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Holy sidequests Batman! What should have been a fun short 5-8 hour romp was stretched to more than double that with seemingly endless fetch quests. And these aren't entirely optional either, they are how upgrades to your equipment are unlocked, so whether you want to or not, you will be running around doing menial tasks for people.

Now for the good. I liked the characters. CJ, Garoo and Isha have a fun dynamic both as characters, and in combat as classic rogue, tank, mage archetypes, though the tank role felt weak compared to the other two.

This game feels like a good intro to the world of Eiyuden Chronicles and makes me excited to see these characters again in the full game. I wish I could say I liked the game more, but what is there was adequate.

I decided to play Eiyuden Chronicle Rising in advance of playing Hundred Heroes, which recently released at the time of writing. Rising is a prequel, shorter JRPG that is only above 12-16 hours on average according to Howlongtobeat. That seems about right, and I'll give it credit for being easy to slip into a gaming schedule, unlike most JRPGs that are a huge time sink. Eiyuden has huge Suikoden influence but I had never played Suikoden prior so I went in entirely blind.

Going in entirely blind, I had no idea Eiyuden Chronicle had action-oriented combat as opposed to turn-based so that took me off guard. The combat is fine, but not particularly interesting and gets dull very quickly due to a lack of interesting additions to the mechanics. The main thing that bugs me is that touching enemies hurts you, as if you were playing Castlevania or Mario. I don't really see the point of that in an RPG, and CJ's dodge ability sometimes dodges you right into enemies and damages you, which is pretty annoying. You get two other party members as well, Garoo and Isha, who you can swap to via hitting the face buttons. If you swap to them mid-combat you can execute Link Attacks. You can chain Link Attacks together for big damage, and eventually, you'll get bigger chains as the town grows. Unfortunately, Link Attacks are the only interesting thing about the combat and aren't worth using against anything that isn't a Boss or higher-leveled enemy. There's no incentive to use them beyond the damage you get. Link Attacks also mean you don't really get party combat like other JRPGs, and only see one character on-screen at a time in dungeons. It drains some potential personality and flavor from the game. And since Garoo is too slow and Isha's kit is poorly designed due to only having 3 orbs at a time and a reload delay, along with useless traversal abilities, CJ is the only character worth using.

The Boss are a joke by the way. They're all easy, even the final one, and can easily be cheesed by spamming Link Attacks so long as you're around the same level. Even the annoying bosses that will juggle you with their attack spam like the Mantor Wyrm and final boss are still easily defeated if you have potions on you.

Potions and other items are easy to farm, making it easy to snowball your characters and max your weapons. CJ easily plowed through everything sent her way once I got her axe maxed out. I do like the upgrade system, since it reminds of Dark Souls a bit with how it's handled.

Let's talk about writing. CJ is a plucky protagonist as you may expect, Garoo is the gruff "Eh, I guess I'll come along" guy, and Isha is the soft but sometimes cold mage. They're fine on a base level, and they at least have personality, but the plot doesn't do them much justice. Much of the plot is railroaded near the end in the form of a diary as a plot device to drop exposition on you at a time that feels like its out of the blue. Why are you mentioning an Empire all of a sudden? The League of Nations? Like WWI? Where is all of this coming from? Why is this being mentioned NOW, right before the final dungeon? I get this game is supposed to be a small prequel but you need to build a plot more naturally than this. You can't just shove a plate of plot in front of me and tell me to dine on it. Give me an appetizer and some wine first, preferably. The plot just ends up being a mess and they try really hard to get you to feel something but it doesn't work as much as you'd maybe want it to. The game also ends very abruptly, and when the credits started rolling, I was genuinely a bit surprised that they did. "Oh, that's it? Okay then."

Also, I have to say, the humor in this game just falls flat most of the time. I never laughed. Maybe it's not my type of humor, but the jokes range from just falling flat, being too cheesy, cliche, weird, or downright cringy.

