Reviews from

in the past

I was quite surprised when looking back at games I have played that I’d not played Battlefield: Bad Company after enjoying the sequel so much. It was about time I fixed that.

Battlefield: Bad Company was exclusive to consoles Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Thankfully it is playable on Xbox Series X thanks to their backwards compatibility program. Typically with backwards compatible games on Xbox the graphics are updated to a degree to make them look closer to their modern counterparts. However for Bad Company this was not the case. I longed for a bit of antialiasing to make the game look a bit more presentable in 2024 but I wasn’t going to let that affect my experience of the game. Playing an FPS on console instead of my preferred PC was what stunted my experience with this game.

Battlefield: Bad Company games are a less series take on the Call of Duty/Battlefield military shooter games. It focuses less on realism and more on shooty shooty bang bang.

The plot isn’t all that, it’s a team of army misfits and outcasts on their own mission to steal gold while going officially MIA.

This game lacks a lot of refinement which works against itself. The driving mechanic leaves a lot to be desired. Vehicles no matter how big or heavy will glide around on the ground as though they are on ice. If you try to swap seats with the gunner to shoot enemies, more often than not the gunner is facing the complete opposite direction, requiring you to slowly move the turret around to start shooting. The enemy AI can be quite unfair at times. There is 0 stealth in this game. If you shoot an unaware enemy then every single enemy in the area will know where you are and will pummel you with everything they have no matter what you hide behind or how far away from you. They will blast you with inhuman accuracy. The spawning enemies around you prevents you from being tactical about clearing out areas as you will think you’re moving to an area without enemy markers then before you know it they spawn around you.

Luckily the game cuts you some slack by making you quite resilient against bullets and if you die, you will be returned back to the last checkpoint with the enemies you killed still dead.

It’s perhaps unfair to criticise this game in 2024 with how spoiled we are with the solid FPS games we have nowadays. It was highly reviewed at the time so I will give it the benefit of the doubt. The second Bad Company game is far superior though and is definitely worth playing over this one if you were to only pick one of the games.

My first time playing any Battlefield game. This one was fantastic. The game was so funny too! I actually rented this game then bought it later.

achei uma boa campanha para a época e totalmente justificável ter uma sequência, infelizmente as configurações do controle são bem defasadas, mas, nada que impeça de ser efetuado uma boa gameplay. efetuado a conclusão no modo difícil.

The Battlefield that started it all. I played this for the first time when a friend came over to spend the night and brought this with him. I was immediately interested, seeing the game function in it's unique classes and large scale warfare based multiplayer. A game that still sits in my mind to this day when thinking about the Battlefield series, but it's hard to forget your first I suppose.

If there is one simple joy in video games that is universally recognized, it's gotta be shooting red barrels equals a big fun explosion. Battlefield Bad company is that idea bottled. In previous battlefield campaigns EA hadn't really bothered with the campaign. I guess after the success of the COD games like MW1 they decided to follow suit and flesh out the campaign with some characters and a story, and it works pretty well. The story is fairly interesting and the characters have some memorable lines. It controls well and has a nice variety of different guns and explosives, plus a bunch of vehicles to have fun with. It's one of the hardest campaigns I've played on normal, and I really enjoyed the challenge. This is slightly ruined however by the fact that when you die you just respawn and the enemies don't, which makes the difficulty pointless. I much preferred the never-ending wave of enemies style of Call of duty two. I even got a chance to play a bit of multiplayer too which was excellent. Overall a pretty decent shooter, let down by the respawns. Worth a shot for FPS fans.

Is it worth a try still?
Worth it for the explosions alone.

Realmente uma MÁ COMPANHIA.

A gameplay do game acerta e erra em vários momentos. Acho que o maior problema de todo o jogo no geral é ele ser MUITO DATADO, principalmente em seus controles (A mira é super dura, não temos tantas variedades de armas e afins).

Porém algo satisfatório em sua gameplay é os veículos de guerra do jogo (Principalmente helicópteros e tanques de guerra que, apesar dos controles datados, tem uma gameplay fluida).

A história mesmo que padrão, tem um bom desenvolvimento. O jogo até consegue ter um ótimo desenvolvimento de personagens (Apesar de você zerar o jogo e não saber direito quem é seu inimigo principal).

Agora de longe o maior contra do jogo é simplesmente seus amigos serem burros demais a ponto de não conseguirem MATAR NINGUÉM (Parece que o próprio game impede que eles matem inimigos). Ou seja, apesar de estar ali do lado de 3 aliados você está completamente sozinho contra ondas constantes de inimigos armados até os dentes (BAD COMPANY NÉ, O JOGO AVISOU!!!).

Por fim, com excessão das missões em que você dirige um veículo de guerra é tudo muito igual (Ondas de inimigos escondidos nas cidadezinhas do jogo).

- Bons personagens.

- Controles datados.
- Gameplay meio lenta.

A game of its time that right now feels just a bit too old, but with a story that was a bit different from your average military shooter.
DICE should try to go back to this.

