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Um bom hack n Slash porém o jogo acaba muito repetitivo chegando ao ponto que as vezes eu perdia vontade de continuar jogando mas o combate é muito bom as músicas são até que descentes

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Originally played this on the PC with mouse/keyboard lol; multiple times. Then again later when it came with B2 on the switch...(when I got the pro controller I was super stoked.) It's a really charming game for me; at a time when I had never played a hack&slash like this. The story is so freakin' ridiculous; Bayonetta is such a ridiculous and charming character. I could make so many jokes about this game...The story is at some parts so ignore-able and at some parts exactly as charming. Shit can be so silly. I love pretty much everything; design, style, and even my own difficulty with it, lol. I think B2 follows up real well on some of the parts of this game that drag out, mechanics-wise. There's, you know, a boss rush basically, and some vehicle levels, and the level design can be quite linear with predictable shake-ups once you get used to it. There's a lot of moments that I'll also never get in another game. ....And i'm also the kind of guy that likes like, campy corny boring shit sometimes. I think they really lean into the exaggerated-ness of their story. I could probably play it over and over forever. When I first played it in 2013 maybe(?), I had never played a Platinum game, had never even played anything directed by Kamiya...?! Kind of a really awesome first experience; that has continued to hold up over time for me.

tldr why the fuck wouldn't i want to be a shape-shifting panther quad-gun slinging lady fighting a giant space god and really messed up looking angels....

bayonetta cool, game not that much.

muito foda mas jamais jogue isso na tv da sala (evento canonico)

As someone who owned and actively played on a Wii U back during what might've been the absolute worst time to be a Nintendo fan, I'm surprised at just how many games I didn't bother picking up while the console was still being supported, with one of my bigger regrets being me not playing either of the two Bayonetta games that were on there. Years later, I've still wanted to give this franchise a shot, and since I've been playing quite a few character action games recently, I figured I might as well throw the first Bayonetta into the mix for good measure. This was one of those games that I've heard practically nothing but good things about from both general internet discourse and my actual friends who've played through it, and I think that this general excitement and acclaim towards it might've contributed to just how disappointing of an experience Bayonetta was for me, even if I wouldn't call it a bad game by any means.

For the first few hours of my 10 hour playthrough, I was having an absolute blast with Bayonetta, and most of my enjoyment can be found in the excellent combat system. The vast amount of flashy moves, lengthy combos, and dynamic upgrades made controlling the titular Umbra Witch feel fast, fluid, and buttery-smooth, and activating Witch Time by dodging an attack at the last second was satisfying pretty much every time I pulled it off successfully. Unlike the ranking systems you'd find in something like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta ranks how well you've done in each of the level's individual combat encounters rather than just the level as a whole, and while that didn't really change my approach to fighting enemies all that much (mostly because it was so harsh and required absolute perfection that I just ignored it and did what I wanted), it was still an interesting choice. Although the plot verges on the incomprehensible (especially with how the sound mixing in the cutscenes is so bad that you can't even hear the characters under the sound effects and music), the stylish presentation had me look forward to each cutscene, with the detailed artstyle and gleefully over-the-top choreography working well alongside the lead character's charming personality and the great voice performance from Hellena Taylor. The soundtrack of Bayonetta also greatly added to the game as a whole, and its eclectic mix of genres fit pretty much every scene that the music was used in.

Bayonetta is one of those rare cases where, despite how great the core mechanics are, it feels like every other element of this game is trying to drag that gameplay down to the point where you can't even appreciate it, and a lot of that can be felt with just how bloated this game is with gimmicky nonsense. Whether it comes in the form of clunky vehicle sections, bad platforming, or annoying bosses and enemies that can only be killed using one or two techniques, Bayonetta constantly interrupts you from just getting to the fun parts of the game, and the sheer amount of repeated encounters makes this problem even worse. Even at its best, the gameplay of Bayonetta still manages to get held back, as the genuinely awful camera moves around so much that you can't even see who or what you're supposed to be fighting and dodging (a trend among these character action games that I'm starting to get sick of) and the frame rate can drop so low that it actively ruins your timing for combos and last-second dodges. Bayonetta also has some really irritating quicktime events that occasionally result in an instant death, and since this game decreases your rewards at the end of each level if you die even once, these can end up being straight-up frustrating. The heights that Bayonetta reaches were enough to make me say that I liked it overall, but I won't pretend like I wasn't let down by it or that it wasn't a deeply flawed game, and I hope that Bayonetta 2 makes up for it.

