Reviews from

in the past

Como é lindo e criativo seus cenários

(Copy-pasted from a Twitter post I made in May 2022)
One half of it is an amazing looking game that has some really fun platforming challenges and an alright soundtrack.
The other half is some of the most frustrating levels ive ever played in a game like this, with backtracking on par with Crash 2 and A Hero's Tail.
So unless you have a stickler for playing the original version of a game before anything else, just play Redemption.

I'd love to see Rayman come back properly and not as DLC for a Rabbids spin-off.

nostalgia rating
the game is incredibly hard, dont let its fairy tale good looks deceive you, also you must 100% it to unlock the last levels and final boss
i recommend emulation and savestates nowadays

A fun platformer and a highlight of the early days of the PS1 and Sega Saturn with some remarkable 2D visuals and a colorful, charming art style. Don't let its cute aesthetic fool you though, because Rayman also puts up a stone cold challenge even to some diehard 2D platformer veterans, and some levels WILL kick your ass. If you're up to conquering some deviously-difficult levels at certain points though, Rayman is still well worth your time even today.

Um jogo peculiar, já que o mesmo tem uma ótima trilha sonora e ótimos gráficos para o PS1, ambos envelheceram como vinho e sua gameplay lenta é também envelheceu até que bem. Porém esse jogo é difícil propositalmente, sendo uma das experiências mais sádicas que infelizmente tive o prazer de experimentar, pois é, um jogo que foi feito para ser difícil nos anos 90 e continua sendo extremamente difícil até hoje em dia, acredito eu que um dos fatores seja o fato das fases serem interligadas, sem que você tenha a oportunidade de salvar entre elas e isso é um baita de um problema, porque se você der game over entre elas, você vai ter que fazer tudo desde o começo e o fato das fases serem muito sobre memória e a posição que você fica no cenário acaba dificultando ainda mais e deixando o jogo ainda mais estressante. Acredito eu que Rayman 1 poderia ser um jogo bom e lembrado, porém sua péssima administração com vidas o torna uma experiência mais frustante que divertida. Também vai precisar de 100% para você poder desbloquear o final do jogo, o que torna a experiência ainda mais frustante e também o motivo de eu nunca ter tido vontade de zerar isso até hoje.

this is the first video game i ever played, i'm fairly certain. circa 2006 on my family's PS1. couldn't ever get past the 2nd world of course, but i have super fond memories of this game and its soundtrack.

in hindsight a lot of what this game throws at you is kind of bullshit and unfair, and makes for one of the toughest 2D platforming experiences you can have. it IS fun, but you definitely have to be prepared for what the game is going to throw at you.

Visuals and music that have aged very well but punishingly difficult, could never get past the stationary world and I don't plan to go back and try again honestly.

The continue system is archaic BS and feels out of place in a PS1 game. Why would you have that in an 11 hour game? I wasn't very impressed with the level design - it felt average.

Cute game with cute story and decent gameplay.

Está guapísimo, pero no me lo pasaba hoy ni aunque me pagaran

This is the only good Rayman game and it's still bad.

Insanely difficult game. Apparently it had no playtesting: I believe it.

I think this is what started my gaming addiction.

Suffisant pour le jeu, mais sérieux les gars Mr DARK ?! Autant l'appelé "le méchant" ça serait même plus original

Des hitbox pas forcément claires, le perso aggripe pas bien les plateformes mais pourtant le saut et la palette de mouvements de Rayman sont cohérent et même plutôt bien fichu pour un jeu du genre. Par contre les developpeurs sont des vicieux sur les niveaux faut se calmer les gars

Un pixel art d'une grande finesse. Le jeu n'a pas pris une ride sur PS1 et se permet même d'être très fluide.

Y a du contenu mais le fait de lock le niveau final derrière le 100% est abusé, merci les cheats

Très bonne OST, y a de tout mais le plus souvent c'est plutot chill et ça passe très bien.

Un grand jeu comme on en fait plus. Un des rares jeux PS1 qui optait encore pour de la 2D en pixel art vu que le prototype était sur SNES. Il en reprend aussi les mauvais côté surtout niveau progression et difficulté pour rallonger artificiellement le jeu.
A l'époque j'avais stop au Scorpion mais au final c'est juste que je n'avais pas fait le 100%. La partie difficile est finie on va pouvoir passer au 2 !

A very polished, good-looking and good-sounding platformer with great controls, but the level design falls into unfair tropes just a bit too often. Lots of do-or-die moments, frustrating mechanics, and the rare instance of outright poor level design (such as a level where you have to reach the bottom, but every single platform bounces you upwards). The Eat at Joe's level violates a few of the Geneva Conventions, I think.

Also, the final level is completely inaccessible unless you have destroyed every single cage in the game. Screw that.

This was one of the first titles I played on PSX. Replaying it 25 years later and I forgot how hard / irritating this game was. Having a hard time believing I beat this as a kid.

This is one of those games where you can tell the devs put a lot of effort into it but gosh why is it so unnecessarily hard? Not in an actually fun learning to get better kind of way. Just in a feels downright unfair kind of way.

Fun game, with a presentation that is overall better than the GBA version. The framerate however is quite slow on the PAL version unfortunately.

I do not have enough time in this game to judge it

Bs difficulty ruins what could have been a classic

tried to play this a few times, but it's too damn tanky and brutally difficult for my taste

Unless you have nostalgia, are a kid with endless free time, or have a very specific kind of taste when it comes to challenging games, Rayman has nothing to offer beyond the very appealing presentation.

Design-wise, this 1995 game feels like a lost game from the late 80s, as the design philosophy of "fuck the player" is in full force. Rayman feels like it's difficult just for the sake of being mean - this is to me illustrated by the fact that you cannot run when you first begin the game. That's an upgrade you have to earn. I have never heard of a 2D platformer where running is an upgrade.

Absolutely and needlessly brutal, with nothing to offset the frustration. Did I mention that this 10-hour long platformer released only on consoles has limited continues, with no way of earning more unless you use cheats? Brilliant.

No es un plataformas perfecto pero es un buen comienzo para la saga

I once rented Ridge Racer Type 4 from Blockbuster and when I got home they'd accidentally put the disc for Rayman in the box and my mum wouldn't drive me back to exchange it and told me to just play Rayman and I don't think Rayman is very good honestly so that was not a good time for me.

Never been able to finish this one, even as an adult