And there are some WEIRD jokes in this game. There's one early about "toilet training" that was just weird. There were multiple jokes about Isha and CJ's dirty clothes being sniffed as well. There were jokes about CJ's outfit (the gal on the left in the cover image) and how revealing it is. I'm not sure if that's a mistranslation issue, a localization issue, or just simply the writers being... odd, but I do know that it made me uncomfortable. I usually have a high tolerance for that stuff, but need I mention that CJ and Isha are 16?

Don't believe me? Watch this to the end. Am I crazy for thinking that dialogue is really weird?

There are some other mistranslations too. CJ after a rest says "One more time!" which doesn't quite make sense..? And I saw one character say "than more fool me" in dialogue.

Building the town is one of the things you're probably curious about, as a JRPG inspired by Suikoden. All of the quests that help build the town amount to fetch quests. They somehow manage to be boring and satisfying at the same time. Boring because, well, they're all fetch quests with barely any variation. Satisfying because it is nice to see the town advance and change over time, along with the shop stocks. The game's excellent fast travel mechanic makes it bearable, allowing you to teleport to specific points in dungeons and even the town itself. I will say that the first time I leveled up a shop I was confused, since it said "Level Up" on the screen. I didn't see my characters Level Up, so I then realized the game meant the shop leveled up. I wish there was a better distinction there. Because each time it happened I had to flick my eyes over to the top left to see if it meant my characters or the shop itself.

Is Eiyuden Chronicle Rising good? No.
Is Eiyuden Chronicle Rising bad? No.
Would I play it again? No.
Do I regret playing it? No.

It's an okay game. I wouldn't recommend playing it unless you really end up liking Hundred Heroes and want a little bit more of that world fleshed out, I guess, from the little lore it has. Otherwise, it's hard to recommend.

The music slaps though and honestly I didn't mind running through the Quarry or Forest just to hear it!

Score: 74

taka giera srednia troche. lokacje w sumie srednie, tylko las pamietam i rybki jakies. no po prostu nic z tej gry nie wynioslem ani zlego ani dobrego. tak 5/10 po prostu. dla mnie nic sie nie wyroznia. osiagniecia byly raczej proste 15% na ta to duzo fest.

This review contains spoilers

An sich: Der generelle Stil des Spiels und die Grafik haben schon ein bisschen was hergemacht, muss ich sagen.

Nur waren die ersten 10 Quests gefühlt nur "Side Quests", die nur das Dorf und nicht die Story aufgebaut haben, dementsprechend hab ich auch die Story nicht ganz gefühlt.

Charaktere sind eher seelenlos, da man auch erst gegen Ende was von den Main Chars erfährt.

Kampfsystem mit den Kombis ist echt lustig und kann Spaß machen, nur wird irgendwann zu repetitive und das Linsensystem ist auch eher semi.

Die Platin ist SEHR grindy, dafür aber sehr einfach.


Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising faz um bom trabalho como um jogo levinho para você jogar enquanto assiste algo ou conversa com alguém.
A história não é nada demais, os personagens são legais, porém não conseguir sentir muito uma conexão com eles, apenas mais para o final do jogo que consegui começar a me importar mais com eles.
Definitivamente não é um jogo ruim, mas com certeza seria bem melhor se tivesse Voice Acting.

Very Repetitive and fetch-quests filled but it's really fun and I enjoyed it a lot though.

Had fun for real but the only thing that bugged me was TOO MUCH SIDE QUESTS that makes the game feels cooooold but still a good game

Eiyuden Chronicles Rising is an action RPG town building thing, sold as a prequel snack for upcoming JRPG. I am surprised how much I liked this game in the end, seeing as it has pretty simple and repetitive fetch quests and simple gameplay. The action is indeed simple enough that you can play it as cozy city building following some story lines and all that, the plot is ok and characters are quite fun and memorable, which shouldn't come as a surprise since this is a prequel to a character-heavy JRPG. There some overarching quality in the game that makes it seem more like an indie title than anything, most being the graphics, they're quite messy and it's hard to tell things you can interact from backgrounds and worst of all it has foreground stuff blocking the view, which I absolutely hate.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Risng Fetch Quest Hell.

