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I've been following the Trails series since the time when Falcom released Trails in the Skies FC back on the Vita years ago, though I did end up waiting for a decade for the release of SC. If I'm being honest, Estelle as a character does have more character development than Rean, but Cold Steel is still one of my favourites in the series, which is why I ended up double dipping for this game.

As is the norm for Falcom, the game has a strong story and plot, and even a great combat system, though I honestly could do without the whole harem aspect... :( Newcomers to the series would really be very lost when jumping in head first in this game without playing through Cold Steel 1-3 at the very least. Without playing those games, they won't know what the heck is going on, and who all those characters are, since CS4 easily has the largest cast ever in a Falcom game. Not to mention the entire build up to the story in Cold Steel 4 starts from Cold Steel 1, and really builds up Rean's relationships with those in Class VII.

The game suffers most from padding

While the plot has been improved and largely builds upon CS3, certain features of this game weaken this game. The haram aspects, the presence of 30+ cast within a single scene on multiple plot points, and the return of weird fast traveling instantaneously from CS2 weaken what would otherwise be a strong successor to CS3.

Even the worst Trails game is one of the more solid modern JRPGs out there. That said, as many have said before me, this is a game of high peaks and low valleys.

Off the top of my head, I quite liked the first arc putting Juna and New Class 7 in the leadership position (even if the content itself isn't the best), I liked that this game actually does make an effort to make it feel as though there is a conflict happening around Zemuria, and most of the finale is really solid. The gameplay also remains quite fun.

I won't bore anyone with yet another series of complaints about the curse, the mechanics of the plot, or even the fanservice, but I will say I was particularly disappointed with how much this game treads the same ground structurally as Trails of Cold Steel II. More than any other title in the series I was awash for most of the game with a huge "been there done that" feel, and that made it difficult to hit those points that made it all worth it. It's also just way too long for no particular reason.

Even with my gripes, I had a solid time overall. But definitely ready and excited to move on to Reverie.

The graph of this game:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Gehenna

This is probably within my top 3 worst games from a series I mostly enjoy. Everything bad about the Cold Steel saga is at its most distilled in this game. The majority of the characters stand around in a circle and do absolutely nothing, the sexual humor is at its most cringe inducing, the villains are completely forgettable, and the plot is boring at best and downright nonsensical at worst. Would be a 1 star game if it wasn't for the excellent way that act 1 kicks off the story. It was the only part of the game where I felt like meaningful things were actually happening, while the entire rest of the game was basically just going through the motions. Easily the least fun I've ever had with a Trails game.

Rating: D-

This game has a good start.

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curse horse saves this game

Incredible game
Changed my life
G nome milkers needed

El final perfecto para una tetralogía inolvidable


solid conclusion, could've been a bit better

The fourth and final game in the Trails of Cold Steel series definitely ended on a high note! The graphics remained in high quality, the soundtrack better than ever, and seeing this complex world they built since the first game unfold is an incredible experience. Meeting old characters with a cohesive and exciting story, and with an incredible ending for this Erebonia saga, which was undoubtedly as amazing as the Crossbell and Liberl arcs, or even better!

Ignore the incest subplot part 4 also ignore the borderline pedophilia part 2 (just like in most anime shit) (and other stuff too but mostly that)

Also, i don't hate Alisa but her being the "canon" romance is dumb, Rean has more in common with almost every (age appropiate and not incestuous) romantic interest and seem more like a relationship

The game suffers most from padding

Before beginning, let me preface this by saying you don't need to play all the past Trails games to enjoy this one, but I feel doing so enhances the experience. Anyway, this game is the culmination of 8 games worth of characters and stories coming together, where big serious things happen due to the aftermath of what happened in Cold Steel 3. I'm saying it in that way to avoid spoilers.

Seeing characters from past games is always something I like in RPGs, and in this game, that's certainly a thing, but it is, in a sense, a double edged sword. There are two primary reasons why I'm giving this game a 4/5. One is related to the characters. The roster is fairly bloated in this entry. Old Class VII is given to you throughout Act 1 where you're originally stuck with just Juna, Kurt, and Altina (I'm not saying they're bad or anything), and by the end of Act 1, you'll have all of New Class VII and all of Old Class minus Rean for plot reasons. Sure, the game does give you situations where certain characters are mandatory, which gives you chances to take certain members off the bench, but there is still the leeway to use your favorites at times. For example, Musse was a mainstay in my party because of her arts nuking potential. I almost always brought her anywhere I went.

