although he is definitely stuck in the past because he could not get over his high school life, does eventually have some feelings when presented the bowl of his former dog. He feels regret over experimenting on something that unconditionally loved him, but tries to push those thoughts down, im sure a coping mechanism forced upon by the ways of the Old World. Maybe it would be better just to leave them be, let the Old World go and focus on a new future.

Ulysses knows all to well all of this. He went to the same places you did, talked to all the same people you did. He knows the struggles this new era is having with the past and present. He comes up with his own solution, hoping that you too, will see something is wrong. At the Divide you will see the fresh hell the Old World caused. The fresh radioactivity burns your skin, the land is torn asunder, almost making a new, dark Grand Canyon, and the winds so whipped up as to flay that burning skin off your body. This is sins that the Old World were brought to bear, this is the sins you were unwittingly apart of. You brought a device here that exploded the warheads here, starting a new hell for this area, reopening the wounds made by the Old World. These scars can be opened again, and one must be real fucking careful not to do that. He wants to face what you've done, while also using you to further his plans for the West. He found that there is no future with the current powers, they would both lead doom. Either a fascistic power that would leave nothing sustainable, or a government that doesn't see the wound they are slowly opening again. He wants to wipe it clean again, like you once did here. Eventually those woulds will scar over again, and maybe the Old World will finally stay back.

You've seen contrary to this however. You can set up a new independent nation, one different from the Bear and Bull. You can attempt to look for a new future, one not so reliant on the repeated failures of the Old World. You are the courier, you have been around, you have seen the West, spoken to its people. With this in mind, you don't need the past, the future is here, in these people that struggle to live in this new world. All you gotta do is drive away the floods that try to bring back that Old World stink.

Used to prefer 3 over this, the desert environment didn't do it for me. But after careful consideration I changed my mind. Haven't played the DLC.

nice spinoff of fallout 3 but not as memorable as the original

Each mission, I got a story to tell