This is one of those dangerous unfortunate cases where overall gameplay loop can fundamentally ruined, a visually charming game.
The characters, visuals may are excellent, but the gameplay loop is one of the worst I've ever experienced in quite some time.

Almost every mission is a fetch quest of some kind, even if the game tries to hide it at times.
Now I don't mind doing side quests in my games especially JRPGs and Open Worlds, but they to be interesting, diverse let alone rewarding such as special gear, character bond increase etc.

Eiyuden Chronicle Risng fails in every point as the game designer's that made these fetch quest have no idea of what fun and rewarding is.
You just do a bunch of basic crap such mining Ores, picking up plants, looks of a person lost items, kill a suboss, to my personal favourite, make a sandwich.
That is frankly insulting to the player.
This issue only amplifies with the cunky controls from a otherwise braindead easy game and lack of exploration freedom.
What could have been a charming relaxing game, just ended being a overpriced, unsatisfying chore.

The only saving grace of this outside the admittedly strong character and retro aesthetics is that you the game is free on Xbox Game Pass and Playstation Plus Extra subscriptions.
Imagine paying over £30 for this just to find out it's a fetch quest simulator.
That would be outrageously awful.

I hope the developers for Eiyuden Chronicle; Hundred Heroes will learn from this misake.
Side quests should be fun rewarding and interesting, not boring, pointless, unrewarding filler slogfeasts.

Lacks difficulty, very repetitive ,low enemy diversity only decent part was the dialogue

- qwq -
De lo poco que pude jugar se me hizo muy mediano, el combate no llega a mucho despues de cierto avance.
La historia no me llamo la atencion como para quedarme más y su forma tan fácil y simple de hacer la task y volver se siente muy simple.
Algo que si me gusto fue su diseño, es muy lindo con esa mezcla de 3D y 2D.
Y pq lo deje, pues despues de cierto punto me empezo a crashear sin parar, ya no me sentí con ganas de seguir y el juego no me da ganas de intentar apesar del crasheo constante :/

This game is a game of side-quests/errands that help you develop the town. I enjoyed the game for what it is as it is very simple and easy to play and complete. It isn't meant to be a masterpiece, it is suppose to be complementary content to the main game (Hundred Heroes) that will be coming soon. I really like the characters and am curious about the world of Eiyuden Chronicle after playing this so am looking forward for the release of the main game.

( ) Minecraft
( ) 144p
( ) Pixel Art
( ) Aceitável
( ) Bom
(X) Ótimo
( ) Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

( ) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
(X) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem - Por mais irônico que pareça, mesmo sendo um jrpg, a história é sem sal, o de sempre, um vilão que quer acabar com tudo, os heróis pra defender o mundo, bla bla bla. O problema dessa fórmula de bolo é que nesse game ela é meio cringe, tem momentos que parecem forçados ao estilo anime, ficando muito sem sentido e vergonhoso. Quando cheguei na metade do game só pulei todas as cutscenes e conversas, entendi a história do mesmo jeito.
( ) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo travado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Precisa de dois dedos pra jogar
( ) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
( ) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
(X) Gostoso de jogar
( ) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Meu peido faz um barulho mais bonito
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
(X) Boa
( ) Memorável
( ) Toque isso no meu funeral

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
(X) Da pra passar um tempo
( ) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Vai te dar raiva
( ) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
( ) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Praticamente feito pela Bethesda
( ) Dá pra jogar
( ) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
( ) Alguns bugs
(X) A palavra bug é desconhecida - Só não é perfeito pois achei 1 único bug onde meu personagem ficou preso no chão por uma interação de dash + animação de queda na ponta de um terreno. Fora isso, não ocorreram bugs.
( ) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
( ) 1-5 horas
( ) 8-15 horas
(X) 24-48 horas - Platinado em 27 horas
( ) + 50 horas
( ) + 100 horas
( ) Multiplayer infinito
( ) One Piece acaba e você ainda não fez tudo