Then you have all the returning characters, the Liberl crew (plus Tita), the Crossbell crew, and some others you get to use once or twice in Act 3. There's a lot of characters to work with, and especially early on, it makes resource management not so easy. Then again, this is a second game in an arc, so they are more generous with Sepith than in Cold Steel 3.

Speaking of Cold Steel 3, because of how unbelievably broken Brave Orders were last time, the devs decided to nerf them. Some of the OP ones in the last game, like Juna's Sledgehammer or Sara's Lightspeed Flash got either BP increases or were directly affected by changes to delay. At the same time, once again, since this a second game in an arc, Trial Chests are back, and this time they upgrade your Brave Orders. I will admit, one Brave Order I found borderline worthless got a lot more viability in this game, and that's Musse's Arts Celebration. The higher elements (time, space, mirage) are in effect in all battles like Sky the 3rd, meaning the higher elements do play a role in combat now, and being able to decrease your EP cost AND nuke something with your arts is just a great combination. Also Millium's White Decoration and Towa's High Heavens are very fair and balanced.

As for that second reason, it's more of a "the lategame is very backloaded with side content" thing. Bonding events aren't avaliable until Act 2, and even then, some events must be skipped if you want all the Profile Notes. I wanted to do Emma's Bonding Event, but I had to skip it to get a page. In the end, I ended up getting nine of the final bonding event achievements and went with Musse in my canon run of the endgame.

So, side content. Vantage Masters is still here. It exists. Use the Bard for most encounters because making sure your opponent can't play is fun. Aside from that and fishing is a returning game from Azure, the infamous Pom Pom Party. It's basically Puyo Puyo with extra steps. Tio is supposed to be the hardest opponent, but Renne tore me apart more than even Tio did.

Now, the elephant in the room, the story. Being a continuation, I was already invested in the story. I don't really like how seeing the Normal Ending is a requirement to getting the True Ending, but because Reverie addresses the aftermath of that little...problem, I can let it slide. The real final boss making use of three teams in a different way from the last non mech boss was cool too.

Overall, if you like the series, you'll probably like this game.

A good conclusion for the cold steel series. It does have its flaws like certain parts of the game dragging a bit, a bloated cast, and forgiving characters that did fucked up shit but none the less still a solid entry for the series and graphically the best one to date. Sound track is diesel and if you played the trails in the sky and crossbell games you'll be seeing a lot of old faces. The romance tbh was very anti-climatic especially if you've stuck with the same person all these games. Go for the true ending (its canon) its may still have you draking but at least its not depressing af like the normal ending. If possible please don't play these four out of order I see people all the time asking if they can skip games and stuff just don't.

the crying at the end wasnt me. it was the curse

burning throb is the best normal battle theme in any video game and you cannot convince me otherwise

