Reviews from

in the past

Before I played this I imagined it as another heavily emotional walking sim with an obvious tragic ending. Now I finally got to play it and it went against my expectations, for the most part. The game opens with a huge emotional gut punch, something that might be close to home as a real life fear. So I found the protagonist’s choice to take the Firewatch job understandable, relatable. Something I would want to do myself if such a thing existed on these little islands I call home.
I enjoyed the radio conversations and casual strolling in nature. I was shocked and completely sucked in by the creeping paranoia as the game presented its mystery. When that was resolved it didn’t keep the gravity I was hoping for but it managed to end satisfyingly.
Since it annoyed me I will mention I encountered a bug with my late game save not loading, which I understand other players have experienced but never got fixed. Thankfully I was able to get a recent save from the cloud and only had to redo a few bits from earlier in the day.

Un jeu sur la contemplation, mais aussi un beau moyen de faire la paix avec sois.

me sorprendió, muy lindo juego la verdad

tem uma ambientação muito boa e uma história até certo ponto cativante, mas não minto que esperava mais.

Jolie petite balade avec quelque ost sympa, même si l'histoire ne m'a pas spécialement marqué.

Criei demasiadas expectativas a meio do jogo. Mesmo assim jogo bacano e curto

Its atmosphere, its colorful landscapes of sunrise and sunset, its minimalist soundtrack, its rather credible art environment and its captivating dialogues largely thanks to the dubbing and the credibility of the characters
For all these points I loved the game

• Nossa, sou completamente apaixonado pela atmosfera desse jogo. Me lembra um pouco a de Gone Home, uma sensação um pouco estranha de solidão combinada com algo um pouco sombrio e melancólico.

• Apesar de a trilha sonora ser quase inexistente, quando toca alguma coisa sempre é MUITO marcante. Além disso, as músicas são maravilhosas e encaixam como uma luva pras cenas em que aparecem. Andar no modo Free Roam escutando a fita cassete com elas é uma sensação maravilhosa.

• Acho a história impecável! O Henry e a Delilah são personagens muito humanos, e ver os dois interagindo é muito cativante. Além disso, acompanhar o desenrolar da história junto com eles é muito envolvente, principalmente na reta final quando as coisas começam a piorar.

• Há quem ache o final tenebroso, mas sinto que não poderia ser outro. Firewatch é um jogo sobre evitar seus problemas. Henry evita lidar com os problemas que tem com a Julia, Ned evita lidar com a morte do Brian (a cena da caverna é muito emocionante) e, ao meu ver, Delilah usa seu emprego e álcool como maneiras de evitar lidar com problemas gerais na sua vida. Então, acho super coerente o jogo terminar como termina. O jogador se sente tão desapontado quanto Henry. O que eles tinham ali acabou, e finalmente chegou a hora de lidar com a vida real.


• Considerações finais: Um jogo que, mesmo sendo curto, conta uma história incrível e muito marcante, fazendo com que você pense bastante em seus personagens, tópicos etc. Recomendo MUITOOOO o viado arrasa demais é isso! 💛

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ha bu arada bu oyunun geliştiricisinin ismini ve sjw terimini birlikte google'da aratırsanız oyunun yarraktanlığını ve tutarsız reytingin nedenini biraz daha iyi anlarsınız.

oyunun içeriğine gelirsek muhteşem bir potansiyele sahip bir oyun firewatch. oyunun ilk 1-2 saati çok mükemmel lakin geri kalan 1-2 saati ise tam bir kâbus. bir oyunun içine nasıl sıçılır bir görün derim, ve bu oyunu torrentten satın alarak veya gamepass üzerinden oynamanızı tavsiye ederim. öbür türlü bu oyunu oynamayın, oynattırmayın.

Com visuais, proposta e temática lindas de se ver, Firewatch começa com tudo, te deixa preso já nos primeiros capítulos, tentando descobrir todos os mistérios que rondam a montanha com a ajuda de um única amiga. Porém o jogo não consegue manter isso até o final, o desenrolar da história nos últimos capítulos fica fraco comparado aos primeiros, o jogo levantou uma bola que não conseguiu manter lá em cima até o final, deixando um gosto amargo.

