Reviews from

in the past

Did you like GoldenEye 007, but wish there was more?

More everything? More levels? More guns? More enemies? Just more in general?

Well, Perfect Dark has your MORE right here.

Perfect Dark was a quantum leap forward in the first-person shooter genre on consoles. Taking what made Goldeneye 007 so special on the same platform, Perfect Dark enhanced everything in a thrilling, sci-fi espionage package. With its expansive campaign, deep customization, and addictive multiplayer, players could choose how they'd experience the challenge. Although its visuals show their age, the innovative weapon functionality, level design, and sheer amount of content make Perfect Dark a true classic.

Perfect Dark is a game that challenged me. It's made me humble myself as a gamer. As old school games like this make me realize why I fell in love with the medium in the first place. First off, the shooting is phenomenal. I'm a mid 00s zoomie, so FPS games like this are not what I grew up with. Nope, I grew up with big budget shooters like Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Titanfall 2, and Halo Reach. All kino experiences. However, I did get a taste for the old school when, in 2019, I played 007 Nightfire on a 50 dollar PS2 (pre-pandemic retro prices mog today's). Auto-aim, cool gadgets, expansive levels with secrets galore. I enjoyed it at the time, but compared to Perfect Dark, that game was a cakewalk. Perfect Dark on the other hand, kicked my ass. It made me realize how much of a scrub gamer I was. Matter of fact, the reason there is such a long gap between my start and finish date is because I rage quitted!!! Originally my verdict on Perfect Dark was that, it was outdated, overrated, and too vague in it's level design for players to understand. Needless to say, I was butthurt and didn't know what the hell I was talking about! Now that I've beaten the game, I've come to the realization that I love it. The story is super creative and superbly paced. It's an engaging sci-fi espionage tale for the ages. I found it Incredibly riveting. The level design is straight up brilliant. It initially came off to me as hard because I never cared to invest the time into understanding what I was actually playing. However, once I decided to read through the short debriefs before each mission, I realized the game gives you all the tools you need to succeed. It's up to YOU, the player, to execute them. Even if you don't read it, the mission will literally drop almost unavoidable hints about when to use an item to complete a specific task, but because it wasn't spelled out for me, I was initially filtered. Now I see it for what it is. An essential element that keeps the game balanced, whilst preserving the mystery of what's to come. Old-school game design that puts gameplay first. It's organic and efficient, so I have to give it props for wonderful level design. Following that, the shooting in this game feels amazing. The guns are diverse and feel remarkably different from one another. The spy weapons also all have their own personality as well as niche. It all makes for a satisfying gameplay loop of combining the two to complete the objectives for the mission. Also, I must praise the soundtrack, which fits the tone, oh so perfectly. Overall, Perfect Dark Zero is without a doubt a game I love. It's a game that rekindles my love for the medium and inspires me to play more as well as think outside the box! Not to mention, no spoilers, but this game has a satisfying and challenging final boss which I now consider in my top 10.

Love this game, basically the main mechanic is similar to terraria in which you immediately hop in the wiki when you start playing

This was one of the games I grew up playing, and this particular one was my absolute favourite!
I always loved the "Secret Agent" theme, just as I always loved the "Aliens and Area 51" theme!
This game has a sort of Cyberpunk aesthetic, in a futuristic world (which btw takes place in 2023!!! The game was released in 2000, you know...). The perfect agent Joanna Dark (I love this reference) is highly skilled and equiped with some crazy fun high-tech gadgets. Her stealth skills and her intelligence show to be as high as her irreverence... which I LOVE.
To be short, this is a fantastic game, and I recommend ANYONE to try this in an emulator such as 1964 GEPD (it allows mouse and keyboard), if not possible to experience it in the N64 (which was my first way of appreciating it, sooo many years ago...)

Played via decompilation project, amazing game that holds up without the dated controls holding it back

im sorry but failing missions is way too easy and the objectives arent clear at all. the gunplay, music, art and writing are all cool tho

This game ran like shit, great game!

