Reviews from

in the past

Como é linda a depressão...

A journey into the 5 stages of grief, Gris is a relaxing platformer that says a lot, without ever saying anything to you, while touching one of the hardest subjects.
With interesting puzzles and mechanics, well introduced and developed, Gris sets the atmosphere with stunning animation in its hand-drawn meets watercolor art style, while the amazing soundtrack sets the mood.
An amazing, experience, one that found me fighting the urge to take a screenshot of everything.
Short but stunning. I could not suggest it more, seriously.

Imagine um jogo que tira a ansiedade , coloca o jogador em um mundo tão perdido mas lindo ao mesmo tempo , em que existem 100 interpretações diferentes , e todas estão corretas . Esse jogo é gris , personificação do simples , mas bem feito , no jogo você pode correr , pular , nadar e depois...Cantar ? Mas calma ! Esse jogo não é sobre música , eu prometo , é sobre luto , reencontrar a si mesmo aos olhos da protagonista , ter o espírito inquisitivo e forte de prosseguir apesar do que jogam em você , é sobre colorir o mundo e a si mesmo , sobre enxergar o melhor que você é e pode ser , Gris é muito mais uma experiência audiovisual do que um jogo , o que pra alguns jogadores talvez seja ruim , mas se você tiver a filosofia de que jogos são arte e podem nos fazer refletir sobre como e por que vivemos , esse jogo é pra você

As vezes me falta palavras para falar de Gris, de tão bom que esse jogo é. Vamos por tópicos.

História: Quase certeza que esse é o ponto forte do jogo. O jogo não te dá nenhum texto para ler nem diálogos, ainda assim, você sabe exatamente do que o jogo se trata e sobre o que a protagonista está passando. Gris, é sobre perda, sobre perder algum parente, algum amigo, algum bichinho, sobre qualquer coisa que seja. Sobre os estágios da perda; negação e isolamento, raiva, barganha, depressão e por fim, aceitação. É sobre superar, e saber que saber que no final de tudo, você não está sozinho.

Gráficos: Digo sem dúvidas, que de longe, esse é o jogo mais bonito que já joguei. Cada frame desse jogo parece que foi pintado por Van Gogh e qualquer um daria um wallpaper lindo.

Música: FANTÁSTICA, LINDA, LINDA, LINDA. O jogo não peca em nenhuma música, e a musica main do jogo é a mais emocionante de todas.

Gameplay: Simples, porém bela e alinhada com a história do jogo. Os puzzles não são muito complicados e te faz desfrutar bem os cenários do jogo. O jogo não é longo, e dura em média umas 6 horinhas.

Conclusão: Maravilhoso, lindo, emocionamente. Isso é Gris.

Uma obra de arte em forma de jogo.

A visually gorgeous game but the puzzles were a bit boring and if there was a story I didn't really notice it being there

One of the best visually appealing games I've ever played, an 1 of 1 unique experience of going through a persons grief, regret and comeback.
The color palette used for this game was relaxing and calm to look at.

Music was very fitting with the peaceful atmosphere and I will definitely use the BGM from this game to listen to as background music.

The gameplay was okay. I loved the way the game taught all the mechanics right in the world, no tutorials needed. Puzzles and exploration were not hard to navigate through, mostly one way traffic. Movement was smooth, except the clunky jumpsout of water

I highly recommend this game for whoever wants to go on a emotional journey with a lot of abstract pieces of story to put together.

Visuelle magnifique et bande son du même calibre.

The water in the watercolor visuals are actually my tears

Jogar isso é um favor aos seus olhos

i get her shes so me... i miss her too

El juego más hermoso que he jugado hasta ahora. Yo diría que es el ejemplo perfecto de cómo se puede hacer arte en este medio. Un juego corto lleno de emociones y metáforas; la atmósfera, la música, el diseño y la historia hacen que te sumerjas por completo en este mundo que te lleva de la mano por las distintas etapas del duelo.

They forgot to add the rest of the colors to the name

Artísticamente es una pasada, uno de los juegos indies más bonitos que he visto, el gameplay es sencillo, muy corto, sin mecánicas complicadas y puzles simples. Quieren contarte una historia a través de su arte, y lo consigue.

Very pretty, very short. Those are the two things that come to mind when describing Gris. Its basically a Journey clone, but with more of an emphasis on side scrolling puzzle platforming. The story is almost non-existant, although it alludes to themes of death and grief, and a mother/daughter relationship. Graphics and soundtrack are gorgeous, and easily the games strongest suits. But I definitely had that slightly empty feeling of "Oh really, that's it?" as the credits rolled.

Ill go back and clean up the collectables for the Plat, but I doubt Id replay this down the track. Its nice while it lasts though.

Edit: Got the Plat, took about an extra 4 hours. Always a bit annoying when tracking down meaningless collectables takes like twice as long as the main story.