I expected a nice walk, not a psychological thriller

Das Ende war ein bisschen enttäuschend...

beautiful game. couldnt take my eyes out of it for a second

This review contains spoilers

Much ink has been spilled about Firewatch's story regarding its facade of a mystery story.

Many people disappointed by the game find the mystery underwhelming, others trying to counter this opinion swing the other way claiming that it's not a mystery story at all and that the mystery is only a facade. I don't think the latter view is totally accurate.

I can see someone thinking the resolution of the mystery is underwhelming if they come into the game fully expecting a straightforward mystery plot and nothing else, but I'm of the opinion that the mystery and its resolution are actually quite good when you take it as part of the thematic tapestry of this game.

Firewatch's themes are obviously not subtle, it's really hard to play this game and not come out with a very clear idea of what it's trying to say. The beauty of it comes across in the way that every single element is so intentionally and tightly crafted around those themes, from the prologue methodically getting you to connect to Henry's backstory to the way the forest's layout and landmarks become familiar and ingrained in your brain as you play. The mystery plot, when seen as a piece of the broader thematic throughline rather than as a facade separate from the rest of the game, gains new depth when you can start to piece together what happened through the lens of people running from their problems. Trying to analyze the mystery in Firewatch in isolation from the rest of the game's elements is like asking why a cogwheel is bad at rolling over a surface when it's meant to mesh with others.

I think if you came away from the game disappointed or confused, this is a game that could greatly benefit from a replay, both to try other dialogue options and experience more of this game's objectively amazing writing, and to be able to see things that might've felt out of place with new eyes within the broader picture.

A kind of wholesome or cute story between two park rangers. The story is really good and just sticks on you for a long time despite the fact that this is a very short game. The music is also a masterpiece and the graphics/environment is just one of it's own kind and looks gorgeous. Just bear in mind that this game is almost like a walking simulator so don't go in expecting it to be like any other first person game, for me it's not a problem but for some people this would really piss them off. My only problem with this game is that I wished that it was longer :(

I quite liked this but I kept thinking it was building up to some sort of big story reveal and then it was just like hey see ya later and the credits started rolling and I was like okay.

Outro walking sim, mas que sabe brincar com ambientação e expectativas. Pode frustrar alguns pelo desenrolar da trama, mas é muito mais apreciável quando se percebe onde está a riqueza desse jogo

What seems mundane turns out to be a interesting story about who is following you and what they don't want you to know as you explore the mountains in Firewatch.

Firewatch is a beautiful, quiet game that really sticks with you. The Wyoming wilderness is stunning, and the voice acting is top-notch. It's more like a walking simulator with a great story, so don't expect tons of action. The mystery kept me hooked, but the ending might not land for everyone. If you want a short, emotional experience that feels completely different from most games out there, Firewatch is definitely worth checking out.

Firewatch's moments of tense situations were really compelling and the few freak-outs captured that dread everyone knows. The ambience of walking from the watchtower to wherever was super nice, too. My games frame rate and animations made me surprisingly motion sick, and I struggle a lot with directions - but those issues are probably more on me.

muito gostosinho. conta sua história de forma inteligente e alterna perfeitamente entre relaxamento e tensão.

My favorite atmosphere and aesthetic that's ever been in a game and a story that leaves you on the edge of your seat

Great game, very atmospheric and cozy. I had some bugs but they were not critical.

Até a metade incrível, com a narrativa, tudo. mas tem um final tão anticlimático

my fav walking sim with compelling dialogue and magnificent environment. the plot of the game is interesting enough, whilst it progressively gets more engaging and addictive up until the drop of the biggest twist in the story somewhere near the end of the game. although not the best you will ever see, two main characters still are quite interesting to follow around, especially Henry, character who we play as, as he almost perfectly represents emotions and thoughts of the player troughout the entirety of the game. ending that is supposed to feel underwhelming and disappointing, for both Henry and you as the player, however one that still manages to be very impactful and overall enjoyable. definitely worth your time.