Reviews from

in the past

Sendo esse aqui o primeiro RE, era de se esperar que algumas coisinhas envelhecessem mal, como a iluminação dos cenários e os gráficos de "papelão", mas o charme de um jogo tão influente dos anos 90 está exatamente nesses aspectos.

Janky, silly, stupid and with laughable story and acting. This game sucks. And I really like it for that. More than I should, probably, but it does well on charm, OST and overall personality. The PS1 graphics help on setting the weird tone too. I totally get why this was a hit. 2 addendums, Jill > Chris. Also fuck them Hunter α bitch-ass monsters.

Simply amazing that this game holds up as well as it does. The final stretch of the game muddies the experience, but until that point, the game is fantastic.

Wow! What a mansion!

This game killed my ps1

Honesto e fofo. Acho que encapsula a energia que Resident Evil vai mandar daqui pra frente, que é ser assustador mas também familiar, confortável e absurdo o suficiente pra você não sentir só medo. Seus cenários e personagens com paletas de cor um tanto mais coloridas que as outras séries de terror que vieram depois dele me dizem isso. Além da música de encerramento que claramente podia estar em qualquer Sonic Adventure.

Os puzzles são divertidos, apesar da maioria não ser muito complicado, mais funcionando como um adventure onde você tem que estar com o item certo na hora certa que os quebra-cabeças do futuro.

Resident Evil é jogo de mapa.

That part when Jill says "Damn, these residents are getting really evil!" made me tear up

Never really been a fan of the first Resident Evil game. I appreciate both this and REmake and I believe are good games, but whenever I play I find it's too obtuse and never really enjoy my time with it. At first I thought it was the camera but after playing and enjoying RE2 and other older games with fixed-cameras it is just this game in particular. I played this with infinite ammo and health just to see what the experience would be like and see how far I could get, played for an hour but the thought of so much back-tracking and figuring out this game's puzzles just isn't something I want to do again.

tinha esquecido de adicionar, bem legal pra época mas é o mais fraquinho da trilogia

Heutige Spiele vermitteln einem nicht mehr den erdrückenden Horror von Resident Evil 1.
Um es in Relation zu setzen.
Man bekommt eine Waffe mit einem Magazin und bereits der erste Zombie benötigt mehr Kugeln.
Die Entscheidung "muss ich ihn töten oder kann ich ihn umgehen" muss oft getroffen werden.
Aber auch getötet wurde man nie sofort.
Man wird gebissen.. und muss sich dann mit den rar gesäten Kräutern heilen und mit seinem Fehler leben.

Die Panzersteuerung und die Unfähigkeit des Laufens während dem Zielen wirken nicht mehr zeitgemäß.. aber zeitgleich haben diese Dinge dafür gesorgt, dass man sich keine Minute wohl gefühlt hat.
Genau das, was heutige Spiele nicht mehr schaffen.

you can tell how much passion the voice actors put into this 😭 😭 😭

While i find the remake better in every way, it does not make the original bad. The terrible and charming voice acting makes it worth playing even if you already played the remake.

im so fucking hungry for a jill sandwich rn

Despite its antiquity, the game has been preserved quite well, not counting the controls and the fixed camera that makes your ass burn. That's all I wanted to say.

Несмотря на свою старину, игра довольно неплохо сохранилась, не считая управления и фиксированной камеры от которой горит жопа. У меня все.

forgot to log this. played a few hours this year. I found it hard to get into (repeating stuff when you die... the slow menu transitions lol.. they have a certain charm but get pretty grating)

but I really admire the way it has such a b-movie feel to it, but also how each individual room/combat/weird puzzle idea feels like a little vignette of its own. Maybe I'll come back some day! Or just move on to RE2...

I hate horror games and I hate jumpscares, but it's a testament to how phenomenal this game is that I felt GOOD about being terrified while playing this.