( ) Você adapta a dificuldade
(X) Dá pra zerar vendado e bêbado
(X) Médio
( ) Com um pouco de prática vai
( ) Bem desafiador, as vezes difícil
( ) Soulslike
( ) Você precisa despertar o instinto superior para jogar

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
(X) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
( ) Coop
( ) Multiplayer

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
(X) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
( ) Recomendo!
( ) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
( ) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

Obs: Infelizmente o jogo não cativa, bosses extremamente fáceis e sem personalidade e personagens EXTREMAMENTE genéricos (sério, parecem que saíram de um RPG Maker da vida), menos 1 único que se salva e que quero enaltecer, Garoo. Um FUCKING canguru de espadão e pochete puto com tudo. Melhor personagem, desing incrível, maaas, o resto é esquecível.

Possibly the most slightly below average game I'll play all year. It's so exactly that. You run back and forth in a small world and do errands which expand the town, and they're all quick and easy, and you see the town grow and expand as you complete tasks, so you end up addicted to completing the cutesy little town. You make runs into a few distinct dungeons and keep upgrading your stuff as well as growing the town, and unlock access to new areas, plot and gear in a metroidvania-inspired system, until you've upgraded everyting and seen all the cutscenes.

Run, jump, kill slime, collect resource, upgrade, listen to story, repeat. It's all just so... adequate, and that's it. But at least it's adequate enough to be an entertaining and easy finish over a weekend, and the platinum came just as I was feeling ready to stop and uninstall. That's it. Quick and easy weekend platinum that I will not remember.

I tried it because the sequel was coming out. It convinced me that it wasn't my kind of game.

Very nice graphics, but it's basically side quests and more side quests. Even the story itself has more side quests, it's an endless loop.

I quit because I got tired of it.

Lo probé porque iba a salir la secuela. Me convenció que no era mi tipo de juego.

Gráficos muy bonitos, pero es básicamente misiones secundarias y más misiones secundarias. Hasta la propia historia tiene más misiones secundarias, es un bucle sin fin.

Lo deje por cansino.

An alright metroidvania type game that, at its base, plays well, but the sidequest aspect wasn't needed I feel. Most of them didn't add anything to the story and were just there to pad out time.

Stamp collecting got me by the damn throat.

A continuous fetch quest type of game with pretty simple gameplay and mechanics, characters and story didn't grew up a lot on me so it became boring quickly.
City unlocking through questing was nice and interesting but everything else was not that great.

Pretty fun romp that's a little tedious, but otherwise heartfelt and sincere in it's execution.

Does a decent job at capturing the feeling of a classic JRPG with the charming characters and basic plot. The story is there to serve as a reason to gather the three protagonists, but it's clear it wasn't really the main focus. The twists were predictable and even the main villain seemed like such an afterthought. Instead, I was enjoying doing the small sidequests and meeting all these NPCs with their unique personalities and fun dialogue. After a while they get really tiresome and repetitive, however.

The ones asking to gather materials are fine (it's the sort of thing you'd expect), but when they ask you to just find another NPC I'm like... okay, there's no reason not to do it since the game tells you where to go, but is it really the best they could've done? And you can't simply find the NPC, no, you also have to go back to the person who asked you so you can get your stamp. It's the back and forth that really gets on my nerves. And sometimes the person you're supposed to find is only a few meters away! Is the game mocking me?

The combat is... inoffensive. The character switch mechanic is a cool idea and it'd be pretty boring without it. The small portions of platforming were fun as well. Yes, the game is very easy, but I think it'd be really annoying gathering materials for quests if the enemies were too much of a hassle. After beating the final boss you unlock the hard difficulty, which makes some enemies more dangerous than usual, at least to the point of forcing me to use potions. It's a much better experience and I wish that was the standard difficulty.

I never played Suikoden before, but I love character focused RPGs, so I'm eager to play Hundred Heroes after it's released. Until then, Rising served as a good appetizer for what's to come.

