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in the past

Arguably the best game on the 3DS. It's an absolute crime we haven't gotten a sequel.

ngl i played this on an emulator i probably would liked it more if i played it on the 3ds

Kid Icarus: Uprising is the best game on the Nintendo 3DS. Every mode in the game is fun, and what started as me playing the online again, before it was gone for good on April 8th, turned into a full replay. I really love how this game mixes story and character interactions into the gameplay, having every character talk while you play, using the on rails sections as playable cutscenes but keeping the challenge and openness of an actual game compared to a lot of modern games today. This game is full of a lot of the Sakurai design ethos in maximizing customization, fun, and challenge, similar to Kirby Air Ride, which makes me consider this both his best game and probably one of Nintendo’s best games ever. The story is great, the characters are all largely full of depth and well written, and the level design is amazing. The only way this game falls short to me is the controls, now a lot of people hate the controls as it hurts them, I’ve never had this issue somehow. My issue is instead that I feel like the controls are just not precise enough, I found myself sprinting when I wanted to walk, constantly falling off platforms because of this and fighting the camera to turn it at all. I think overall this is always going to be somewhere in my favorite games ever,.

Best 3DS game. Easily. The only pain worse than the wrist strain is the emotional pain of not playing Kid Icarus: Uprising.


Please port this game. It's been forever trapped on the 3ds with no way out. This game is actually such a fucking banger that nobody expected. Stop making 9 more mario spinoffs and give this game more love again. The characters were funny, the dialogue is memorable and charming, the story was great, and Sakurai really breathed life into this once dead now dead again series.

would be a 10 but palu isn't a bbw and this is stuck ON THE 3DS

Joyita de la 3ds, la saga más maltratada de nintendo tiene el mejor juego del catálogo

great game with funny characters, that also manages to be serious enough for it to be enjoyable. just a generally great vibe at all times! pit is a funny and sweet protagonist, dark pit is such a nice spin on "evil doppelgängers" and palutena is a very lovable companion/leader. even the characters that aren't part of the main cast are great and enjoyable!

my main problem with the game are the controls though. i did die quite a couple times seemingly out of nowhere, with my healthbar dropping from 100% to 0% without even an indicator as to why. i also did experience hand cramps thanks to how the game controls. as for the controls, they are smooth while in the air but a bit sloppy on ground. i dashed off too many edges on accident because running and walking are basically the same button.

i do still hope this game gets a sequel or even a remake one day. i'd like to see more of those characters and hopefully with the controls being adjusted!

Great game, amazing for even Nintendo’s standards

Whenever i see Palutena my Kid Icarus do be Uprising


One of the few games I would consider to be perfect. It has great gameplay (although the rail shooter segments are kinda inferior to the third-person shooter segments), a pretty good story, great music and some of the funniest dialogues I've seen in a video game. Seriously, Sakurai is an actual comedy genius, and it definitely shows.

The characters deserves a special mention, because the entire cast (except cameo characters like Poseidon) is amazing. Hades is by far the best character, and one of the best villains Nintendo ever cooked.

The game's approach towards difficulty is also one of the best I've seen. You can spend hearts (the game's money) to make missions either easier or harder. The catch is that making levels harder gives you access to new areas, which usually gives you very strong weapons and/or gifts, creating an interesting risk/reward system. In fact, the system was so good Sakurai decided to reuse it in Super Smash Bros.

If you're ever in a position to play 3DS games, this is a must-play. Though keep in mind the controls are notoriously bad, especially for left-handed people. Changing anything from the controls makes it much harder to play, and can actually hurt your hands in some cases (I'm speaking from experience)

If you're still not convinced: the game has a mode where you can spend all your money for a goddess (Palutena or Viridi) to gradually walk up towards the screen until you get a close-on of their face. Peak gaming

One of the best games on the 3ds ever. This game will give you hand cramps but it's worth it for the story and characters.