When mother invented mothering

masterpiece tipo assim lamento irmãs... revolucionou a vida de diversos queers

Bayonetta es un hack and slash que construye su mundo a través de la magia, la religión y el misticismo al mismo tiempo que maneja un tono desenfadado y una historia que alterna entre comedia y espectacularidad.

La jugabilidad es la esperable de un juego de este género con dos tipos de ataques a melee: ligero y pesado, y proyectiles a distancia. Además, a lo largo del juego también se pueden desbloquear otras armas con las que hacer más daño y que modifican el estilo de lucha. El gameplay es dinámico, permitiendo realizar combos extensos y extravagantes al mismo tiempo que los golpes normales siguen siendo lo suficientemente vistosos y los controles muy responsivos para resultar gratificante a los menos habilidosos. También se podrán comprar ataques y habilidades nuevas muy útiles en combate, algunas con referencias a otras sagas para los más avispados, entre otros objetos que cumplen roles comunes como recuperación de vida, potenciación de la magia o de monedas obtenidas, que en este juego al ser de SEGA serán los famosos anillos de los juegos de Sonic. Además, también se podrán desbloquear amuletos con efectos pasivos y atuendos para el personaje de Bayonetta.

La variedad de enemigos es aceptable en cantidad, aunque no en variedad de ataques, ya que la mayoría cumplen roles clásicos del hack ‘n slash: enemigo a melee, a distancia, ligero pero veloz, lento y pesado pero fuerte, etc. Algunas veces, al derrotar un enemigo este dejará su arma en el suelo que podrá tomarse y ser usada por el jugador con usos limitados. En combate, debajo de la clásica barra de salud se encontrará una barra de especial que, una vez rellenada, permitirá realizar un ataque “clímax” que pedirá al jugador realizar un pequeño quick time event que al ser realizado de forma correcta donde Bayonetta procederá a ejecutar al enemigo de forma cómica, aunque si tiene toda o casi toda la vida, sobre todo con los enemigos más duros, no será ejecutado, sin embargo, resultará muy dañado.

Los combates contra jefes son apasionantes: los escenarios cambian y se deforman, el comportamiento del enemigo varía entre fases y la mayoría son de tamaños colosales que abarcan toda la pantalla, al final de cada enfrentamiento el boss tendrá que ser rematado con un clímax que empleará el pelo de Bayonetta dejándola semidesnuda para crear un monstruo igual de enorme que destruirá al jefe.

Cabe destacar la habilidad insignia de la saga de Bayonetta que es la de parar el tiempo luego de un esquive perfecto o parry evasivo como también es conocido, que detendrá brevemente el tiempo y permitirá infligir un poderoso castigo al enemigo que realizó el ataque y a los demás si están dentro de alcance.

Por último en jugabilidad, también habrá momentos de resolver pequeños puzzles típicos del género y secciones donde la jugabilidad y la cámara cambien a un estilo shoot’em up.

El estilo artístico toma inspiración de la religión y la alquimia adaptando como enemigos a Ángeles cristianos con multitud de referencias bíblicas y la ambientación se centra en la temática del cielo e infierno y en una arquitectura fuertemente arraigada en la religión para luego tornarse en un festival de caos y destrucción

La música acompaña perfectamente la aventura priorizando las voces femeninas seguidas de orquestas y despliegue de percusión y metales para las batallas recordando bastante a la música de los años 20 pero mucha epicidad.

La historia trata sobre Bayonetta, una bruja de umbra que es una raza de seres primordiales encargados junto a los sabios de lumen de mantener el equilibro del mundo, hasta que en un romance entre una bruja de umbra y un sabio de lumen se engendra un mestizo que desata una guerra entre bandos que supone la casi total exterminación de las brujas de Umbra a manos de los sabios de Lumen y su ejército de ángeles. Bayonetta tiene como objetivo acabar con los ángeles mientras que trata de descubrir quién es exactamente y cuál es su pasado, ya que sufre de amnesia.

En definitiva, "Bayonetta" es un juego que equilibra magistralmente acción trepidante y una narrativa interesante con un sistema de combate rico y dinámico, desafiantes combates contra jefes y una estética propia. Ofrece una experiencia de juego inolvidable y única en su género. Su enfoque en la religión y la magia, junto con una banda sonora épica, añade profundidad y emoción a la travesía de Bayonetta en busca de su identidad y su destino.