A little better than Goldeneye, but control scheme still sucks.

Perfect Dark is an overall improvement of GoldenEye 007 in about every category. The 'wow' factor and the influence that GoldenEye created upon its release is obviously not as big in this game but nevertheless Rare were able to, once again, craft an incredibly polished game that set the quality bar very high for its time.

The ambition in Perfect Dark goes all across the board with a more complex (and at times silly) storyline, tons of weapons featuring alien technology, improved graphics and setting (expansion pack required), and a more robust local multiplayer mode with more options and a hint of nostalgia (Complex level from GoldenEye to remember the good old times with friends). While Perfect Dark won't ever carry the influence weight that GoldenEye did, it created a fun environment for console first-person shooter fans with yet another unforgettable local multiplayer mode for the ages. Well done Rare, for this was one of your last masterpieces before the Microsoft buyout.

It's like an even better Goldeneye.

Surprisingly innovated and incredibly fun. This game can get unbelievably difficult at times, requiring players to memorize paths, behaviors, and steps for each mission, but in a sense that's half the fun. This game is as much of a puzzle game as it is an FPS - really makes you feel like a Special / Perfect Agent by the end!

A classic I remember playing a lot at home and with friends at the local youth club. Created by the same team that brought us Goldeneye (even including a few levels from there) this FPS has you play as a secret agent with a huge variety of guns and gadgets to assist in your missions.

An aspect that I loved in this game was how every weapon has a secondary fire option. Things from using a gun's handle to knock out enemies and changing weapons from semi-auto to full auto to going from unarmed karate chop to disarm and change a assault rifle into a sentry gun to stick on a wall.

The multiplier is pretty insane for a console game of that generation as not only does it have the 4 player combat, but you can play with a large number of bots which was something I had never seen before, having only played console games in the past and never saw again until Time Splitters.

Wished this was made for the modern day as with Internet the way it is these days, we can have much more stable play sessions. Especially for other games with connectivity like Urban Chaos: Riot Response.

I'm putting this on the backlog as I'll be returning to this sometime.

Stream + Gameplay

Vc vira amigo do ET Bilu então já diz muita coisa

Everything people remember Goldeneye for being, Perfect Dark actually is. There's an intriguing mix of cyberpunk and X-Files alien espionage in the story, and the weapons are a lot of fun to use. The sound and music are excellent. Between this game and Banjo Tooie, Grant Kirkhope had a career defining year in 2000. Graphically, this pushes the Nintendo 64 to its absolute limits, and it shows. Even with the expansion pak, sub 20 FPS is common when there's a lot of action on the screen.

If you can get past that though, this game is feature rich. The campaign is long and engaging, and sadistic in its difficulty when you're playing on harder settings. The campaign can be played in co-op, or you can have up to 4 bots in co-op with you as well. It has a pvp campaign mode as well called counter-operative, where player 2 takes control of an enemy character. Even modern games don't do that. Combine that with a multiplayer mode that can be played with bots or up to four players across multiple different match types, and you have a total package of a game, and about as much fun as you could have with a first-person shooter in 2000. I wouldn't recommend playing this on a Nintendo 64 though. While I'm used to first-person shooter controls on the console, I also grew up with it. I know it's a tall order for most people, especially with those previously mentioned frame rate issues. I would instead point you to the remake Rare did for the Xbox 360 in 2010. That version fixes the frame rate issues and it's also compatible with the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X. If you don't have an Xbox console, some nice people did an unofficial PC port in 2023 that you can play instead. I will link the github at the end of the review for you to download it.

I feel like this game is incredibly slept on, given how much hype Goldeneye gets even now. This is better in every single way than Goldeneye and is the real best console FPS of the era.

Github for the unofficial PC port:

This game is a solid choice in the sadly dying “research paper” genre of games, where you have to make a 20 page spreadsheet before attempting the puzzles.