Everyone mentions the zombie dog window jumpscare, or the scene where the first zombie slowly turns around to look at you, but the three scenes that still stand out to me the most all these years after my first playthrough in 2021 were:
The live action FMV with the puppeted zombie dogs. I miss when games would do this kind of stuff and the effects for the dogs still look pretty good. I'd watch the shit out of a 90's-style RE horror movie with practical effects similar to Evil Dead.
The first pre-rendered cutscene with the Hunter was super freaky. Suddenly losing control of Jill, then the erratic camera movements and the old CG visuals unnerved me and made the Hunters very memorable.
Easily my favorite memory with this game, I walked into the billiards room and a giant tarantula dropped from the ceiling and split into like a dozen smaller spiders. It scared me so bad that I genuinely had a nightmare about it after I shut the game off and went to bed. Whenever I felt a brush against my leg, I'd jump because I thought there was a spider crawling on me.

THIS is the kind of horror I want from scary games as opposed to just loud, full-screen jumpscares.

Just a really, really cozy haunted house-esque experience. Fun gameplay, comfy graphics, neat resource-managing challenge that's just hard enough to grip you while never being punishing enough to sacrifice the cozyness. Map traversal and puzzle solving flows very well. Great game and very charming.

resident evil is a part of a surprisingly and increasingly marginal tradition of games that realize the intrinsic degeneracy of unlimited saves, especially quicksaves, or at least realize that saving is relevant to how one plays. thus, there are ink ribbons: a scarce resource one must expend to save their game. suddenly saving is an economic decision rather than a mindless amenity one is probably taking advantage of nigh-constantly, trivializing much of the game and removing any tension. now one is incentivized to go up to an hour or two without saving, meaning one is thinking a lot more about their actions -- and is a lot more stressed, perhaps even horrified, by potential failure.

infamously brutal in the first hour or so but unless one is filtered they quickly adapt. that brutality is, in no small part, because of how awkward and unintuitive the combat is. a part of that is the despised-by-many tank controls of course, but those are quick to learn even if there's some lingering unwieldiness that never goes away. elsewise, camera angels are often not in your favor, and even when they are it can be hard to tell if you're actually aiming at what you're trying to. combine that with scarce ammunition, healing items, and saving as aforementioned, and combat becomes both very deliberate and, when things go wrong, a desperate scramble to both avoid death and save resources, when you decide to engage in it at all. some of the threat is eventually undercut by the sheer abundance of ammunition and especially healing items later on, but it never fully goes away.

when you aren't killing dudes, you'll be exploring and navigating, and you'll be doing a lot of it. it is generally pretty difficult to make mere traversal all that interesting, but here it is pretty enjoyable. the looming threat of combat and therefore potentially death being around the corner is ever-present, and even absent any threat the world is very tightly designed. every room feels very distinct and identifiable -- to the point where, even though one is provided, you barely ever need to use your map. puzzles and similar challenges are interspersed, making it just complex enough that often enough you are not merely going from point A to point B but instead thinking a little more about what you're doing.

dialogue writing? voice acting? what do you mean? i have no idea what you are talking about.

Very janky and unpolished game in many ways, and although I would never recommend playing this over the remake, it still has a certain charm to it. From the creepy music and atmosphere, to the HILARIOUS dialogue and voice acting, it's just so... captivating, I guess.
I still hate the Ink Ribbon system though. Fuck that.

Dude, let me tell you about Resident Evil 1, the original game that made history. You know that tense atmosphere that gives you the chills? That's exactly what Resident Evil 1 delivers. From the graphics to the soundtrack, everything conspires to leave you on edge.

The gameplay is the kind that makes you think twice before opening a door. You're always on the edge, trying to save ammo, searching for essential items, and, of course, trying not to get scared by the surprises the game throws at you.

The story is kind of crazy, but that's what gives it charm. It's like a 90s horror movie, but interactive. There are moments when you just go, 'seriously?' with the plot twists, but in the end, it's all part of the fun.

Resident Evil 1 is one of those games that leaves a mark, you know? It's an absolute classic that will always have a special place in gaming history.

