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in the past

this game gave me ptsd!!! :))))))😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Bought this game on a whim yesterday and was very pleasantly surprised and delighted. Very short, but cute Indie Game that mimics shorter 3D platformers of the N64/PSOne Era like Chameleon Twist. Levels can take 3-4 minutes to complete if you're trying to collect the games collectibles, but afterwards you're encouraged to try speed running the levels for a better time since if you play your cards right they can be beaten in about a minute and a half. The game is only 0.99 cents, so even with how short it is, it's definitely worth the buy.

SILLY BIRD!!! very fun aesthetic but the movement is super basic. speedrunning doesnt have that much depth and going for all the best times gets super frustrating.

jogo curto mas mt bom, o momentum dele Γ© meio estranho mas n Γ© um problema, lembra mt sonic adventure

Absolutely fantastic experience. A game made with love, passion, schmovement and horror(?).
An absolute joy to play, a playthrough takes about half an hour, and is pure, beautiful fun.

A one-dollar platformer with precise controls, great level design, and a super brief runtime. Great for learning speed runs!

Yeah the level design isn't as tight as the sequel (a ittle too much sitting and waiting here for my taste) but it still has its appeal. It's cool to see how such a small dev team can evolve of the course of their game catalogue.

it’s cute and cheap and kinda fun but i’ll be honest i wish they’d either gone all the way with the β€˜horror’ or just left it out entirely. as is i feel like it just doesn’t add anything

This game has the same plot as Learning With Pibby

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Another "cute thing is le heckin scary" game.

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I feel like I just released a demon by beating this game

super short and simple, lovely atmosphere and great visual style

Short and fun, and an easy 100%

Fun little 3D platformer with speedrunning potential.

i like this game a lot, a very bang for your buck experience that you can get certainly more worth than what $1 can get you at a gas station. Very fun speed based gameplay and cute looks :)

A completely servicable 3D platformer. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a game that only costs one buck as much as this one. Nice, short and easy to digest.

Gameplay-wise, this title is 3D Sonic done right. If that's not enough to convince you, I'll tell you it gets inspiration from Kirby in an unexpected way I won't spoil.

love the graphics and music, but finished the game rather quickly :(

This is a decidedly strange little 3D plaftormer that's also a wonderfully focused experience. While looking at a list of short games on Switch, I stumbled upon this one and figured for $1, why not? I finished it in under an hour but definitely feel as if I got my money's worth out of it. There's a couple unlockable characters that tie into the collection and time attack portions of the game respectively that add a bit of replay value as well.

A solid foundation that is rough on the edges, with reused level themes, bland gimmicks and a finicky camera. It's no wonder that the developers have quickly built onto the formula with sequels.

Toree 3D is a cute little platformer that doesn't have much to offer, but what is there is enjoyable enough that it's hard to be overly critical of.
It's a very short game with it's major draw being in replaying stages in order to get better time and rankings on them, but the levels themselves are often too bland or uninspired to illicit such an urge from the player.
Ultimately, it is a fun play, and at it's dirt cheap price there's no reason as to not give the game a shot. Not the worst, but not the best either.
Toree is kinda swag looking tho.

Really short 3d retro platformer, nothing stands out but for the price its okay.

Not a lot to say about it, it’s a funny little game worth the play. Disconnecting it from its low price point the game is an exercise in running okay platforming gauntlets as a cute chicken. It’s enough to recommend.