Just for the soon-to-be dead online, this game is amazing and ranks top 3 3ds games for me. Great gameplay, great characters, great online despite the lagginesss. Endless and fun grind, including for just playing online to get more hearts + weapons to fuse to make even better weapons. Online maps are a little hit or miss unfortunately.

I heard complaints about the controls, but I disagree. The touch screen is vital for precise aiming, and the mechanics behind them (different normal shots + charged shot moves depending on the direction your moving, strafing, dodging, etc.) makes it a very well in-depth game.

I'll do a proper review sometime soon when I replay the game, I'm just very sad that the online is soon going away.

It's that Pit character from Smash Bros!

"Owowowowww, the game hurts my hands!" Has it dribbled anywhere in-between your simpering pauper neurons that maybe your hands are simply not powerful enough for Kid Icarus: Uprising?

In all seriousness, the controls are rough. That's the only negative point against a game that takes the on-rails shooter to new heights. It uses the genre's fixed timing and perspective to launch you through environments with all the flair and chaos of a theme park ride. The game is stuffed with priceless dialog and is overall just a pitch-perfect reinvention of Kid Icarus. It's a real shame there's been no port or follow-up to speak of.

Kid Icarus Uprising es un juego desarrollado por Sora LTD y Nintendo y lanzado en 2012 para Nintendo 3DS. Este juego es el renacer de la saga Kid Icarus tras unos 25 años de letargos. A pesar de que tuvo un juego para NES y otro para GameBoy, la saga fue prácticamente olvidada hasta que en 2008 Sakurai rediseñó el personaje para incluirlo en Super Smash Bros Brawl. Tras ver el nuevo rediseño de Pit y Palutena, Nintendo le encargó que resucitará la saga y este juego es el resultado.
Kid Icarus Uprising me ha sorprendido desde el minuto uno por sus conversaciones, que son muy entretenidas y divertidas. La mayoría de ellas ocurren durante la acción del juego, por lo que pueden ser un poco difíciles de seguir (recomendó subir el volumen de las voces y bajar el de los efectos, así como subir el texto a la pantalla de arriba si es necesario), pero creo que son parte imprescindible del juego ya que es en esos momentos cuando más se enseña la personalidad de los personajes y cuando más evolución tienen. Por supuesto gran parte de la historia se cuenta a modo de estas conversaciones también y aunque no de mucho tiempo de apreciarlas, están acompañadas de varios artes distintos de los personajes con expresiones varias.
El gameplay hace homenaje a la dualidad de gemapley que tenía el juego original. En el Kid Icarus de NES hay niveles en los que avanzas de abajo a arriba, mientras que en otros avanzas de izquierda a derecha, y entre medias hay niveles tipo mazmorra con un jefe final. En Uprising cada nivel tiene 3 partes: la primera en la que vas volando y disparando al estilo Star Fox, la segunda que es una fase a pie de libre movimiento y la tercera que suele ser un jefe final. La verdad es que el sistema funciona mejor de lo que puede parecer al principio, ayuda a que el juego sea menos repetitivo. Personalmente creo que las fases áreas son las más épicas y espectaculares, me jugaría un juego entero solo con esas fases. Pero aparte de eso, la variedad de escenarios y situaciones que nos encontramos es abrumadora: desde batallas en ciudades amuralladas, pasando por plantas gigantes aéreas y hasta batallas en el espacio.
Gráficamente el juego luce ESPECTACULAR. No podemos olvidar que es un juego de 2012, de principios de la vida de 3DS, pero aun así, el equipo dirigido por Sakurai de las apañó para hacer un portento gráfico que va todo el rato a unos fluidos 60fps y en el que la profundidad de los escenarios destaca mucho gracias ala efecto 3DS de la consola. En cierto modo, se nota que es un juego pensado para utilizar todo lo posible las nuevas características de la consola, ene este caso el 3DS, el botón deslizante y la pantalla táctil.
Pero el juego no se queda ahí por que acompaña esos graficazos con una banda sonora que es divina, no se hace apenas repetitiva (ni la música del menú) y está constantemente aportando ambiente a la experiencia.
Este juego merece un apartado especial sobre los controles. El juego permite casi todas las combinaciones posibles de controles que te puedas imaginar usando el botón deslizante, los botones, la cruceta, el lápiz táctil e incluso el botón deslizante Pro. Lo único que le falta es soporte para el C-stick de la New 3DS. La opción de poder remapear casi todo es todo un detalle que se agradece mucho. Tras probar muchas combinaciones decidí que la que mejor control me daba era la predeterminada, que usa “L” para disparar, el botón deslizante para mover a Pit y la pantalla táctil para apuntar. Desafortunadamente, para poder manejar bien la 3Ds con estos controles hay que sujetar la consola en una posición que creo que es incomoda, lo cual puede quitarte un poco las ganas de jugar.
Kid Icarus Uprising es un juego que tenía pendiente y por el que no tenía especial interés, pero ha sido todo un descubrimiento ya que combina un buen gameplay con situaciones divertidas, inesperadas y variadas, tanto a nivel de niveles como a nivel de personajes. Pienso que es un juego que todos deberían de probar y que un relanzamiento en una nueva consola le vendría muy bien para ganar accesibilidad.