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Относительно третьей части изменений не так уж много (а если и есть, то они случаются раз в сто лет). Общие впечатления:
— Завершение первого акта шикарное. Музыка и сам бой то что нужно. И тут я задумался, что в игре не хватает боёв под музыку с вокалом.
— Баланс: систему приказов чуть переработали (в плане баланса). Добавили сундуки-испытания как во второй части. Состояние Break тоже чуть переработали (оно не откидывает ход врага далеко-далеко.
— Каст. Персонажей слишком много. В третьей части большинство были гостевыми до определённого момента, поэтому им не нужно было менеджментить экипировку. А вот теперь… Плюс вернули два уровня слотов для кварца, из-за чего траты порой космические. Одних и тех же персонажей не всегда получится использовать, ибо очень много эпизодов, где пати/бои с фиксированными персонажами.
— Проработка персонажей. Как обычно, кого-то раскрывают лучше, кого-то не особо. Контраст порой очень сильный.
— Мини-игры. Тут по порядку:
Рыбалка. Появились легендарные рыбы, которых можно поймать только после разговора с конкретными людьми. Процесс ничем не отличается.
Vantage Master. Карт стало больше, баланс поменяли. Но соперников уж слишком много. На последнем приходится молиться на рандом.
Pom pom party. Местный Puyo-puyo из Azure вернулся сюда. Соперников много, рандома достаточно, некоторые соперники проблемные. Впрочем, игралось весело.
— Система с переключением отрядов в некоторых сюжетных моментах есть, но я разочарован в ней. Никакого развития она не получила (за исключением единственного боя, там она реализована отлично). В тройке в одном из данжей надо было с помощью трёх отрядов добраться до другого этажа, при этом чтобы открыть дверь у одного отряда, надо нажать кнопку у другого. Вроде мелочь, но уже ощущается интереснее, чем просто переключение.
— Продолжая прошлый пункт, в этой части есть несколько интересных фишек, которые встречаются только в самом конце, либо один раз. И это грустно.
— Возвращаясь к балансу: как обычно, в определённый момент можно поломать игру (можно сделать персонажа, который будет всегда уклоняться от физических атак, при этом больно контратакуя, можно убер-мага, который практически не даёт сделать ход врагу).
— Музыка. Всё ещё крутая, боевые треки понравились больше, чем в прошлых частях.
Итог. Я рад, что прошёл её. Игра очень неровная, где-то с сюжетом не очень, где-то с геймплеем. Тем не менее оно того стоило.

Erebonians: "People can't be this mean and hostile to each other, there must be some mysterious dark force at work here!"

Me, educated in European History: "Mate, you are Germans, and this is called Prussian Militarism."

Utterly braindead and painfully convoluted contrivances bombards the entire plot, but fuck it, I can't deny the highs are so fucking high.

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Kondo-Sensei itsumo arigato gozaimasu. THANK YOU FALCOM

I loved this game. It had the highest highs and peakest peaks I've witnessed in a jrpg

Story starts off really strong as you take control of the previous games' protagonists and they get a look into the current situation, setting up their eventual meeting with the current main cast. You also take control of Juna temporarily and we get to see more of how class 7 operates, especially with Rean M.I.A.. The game has a strong start up to act 2 when you recruit Crow, and the story kinda slows down for much of that act (I personally enjoyed it still), which is very lengthy by itself, until the Pantagruel section where the game starts to pick right back up and goes on strong for the remainder. I really liked Rufus and Osborne as antagonists as well and doing those fights were so good. Also really enjoyed the little McBurn reveal as well. I really loved the ending(s) of the game. I did each on different days and both of them fr made me cry. Both of them were amazing, and I loved them both for different reasons as both felt fitting for Rean's story and that of the wider Trails saga up until this point. I've also heard that apparently both are canon at the same time?? I'm interested to see where this leads

Combat was really fun too in this game and at the time of writing is one of the best turn-based combat systems I've played. They tuned down the craziness of breaking from 3 but you can still make it viable. They've also made arts really strong in this game and you can do some crazy stuff with them. They've brought back lost arts and summoning your mech during human battles (although the latter is kinda different) from cs2. With more quartz and master quartz you can also do some more insane things too in combat. The mech fights were awesome too and in this game they really keep you on your toes. Overall the combat was the epitome of rawness.

The music in this game was fire and the ost for that final dungeon was fantastic.

Overall I love this game man, it serves as a fitting conclusion to this Trails saga. Honestly top 4 for me so far

Don’t really have a full say on this game since I’ve never finished it but I got this game a couple Christmases ago and just never fully got into it. Maybe one day I’ll get back into it but for now I’m just not really invested in it.

nooooo little erebonian boy don't drink the juice that makes you imperialist


this was a game it totally was definitely a game lmao

what a rollercoaster of a game

when i finished this game initially i didn't really know what to think and was mostly leaning towards being positive on it. whenever it focuses on the romance aspect of rean and most of the female characters it's a headache, but whenever the big story moments hit and you get the characters in more casual situations that do not include romance OHHHH does this game peak a lot. overall, i think this game is awesome and i'm a big fan for what it tries to do and achieves.