The Father of Survival Horror is pretty much immune to criticism thanks to its many, many, talented children; who every once in a while come to the retirement home to ask for advice

So this year i’m planning to play as many classic survival horror games as i can. Of course i had to start with the founder –despite the very well known precursors- of the genre, Resident Evil.

As a kid, i’ve always been curious about the Resident Evil franchise and it’s lore, but for many reasons i never got to play the games –Except for RE3 Nemesis but that’s another story-, and by the time teenage came, i stopped being interested in video games in general. But still, i think one of the main reasons why i was attracted to Resident Evil and other survival horrors was actually it’s gameplay, which is probably the thing thatmany people consider to be one of those things that hasn’t aged well. To me, games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Dino Crisis, were essentially a 3D graphic adventure with the adition of action elements. It was a perfect combination at the time. Nobody complained about tank controls back then, we just sat and played instead of getting all picky about minor details. And just as it happens with point and click games, this was a great genre to play with someone else at your side: Not just for the story and the cinematic aspects, but also because it was nice to discuss how to solve the puzzles. And also it was really fun to share a couple scares.

So i finally sat down and played Resident Evil. I played with Jill which is not just “the easy way” but rather the proper way, in my opinion. I got the best ending and i have to say that i had a fantastic time while playing it. All those things that seem “dated” were just a fundamental part of the fun for me: i was surprised to see that tank controls weren’t a problem at all (yes, it takes a while to get around with them but sooner than later you just get used to them), i was also totally in love with the low-poly graphics, and also, i actually found that the infamous dialogue was a really funny way to have a certain relief from the tension, also providing some kind of Horror Comedy B-Movie vibe to it.

Resident Evil isn’t a game that could scare someone to death nowadays, but it definitely succeeds in creating an atmosphere full of tension and mistery. It’s curious to think how most of the precursors of the genre -Alone in the dark, Clock Tower, Sweet Home, even Maniac Mansion – they were all going for the haunted house trope. It’s also noteworthy, just like it happened with it’s precursors in the haunted mansion theme, how the story is overall pretty minimalistic here. In the case of Resident Evil though – This also happens somehow in Clock Tower – the most interesting pieces of actual story are not really shown on-screen, but rather in the various documents that you can find throughout the mansion, which serve as the basis of the whole RE lore. There is some criticism concernig the latter parts of the game, those were you’re kinda leaving the mansion and going into different environments. To me they were all fine. I have to admit i didn’t have the best time of my life during the segment of the mines, but mostly because that was the part with the biggest spider of the game. Spiders were the only thing that kinda creeped me out to be honest.

I’m not sure if it has been adressed how important Resident Evil was for the revival of the whole zombie culture. On one hand, it should be mentioned that incorporating the classical concept of the zombie designed by George Romero in Night Of The Living Dead was something that hasn’t been done at that time, and even less, with this degree of perfection: Zombies are slow, they have to be shot in the head, they can be left behind just by walking if the area is big enough, but they can corner you if the space is tight. This hasn’t been done in videogames at this time (Alone in the dark probably tried but without this level of results). Also, zombies were pretty much forgotten during mid and late 90’s, so Resident Evil pretty much held the torch of the zombie myth and pave the way for the big revival that happened during the 2000’s, with titles like 28 Days Later and The Walking Dead as the prime examples.

In conclussion, playing Resident Evil felt like an experience that holds up perfectly well nowadays, contrary to many opinions. I’d like to believe that this is not due to me being an old-fag, but rather because the game is inherently good. It’s not that certain mechanics are replaced because they are bad. Maybe they are replaced only because the industry says so, and maybe because other mechanics prove to sell better at a certain time. But honestly, with the proper mindset, any youngster should be able to play this game. This new wave of indie developers designing survival horrors in the style of the three classic Resident Evils serves as a proof of that. But being aware of the existence of all those games, i can’t help but feeling a little sad knowing that we might never see a game in the RE franchise going back to this particular style. Or something like the first remake, with it’s visual enhancements but with the gameplay almost intact.