kid icarus uprising is like an eagle trapped in a 4cmx4cmx4cm cage
(please port it)

have always wanted to play this one, but i'm left-handed, don't have a circle pad pro, and don't have a new n3ds so i'm out of luck. DEARLY begging for a console port one day.

Juegazo y titulo compra consolas, exprime de la mejor forma el jugar a la 3ds, se que el online era la hostia pero no lo pude jugar por limitaciones de mi época.
La dificultad está super bien adaptada y bien balanceada con las mecanicas de las armas y mejor aun la historia, ya que hace recuento del original junto a una nueva hostia y un nuevo boss final.
Las tetas de Palutena

Oh God. I really like the writing here and the gameplay's pretty good, but I can't get past the camera and controls. Here's hoping for a port sometime down the line.

Right, a series that goes dormant for 20 years returns with an extremely high effort 3rd person shooter directed by the Smash Bros director, This game fires on all cylinders for the 11-12 hours it lasts.

The graphics are incredible, 3D effects enhance this further, and the soundtrack is brilliant.

Uprising’s story is simple, but filled with memorable characters and witty dialogue. The villains are so hammy, it makes them extremely memorable, and the voice acting is great.

The gameplay is split into two halves. The first is an on rail shooters where Pit flies through the air on a set path. These are exhilarating and chaotic, you move at some breathtaking speeds and you have to stay alert to continue dodging incoming fire.

The other half is on the ground where you can explore areas, find treasure, and mostly, destroy waves of enemies. The combat is mega kinetic and the amount of weapons available is staggering. You can fuse weapons you find with others to improve their properties, or simply head to the shop.

The games has a built in difficulty slider where you choose the intensity of the level you’re about to play. The higher the number the better rewards you’re likely to find, with a death simply lowering the intensity. The game is pretty stingy with healing so staying at a high intensity can be quite a challenge, especially when dealing with this games biggest challenge… but bear with me.

Boss fights are always a great time, an absolute highlight of this game. The banter between Pit and the bosses only adds to the appeal, and there’s a strong amount of variety in how you have to approach these guys.

There is so much here to love in Uprising, but to get to any of that, you have to deal with the control scheme, Uprising has you move, turn, aim and dodge.. using the touch screen. It’s absolutely manageable but never feels perfect. Dodging is the worst part, it’s unreliable and leads to a lot of unfair damage being taken when you just can’t get away from the enemy your trying to dodge as Pit decides to just stay locked on to it.

I can’t recommend this game enough in terms of its content, but you have to willing to adapt to a very uncomfortable control scheme and there is no workaround. Still a really solid game that I hope one day gets a port, or better get a sequel - 8/10

This game would be perfect with gyro aim and the dash mapped to a button

It felt like I played a Treasure game but made by Sakurai. They should team up. This game was sick as hell and the character banter was great.