A beautiful game with lovely artwork and music. Simply a nice experience to play through. To me, this is more of an experience, almost a piece of art, than a game. The gameplay and puzzles were good, but not good enough for me to consider this an overall truly great game.

this might be the most beautiful game i have ever played
the visuals are gorgeous and the sound the design is immaculate
the attention to detail makes this world feel whole
the only complaint i have is the lack of focus on gameplay in the first half
i quite enjoyed the parkour and puzzle section in the latter half so i know they are capable of it
definitely something everyone has to esperience once

simple gameplay but possibly the only game that has made me cry

You can file this in the special filing cabinet of games that I know I played and I know I kinda liked but if I had to explain a single thing about them to you I'd have to excuse myself to go to the bathroom, climb out of the window, and run for my life.

jogo lindo e simples, não precisa inventar muito n blz?
isso é videogame.

This game is fantastic!

Gris is not only one of the most artistically beautiful games I've played in awhile with its rich artstyle and music, but also a near perfect example of how to teach gameplay concepts to the player without the use of a single tutorial.

This is largely a puzzle platformer so you spend most of your time here figuring out how to interact with the environment to proceed. There are many unique gameplay concepts found throughout the environment, as well as skills the character you play as gains during your playthrough. And besides a simple graphic telling you what button an ability is associated with when you first unlock one, you learn how everything interacts with each other purely through environmental storytelling. A good example of this is during a section of the game where you're in an environment with a lot of water and to progress you need to ground pound into the water with enough force to sink to the bottom. To teach this to you the game makes you ground pound through a structure and then land in water, giving you the knowledge to then progress through later puzzles in this area with knowledge you gained purely from the beautifully hand-crafted environment you're traversing. Of course on it's own this is pretty unremarkable, but the game constantly introduces new mechanics and never falters to teach them through the environment which really helps the pacing. This seems very simple and that's because it is. Teaching the player how to progress through a game's environment is no impossible task. But it's impressive here purely because of the amount of other games that fail to do this horribly, Which made a game designed this way feel very refreshing.

What's even better is when the game combines this form of environmentally learned gameplay with its story. The story here primarily centers around the 5 stages of grief and how the character overcomes her anguish. This is symbolized really well early on when you have to face your first "boss" encounter, a giant bird that lets out a blast of wind that knocks you backwards. At first this is presented as an unstoppable force you have to wait to pass before you're able to move forward. Then shortly after you're taught a way to slowly crawl through the gusts of wind without getting pushed back, until at last you have to ride the wind and use what was at first presented as an unstoppable obstacle to reach places you couldn't before. This is quite good environmental storytelling of the character persevering through the challenges she faces and coming out stronger because of it, and I'm happy to say this is far from the only time the game does this.

This entire experience is filled with amazing "show don't tell" gameplay tutorials that make all of the puzzles flow well together. I didn't have to check a walkthrough because I was stuck on a puzzle a single time during my playthrough because of just how well the game conveys information to you, which is extremely rare for a puzzle game. I know I keep bringing this up but it's because of how many other games (such as Xenoblade Chronicles 2) fail to do this properly. And instead resort to 50 tutorial screens for every minor detail, drastically affecting the game's pacing.

It's also worth mentioning how phenominal the music is here. It really brings some of the environments to life with how expressive and emotional some of the songs are, especially the final scene of the game. All of the different things the game does right: artstyle, music, gameplay, story. All come together to make a fantastic experience I'd highly recommend.

Uma das experiências mais belas que eu vivi dentro de um jogo

Grande indie, ottime soundtrack.

sem palavras pra esse aqui. primeiro jogo que comprei no ps

As a game, I think it's too concerned being "artsy" that it forgets to smooth/flesh out certain gameplay elements, bringing down the moment-to-moment experience. However as an audiovisual piece, it's incredibly rich, painterly, and downright gorgeous, and for that it gets a lot of cred. Definitely need to replay.

Um dos jogos mais lindos que já joguei, a história de Gris é contada pela sua arte e trilha sonora impecáveis. Tirando a parte artística não engajei tanto nos puzzles, apesar de serem bons não são excepcionais como os outros aspectos.

✨️: 8

Há algum tempo atrás fiz por aqui uma análise sobre Lost Words: Beyond The Page, um jogo que, apesar de ter uma base simples, me marcou imenso pela sua narrativa e arte. Gris é extremamente semelhante, mas não possui diálogos e toda a história é contada através de símbolos, puzzles e do próprio cenário, que transmitem uma mensagem sobre a perda de um ente querido e o quão difícil pode ser superar isso.

Os visuais são completamente deslumbrantes e foram incontáveis as vezes em que fiquei simplesmente perdido a observar os vários detalhes que constituem o ambiente envolvente. Este ponto, aliado à banda sonora, faz com que haja uma certa sensação de serenidade no meio do caos em que a nossa personagem vive. Gris é quase como que um poema sob a forma de jogo e tem o seu próprio charme e beleza que o fazem destacar-se positivamente.

No que diz respeito à gameplay em si, esta é bastante polida, mas não há muito de inovador em relação a outros jogos de plataformas. No entanto, estou certo de que não era esse o foco, já que se nota que os desenvolvedores espanhóis da Nomada Studio quiseram sobretudo dar uma maior atenção à parte artística. Confesso que não conhecia o trabalho desta desenvolvedora, mas vou ficar muito mais atento aos seus futuros projetos.

Gris revelou ser uma excelente experiência, que apesar de curta, faz tudo aquilo que era suposto fazer e transmite de forma bastante original o seu significado.

This is honestly one of the most visually stunning games I've ever played, but the climax left me wanting.