This is a hard one to review, having only played it for the first time in 2023. One has to be able to go back to 2008 to have a true appreciation of this game, I think, because when compared to modern FPS campaigns, this hugely falls flat.

But was that true in '08? Likely not. A (mainly) multiplayer franchise breaking out with an actually narrative focused story was a big step for the studio, and so many of the shooters in that time period either picked big-budget story campaigns or extensive multiplayer options. BF: Bad Company attempted to do both, and succeeded marginally I feel.

The story is, though comical and likely a play on a film or literature about a similar tale, enjoyable: because of the characters. It has some truly humorous moments made the better for the squad and their interactions with one another.

The gameplay leaves room for improvement, to say the least. Hard mode was likely a poor choice on my part, but I don't think that toning down the difficulty would have increased the overall enjoyment. I was glad for a respawn system vs checkpoints, but still found it a monotonous task to whittle down the enemy slowly to be able to advance through certain portions. Combined with 20 year old console FPS controls, this made for a bit of frustrating moments, to say the least.

Still, I'd say give this a try if you have not experienced it before. Clocking in at just shy of 10 hrs it's a good weekend getaway back to 2008.

Story is pretty forgettable as it rehashes a lot of the same archetypes used in mid to late 2000s shooters, but done in a much lighter tone. The takeaways for me have to be how great the game sounds, and how the destruction system looks.

Pretty fun multiplayer, albeit it can be unbalanced at times because of the spawn camping and the vehicles being overpowered. Having a team full of the 5 classes did lead to the best results, so it did encourage me to cycle through classes and kept gameplay fairly interesting.

Has a really janky mechanic where enemies don't respawn which incentivises some real janky hit-and-run strategies.

Though the campaign is basically a prolonged tech demo and training mode for the now-defunct multiplayer, it still proves to be an enjoyable experience thanks to its tongue-in-cheek tone and writing that evokes schlocky 80s action and comedy films more than other generic modern millitary shooters from the time, and still sets it apart from other games in the series.

The field of view is so damn low that I had to sit all the way back in my chair in order to not experience motion sickness.

Great game otherwise!

This was the first game I ever played when i was like 3 or 4, still peak

The destruction physics, voice acting, graphics and everything else is incredible for a 2008 game, but the field of view is too narrow and nauseating for 2023. There's no way to adjust it either. Sadly I couldn't finish the game because it gave me a headache. A shame too, since I really liked Bad Company 2 and wanted to play the first game for ages.

So this is the beginning of Battlefield's "large open level design for the sake of open design and not much else." Control scheme is weird, especially with vehicle controls (L2 for reverse and L1 for acceleration? Who thought of this??), the much-marketed destructible environments are honestly not that useful in the actual game, compared to later games in the series.

Also, who thought it was good idea to not have subtitles???

The last Battlefield campaign to try anything other than wholly copying it's rival. The large expansive environments coupled with an odd no-checkpoints systems means that the battles can sometimes feel like repeatedly braining yourself against a wall until it breaks, but the gunplay and freedom of approach means that the Battlefield experience bleeds through.

O primeiro jogo onde vi claro a proposta do battlefield. A forma como você joga com o mapa, destruindo ele e se escondendo é bem foda. Essa é a inovação do jogo, o restante dele é bem parecido com qualquer jogo do gênero

Characters were good, but environments felt empty

I wish more military shooters had this game's sense humour, personality, and charisma. Because of that, this game to me elevates itself among other shooters of the same genre. A grounded, lighthearted and fun experience. A breeze to play though, extremely endearing companions, AMAZING gunplay and soundwork, and a surprisingly compelling and lighthearted narrative. Something that I feel DICE was never able to replicate again in their future games.

bem daora mas q gameplay ruim hein

The real Battlefield: Bad Company are the friends we made along the way.

[Campaign] Levels are long and boring and sometimes it's hard to pick up the game and play, but the characters are cool so it was quite enjoyable.

[Campaign Review] Written by people who thought they were funny. Not funny. Levels are giant, but not much to do in them, feels like they go on forever doing the same things. Pretty boring, but slightly better than something like Battlefield 5. I'll tell you what sucks, feeling like you're wearing the goddamn Iron Boots from Ocarina of Time for the whole game. Who actually wants character movement to feel this way? It's awful.

The combat is very very outdated and can get quite boring and unnecessarily difficult due to glitches. The terrain is all samey samey and the story falls a bit flat

Campanha ok, nada demais, mas o esquadrão principal é bem carismático até.

i bought this game when i was 13 in an EBgames in the discount section. its the only battlefield ive played and its the best one and if you think different you are wrong and you should feel bad knowing that your opinions are bad and that youre stupid and dumb and an idiot

Jogar no emulador deu seu trabalho, mas até que valeu a pena.
A história é BEM genérica no sentido de: estadunidenses são imortais na guerra e os inimigos são todos idiotas. Porém tem bons personagens e segue um caminho bem inesperado até.
As missões possuem uma dinâmica interessante e divertida, embora seja um tanto repetitivo, visto que elas seguem praticamente sempre o mesmo padrão.
No fim do dia, é um jogo divertido e bom pra passar o tempo.