Gameplay: C
Story: D
Characters: C
Visuals: A
Music: C
Difficulty: Easy

It's okay. The gameplay loop is pretty fun, but the dialogue is grating and so is the character writing. The graphics style would be very charming and pretty if the animations didn't look very cheaply made. Regardless, I'm very excited for Hundred Heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle Rising is a game propelled by charm. Charming characters, charming artwork, a charming soundtrack -- one I often found myself humming along to. On the surface, it does a lot right. Dig beyond the topsoil, though, and all you'll find is an idle clicker RPG with an action game bolted onto it.

In fairness, the game does seem to be aware of its own mundanity. You spend most of your time completing fetch quests for villagers, who give you worthless stamps in return, and the main character, CJ, absolutely loves collecting stamps. In a way it almost feels like the developers are calling me out -- like CJ, I'm completing in-game tasks merely for the sake of completing tasks. Next round of gold stars is on me!

The action-based combat is fairly simple, but it's not all bad. The midgame, from about the 2-hour mark to the 6-hour mark, is a high point, as you gradually gain new abilities and integrate new characters into your party. But by the time the game is only at the halfway mark it completely stops evolving. The steady drip of new mechanics dries up, leaving you with little to look forward to besides elemental re-skins of enemies you've already faced.

Despite all my misgivings, however, I was happy to spend some time with this one, and I do look forward to the real, actual Suikoden-inspired game that's dropping later this month. Rising only hints at the political intrigue and struggle that Hundred Heroes is sure to deliver. Hopefully all the little personal touches I added to my weapons and items make the transition intact.

Story got a little dull near the end, but overall I enjoyed this one more than I expected to. Can't wait to play One Hundred Heroes next month!!

The combat was decently fun but the gameplay is like 60% fetch quests. It was very easy and hard mode just raised enemy levels by like 20 but didn't change anything else. My game crashed and I lost progress so I don't think I'm going to go back and platinum it.

Such a grindfest. I have no idea why I did this to myself until the end...addiction maybe? I haven't played such a dull game in a long time. The dialog between the characters was quite funny but other than that the game has little to offer, lame main quest, mediocre gameplay and the dumbest and dullest side quests you can imagine.

I love building up towns in rpgs so I was excited to play this. While it's a game of mostly side quests and fetch quests I did think the store was interesting even if it didn't pick up til the end. It was okay but didn't really do anything too interesting other than adding lore to the world. I'm looking forward to the main game when it releases.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising é um RPG extremamente simples em todos os aspectos. A campanha é curta, fiz 100% com 22h de jogo. A história tem potencial mas não é aproveitada (talvez por ser um prequel para o Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes). A jogabilidade é muito gostosa, dá vontade de fazer tudo que o jogo oferece pois é gostoso de jogar. Além da campanha principal, o jogo contém sidequests mas nenhuma que vale a pena se importar, geralmente é um leva e traz, falar com alguém e etc. Depois de um tempo eu simplesmente passei a pular todos diálogos das sidequests porque sabia que não ia sair nada de interessante dali...negócio era só a recompensa mesmo. Recompensas geralmente são itens pra fazer upgrades nas armas e armaduras dos personagens, dinheiro e XP.
Falando em upgrades, uma coisa que pra mim não fez o menor sentido foi que não trocamos de armaduras nem armas mas na loja de armas e armaduras podemos fazer upgrades nesses equipamentos...além dessas duas lojas, também tem o...ferreiro! Que serve pra fazer mais upgrades nas armas e armaduras...isso não faz sentido nenhum!
Os gráficos são lindos, estilo Octopath Traveler.
Aproveitem que está no game pass!

O melhor: A combinação de cenários 3D com personagens 2D tem sempre seu charme
O pior: Nenhum aspecto do jogo apresenta muita personalidade
Vamos torcer: Para Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes ser bem melhor que esse aqui

Estou definitivamente interessado no futuro RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, sucessor espiritual dos Suikoden de PS1 feito por parte daquela mesma equipe. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising é um jogo menor que serviria para introduzir esse novo universo, mas é difícil imaginar alguma coisa daqui sendo relevante no projeto principal, simplesmente porque há muito pouco o que se extrair.

