Reviews from

in the past

Espectacular el estilo de los gráficos, la música... es un juego muy agradable visualmente y a veces muy intenso. Me ha faltado que las mecánicas tuvieran un poco más de enjundia, y me ha fallado que esa “intensidad” de la que hablaba antes tuviera un fondo narrativo, un motivo más explícito. Como no lo hay, me ha dejado un poco vacío.

Great walking sim so far. Very relaxing and beginning a well contrived story.

A fun little platformer with a unique way of using color in gameplay

Visually breathtaking. Mechanically dull.

Very pretty game we beat with a friend on a rainy afternoon.

Short artsy game with amazing music. Pleasant experience overall

totally my jam: fun puzzles, beautiful graphics, touching story, great soundtrack

Gorgeous animation and art direction, but when I got stuck recently I found I had little to no urge to continue. The gameplay is not exciting at all (at times it could be frustrating, even) and the vague story wasn't exactly pulling me in. IDK, maybe I'll try again at some point.

c joli mais je l'ai jamais terminé

As a game, I think it's too concerned being "artsy" that it forgets to smooth/flesh out certain gameplay elements, bringing down the moment-to-moment experience. However as an audiovisual piece, it's incredibly rich, painterly, and downright gorgeous, and for that it gets a lot of cred. Definitely need to replay.

Grande indie, ottime soundtrack.

é assustador como a cada segundo, eu sentia que o jogo estava, na verdade, falando de mim. você não consegue evitar se sentir parte dela

Incredible game. Musically graceful, aesthetically enchanting... I bought this game a month ago without even knowing what it was about, but never started it because of laziness. Decided to try just a few seconds of it two days ago and it gripped me immediately and very strongly.

I felt like the last few puzzles were a little frustrating, but it's an overall a very good and gripping game.

Finally, a game I can recommend to my therapist!!

Harika müziği- ve sanatsal teması ile kesinlikle oynanması gereken bir oyun...

Muito lindo além de ter uma soundtrack incrível, ótimo pra relaxar

eu achei esse jogo tão incrível, a história que ele tem por trás contada a partir de cenários, o quão belo esse jogo é, e o tanto de sentimentos que ele trás para quem o jogo, com uma história de superação muito linda, fazendo mesmo sem diálogos uma pessoa chorar vendo esse jogo incrível, com certeza um dos meus favoritos

bonito d+ mas assim só isso tbm... e vamos parar com essa desgraça de 5 fases do luto amigo ja chega...

Arte Visual, Arte sonora, Arte emocional, Arte Arte ✊😔

A short, simple puzzle platformer that's fairly cheap is a pretty easy sell for me; I'm a basic bitch who knows what he likes. I'm not usually one to tout the more "experiencey" entries in the same breath as some of my favourites; I feel like the more one-and-done nature of them can be more a hinderance that hampers replay value, but I'll absolutely stand by them having merit in equal measure of any other stab at the genre.

Enter, Gris, another more experience driven platformer. On its own, it's fine. Running and jumping works, as you'd hope, and there's a few unique secondary abilities that each get a moment to shine, some optional collectibles, plenty of puzzles, the works. But Gris is artsy as fuck. In a pretentious way, or in a way that'll move a player to tears? I dunno, it seems to be a point of debate that varies heavily from person to person. If it means anything, I was invested in the game's silently spoken narrative allegory for depression, so take that for what you will.

But the artsiness of Gris doesn't begin and end with its conveying of the story. Holding the game up, akin to similar titles like Journey, is a stunning artsyle that makes for some of the best I've seen in a game in quite some time. Add to it a sweeping soundtrack that I'd definitely be fine with listening to outside of the game as well, and you've got a pretty good time on your hands. Gris probably won't blow you away much beyond its visuals, but it's hard to undersell how much heavy lifting a strong artstyle really can do for a game sometimes.

A melhor adaptação do que é arte em formato de jogo.

This game is just so good damn. Not for everyone but definetly for me xD The soundtrack and sounddesign was stunning. the game in general looks so so so so beatiful and the story is really touching. I recomend playing this at night when youre in a really chill mood.

They forgot to add the rest of the colors to the name

sem palavras pra esse aqui. primeiro jogo que comprei no ps

El arte hecho videojuego, todo lo que esté relacionado con ello lo borda, pero el gameplay es muy básico y es (en mi opinión) muy caro para lo que dura (15 euros sin rebajas para 6 horas platinado).

Si tenéis un colega en steam que lo tenga/veis una oferta considerable y os apetece una tarde de lloradita os lo recomiendo.