I admit, when I used to try and play these games I hated them. When younger I would get so frustrated because I'd try to kill everything on the screen, but as I'm older now and have played Dark Souls my patience is different and the biggest tip to give for any RE game is that you do not/should not need to kill everything on the screen. This knowledge is what helped me in Dino Crisis and many other retro survival horror games I've visited over the years.

The legendary beginning is still so fun with the rocking music and the terrible voice acting.
"No! Don't go!"
This also led to me having a continuous joke of insulting the helicopter pilot who abandoned them. Fucking Steve! Which only got funnier with Code Veronica.

Anyway, getting off track, but I'm sure you all know about this game. You and your team are trapped in a mansion with flesh-eating zombie dogs outside and all kinds of other zombified and terrible creatures inside!

The puzzles are interesting and for my first playthrough, the chat got me to activate ARRANGE mode, which changes the position of critical items, making it harder if you've never played it before...yes my viewers are monsters.

Something you need to learn quickly for all survival horror games, including this one, is to conserve your ammo and healing items for the bigger threats you fight later on, not to mention bosses that can really ruin your day in all kinds of forms.

Still worth replaying and there's a reason why Capcom have been publishing remakes.

Stream + gameplay

one of the best games ever made.
It was fun to see the changes from the remake and play through the Chris route this time
Its criminal that the remake got rid of the amazing live action opening

Not gonna sugarcoat it, I don't like this game much at all. Capcom are masters of their craft, but they often struggle to find their footing with the first games in some of their series. Think Mega Man, Street Fighter, etc. This game has it's place in history, I'll grant it that, but play REmake to fully appreciate what this game wanted to go for. I rarely believe that a remake should replace its original, but Resident Evil is one of those cases.

Пока жду скидок на Tomb Raider решил закрыть другой гештальт. Проходил японскую PC версию с патчем Classic REbirth.

Патч отличный, легко устанавливается, можно накатить русификатор, поставить высокое разрешение и играть в кайф. Правда эта версия полегче версии на PS1 из-за неограниченных сохранений при игре за Джилл. Легко было японцам в резике в отличие от запада получается. До этого я пытался проходить игру именно на версии с консоли, но забросил в один момент. Тут уже решил забить и пройти хотя бы так. Львиная доля напряжения пропадает. При игре за Криса уже сохранения ограничены и я потом обязательно перепройду игру по трушному.

Ну а по нынешнему разу могу сказать, что мне понравилось. На PS1 версии я дошел примерно до здания с растением, поэтому быстро пробежал игру до этого момента. Из-за неогранничых сейвов зомби стал бояться меньше и тупо по приколу решил потраить и зарезать всех ножом, и у меня получилось. На самом деле удивился, насколько неограниченные сейвы упростили игру, ведь до этого мне первый резик казался буквально непроходимым, это была самая сложная игра в которую я играл. На этой версии вообще на чилле прошел большую часть игры. Хоть сурвайвл хоррор составляющая стала хуже из за патча, в остальном было в кайф исследовать особняк и решать пазлы.

В любом случае, я рад, что наконец допрошел первый резик, хоть и в таком упрощенном, тру джапаниз варианте (казуал да да). Для первого знакомства патч вполне может подойти, особенно тем, кого напрягали ограниченные сохранения сильно. Но для тех кто хочет сразу разрыв жопы и полный тру сурвайвл хоррор экспириенс лучше поиграть в PS1 версию ну или в эту, но за Криса.

Seria até injusto se eu comparar com o Remake, porque é uma melhora gigantesca em todos os sentidos, mas RE 1 original sem dúvidas tem seu mérito por atmosfera e sound design, além da mecânica de recursos escassos ser bem pensada, melhora o sentimento de suspense e claustrofobia que me causa, uma pena que o gameplay é bem arcaico e truncado, pouca responsividade e dificulta demais a sua progressão.

When I think of this with the mind of someone playing when it came out, I think it's pretty revolutionary. Sure, the acting's terrible and the controls feel dated, but there's something charming about the whole game to me. This was the survival horror game. Just seeing those beginnings was cool enough for me