Rising é um RPG de ação 2D, sobre uma aventureira em busca de tesouros que acaba virando uma espécie de "faz tudo" de uma cidade, fazendo favores e coletando recursos para expandir as opções de comércio local. Eu particularmente gosto muito quando um jogo tem um lugar como "HUB", que você pode ir evoluindo conforme progride, e nesse jogo isso é uma parte bem relevante. O progresso no começo parece recompensador, porém, o ciclo de: explorar dungeon, voltar pra cidade, e ficar perambulando pra todo canto tentando cumprir o maior número de sidequests possível, sendo que muitas delas envolvem voltar para lugares já visitados e enfrentar inimigos já derrotados uma vez, cansa muito rápido. Também porque o jogo é "artificialmente" muito maior do que ele precisava ser. Um exemplo disso é que, geralmente, em jogos do tipo existe apenas um único lugar que permite melhorias em todo tipo de equipamento, já em EC: Rising existe uma loja para aumentar os atributos das armas, uma outra para modificar as armas para obter novas habilidades, e uma terceira para melhorias das armaduras. Esses vários lugares que cuidam de uma pequena parte dos atributos e mecânicas dos seus personagens, apenas para ter mais NPCs responsáveis por mais sidequests para inflar o tempo de jogo... é uma decisão esquisita, principalmente porque absolutamente nenhum desses NPCs é interessante de qualquer forma.

E isso, infelizmente, acaba valendo para todos os aspectos do jogo. O combate é "ok", tem uma fluidez legal e o sistema de combos entre os personagens funciona bem. Mas a variedade de inimigos é ínfima, quando muito eles ganham alguma característica elemental e uma nova paleta de cores. A trilha sonora alterna momentos em que é quase imperceptível de tão genérica para outros onde é somente repetitiva e irritante. Tanto a história quanto os seus protagonistas são bem pouco memoráveis, de tão rasos. E os diálogos no geral são muito fracos. De ponto mais positivo fica a parte visual, mesmo os sprites não sendo muito trabalhados, os fundos em 3D são quase sempre muito bonitos.

Não é como se eu esperasse uma obra prima, mas não deixo de pensar que o jogo é uma decepção. E uma preocupação também. Espero e torço para que, tanto em relação à escrita quanto ao design das quests, EC: Hundred Heroes seja um jogo muito melhor que esse.

Jogo bem fraco na minha opinião, o que realmente me deixou preocupado em relação ao Eiyuden Chronicles, porque se for no nível desse aqui, vai ser decepcionante.

O jogo graficamente é bonito, os cenários são bem coloridos, a trilha sonora é boa e os elogios param por aqui.

Os personagens não possuem nenhum carisma, os combates se resumem a esmagar os botões e não exigem muita estratégia, a história é extremamente sem sal, os inimigos se repetem em praticamente todas as áreas, a única coisa que muda é a cor e o elemento deles.

E pra mim, o principal problema aqui, é que o jogo te obriga a farmar recursos, porque em certos pontos você precisa upar sua cidade para progredir na história, o que acabe tornando esse jogo extremamente repetitivo.

O jogo também tem elementos de metroidvania, ou seja, você vai precisar retornar às areas para encontrar novos caminhos. Isso seria legal se os bosses não respawnassem toda vez que você reentra num lugar. Ou seja, para conseguir 100% numa sessão, você vai ter que enfrentar o mesmo Boss várias vezes

Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising pra mim é um prólogo mau feito de um jogo que eu estou aguardando há muito tempo, que inclusive tem o criador de Suikoden por trás do projeto. Ele pode até ser legal e chamativo no começo, mas depois de umas horas de gameplay você só vai querer rushar o jogo para que ele acabe logo. Não chega a ser um jogo ruim , mas é totalmente enjoativo e esquecível.