One of the most flashy character action games, Bayonetta.
Having one of the most in-depth combat systems, the best style, an amazing soundtrack and a really loveable protagonist.
5 stars all around.

Cereza is adorable I love her so much omg

Focused on other games rn but its pretty good, has dmc kind of combat

One of my favorite games of all time. I played it first on PS3 and besides the poor performance the gameplay and soundtrack are just perfect! After beating it on PS3 I played again on PC and Switch and loved every single minute of it!

Eu me apeguei muito ao jogo por seu meu primeiro, MAS a repetição dos boss fica um pouco chata até o final do jogo, mas eu eu gostei da história.

This review contains spoilers

Right out of the pearly gates, Bayonetta completely surprised me with the visual quality, exciting combo gameplay with a lot of variety, great voice acting, and unique music. Wasn’t expecting to like this since I’m not a fan of hack-and-slash. Then I just realized oh wait, it’s because I was playing the wrong hack and slash! The OG God of War series sucks ass! Cinematic and ugly button-mashing QTE gameplay. It’s also ugly as sin graphically speaking. Kratos walks slowly as hell, the story is boring and melodramatic, and the needless puzzles, but I digress.

I love how over-the-top its story, cutscenes, and fighting animations are. Such a joy to watch even if the overarching plot of light vs dark is cliche and stale. It’s funny too! I loved the world map as well. Helps ground you in the world as you progress.

I wasn’t expecting this game to go so hard with the pervy camera angles and lustful design in general. Not a cutscene goes by without a shot accentuating Bayonetta’s assets. It feels less concerning though than other games that also have pervy fan service; it fully commits. It’s not like in other games where characters wear skimpy clothing and then are not sexual in the slightest. Bayonetta plays into it and uses it to her advantage.

QTE’s are extremely overused and become more frequent in the later half of the game. Still not as frequent as God of War, but very annoying. If my hand hurts from button-mashing playing your game, something is fundamentally wrong here. It feels like an attempt to elicit excitement or intensity from the player during cutscenes, but it really just leads to me getting pissed off and a sore wrist.

I enjoyed most of the genre mixups. They have the rail shooter parts (the worst), the crash bandicoot-esque run away from lava part, the motorcycle race parts, and the guide the bullet lipstick and guide Jubileus the god past the planets into the path of the sun parts. It reminded me of Nier Automata with the genre changes, but less fun.

By the end, I’d say the combat started to get stale as I used the same combos and got tired of trying out new ones. The story was annoyingly vague and inconclusive about the witches and sages, the different realms, and Balder’s motivations for wanting to reunite the realms. Also, I found Luka to be a whiny and weak character. His backstory was lame as well. Worst character by far. Bayonetta is so iconic. She’s a lot more than just an attractive character.

Badass witch using guns as her shoes and hair as her clothes to fight angelic beings in order to get her memorys back
This game is hard I recommand it and its fun

minha esposa está nesse jogo e isso já basta

trilha sonora foda e gameplay foda já é o suficiente, queria ter jogado o 2 e o 3 mas infelizmente a nintendo existe.

ouçam moon river e red & black.

I might be harsh giving the game 3/5 compared to Bayonetta 2's score of 5/5. The reasons for this are:
1) The color choice in the game made it feel like nothing stood out, and the game felt like it "lacked colors".
2) I liked the story more in the second game
3) I felt the characters and interactions more in the second game

I love the style, presentation, and story of this game. But I could not get behind its gameplay style. This feels like a game for hardcore DMC veterans and hardcore gamers only. While I understand DMC well, I felt actively punished at every moment playing this game.

Pretty fun hack and slash. Story is not meant to be taken seriously.

Nome: Bayonetta
Plataforma: Xbox
Data: 15 Setembro 2023
Horas Aproximadas: 45 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☐ Fácil | ☑ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil

descobri esse jogo em 2015 com o lançamento da sua sequencia e desde então sempre fiquei curioso pra ter a chance de jogar, comprei 5 anos após isso e acabei dropando, não porque o jogo era ruim mas sim por um desanimo imenso na época, acabei retornando em 2022 e tive uma baita surpresa, Bayonetta se tornou meu jogo de hack'n'slash favorito desde então, Bayonetta é sexy e tem uma personalidade forte, suas transformações para invocar os seus demonios são ótimas e sua mecânica de torturar os inimigos são diversas e criativas