Great gunplay, atmosphere and level design. Joanna is also a really enjoyable protagonist. Not my absolute favourite boomer shooter, but it's up there.

It's just an FPS at heart, but the secondary abilities of all of the weapons really made for a unique and enjoyable experience - Laptop Gun for days. The graphics are obviously rough compared to present day, but they hold up modestly well. Story was a pretty good sci-fi narrative. The soundtrack, voice acting, and SFX were just too good, even compared to today. Replayability was surprisingly good, with easter eggs and split screen multiplayer. One of the very few games where I've run through the campaign/story more than once.

I wasn't born when this game came out, so I wasn't able to witness or comprehend just how much of a technical marvel this game is when I was younger, but my lord it doesn't mean I can't appreciate and love this game today. Every time I do a playthrough of it I love it more. Every time it releases for a new platform I know I just have to play through the entire game on all three difficulties. The weapons are so fun, the maps are fun to traverse, and the gameplay just feels really smooth even to this day. I don't really know how else to end this, but if you're still complaining about the controls to this day, I will just have to direct you to the 1.2 control scheme. It's as close as a modern control scheme you can get on a single controller.

I can't believe this game came out on the Nintendo 64.

Perfect Dark is Rare's spiritual successor to Goldeneye, and while pretty much better in every way, despite being almost perfect, there are a few shortcomings that could have been ironed out.

Coming off playing No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, my brain was craving another taste of objective based espionage action. Having liked Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark being in my backlog, it was a perfect time to finally play this.

Overall, everything is an improvement from goldeneye. The story and world are more refined, the graphics are so much better. Gunplay feels a lot better too, and the gadgets and objectives you need to solve in each stage really make you feel like a secret agent.

Perfect Dark's first half takes a similar spy route to 007, but halfway though turns into something more like Alien, which separates Perfect Dark from other espionage type games and gives it it's own alien identity. It also gives the game some interesting alien locations, rather than just facilities and offices.

I really enjoyed my time with Perfect Dark, however there are some frustrations preventing me from giving this a perfect 10. First thing is the fact that there are no checkpoints, I wanted to play this on Perfect Agent difficulty due to the fact that easier difficulties don't give you the full level, and I wanted to see every level in it's fullest. In this difficulty, you can die or fail objectives really easy, which is no problem, it is the hardest difficulty after all, however on a first playthrough you can spend hours trial and erroring levels because each time you progress, something blinesides you and you fail your next objective. On an emulator with saves states, this softens the blow a bit, but playing this on real hardware such as the N64, 360 or PC port, quicksaving is not an option. The 2nd frustration I have is the final boss, not a very well designed boss and kinda soured my taste at the end. Again, doesn't help that you need to start the final level from the beginning if you die.

Because of that, I really recommend emulating this to have that quicksave option, which is also hard to say because that PC port is beautiful.

Despite these issues, Perfect Dark is one the best espionage type games, and I highly recommend it if you are a fan of these.

No minds have been blown as much as mine when playing this game. Almost twenty-five years later and this game is still running in circles over every FPS ever made where it counts. Get the new PC port and play though every single difficulty there's way more to this game than the deathmatch. Dragon ball

This game has made so many memories for me, my family and most definitely my friends so many late nights with this one and I can proudly say that I still own this game till this day

I like the glass shattering effect

It's Goldeneye, but improved in pretty much every single area (exponentially so if you're playing the souped up X-Box 360 remaster)...why doesn't think get more love, again?

Mabey a controversial opinion but i find perfect dark to be better than Goldeneye

Perfect Dark had some massive expectations following up a genre-defining experience like GoldenEye. While not as good as it’s predecessor, Perfect Dark is an enjoyable experience in its own right. The story, from what I can remember, is a bit of an off the rails science fiction fantasy. I don’t remember exact details but I recall government conspiracys and weird alien storylines. I’ve tried playing the remastered version on Xbox but like most N64 games, it’s hard to go back to these very dated games.