Reviews from

in the past

I liked the part where you played as Eminem

One of the worst "things" I've ever played. A disgusting, seeping, puss-filled blemish on what is otherwise an incredible franchise of games.

uma tortura lenta e dolorosa as piores 20 horas da minha vida

Literally every single video about Resident Evil uses the fucking Explosion scene to talk about how bad the series was for a while. It's like the faceless guy from AC Unity, please use literally anything else for your footage.

I had fun in spite of the game being messy as hell.

Bastante divertido para jugarlo en coop, no pude terminar la campaña de Jake pero me estaba gustando bastante que esa tuviera un poco más de survival horror que la campaña de Leon. El gameplay en algunas cosas es bastante tosco y en otras es bastante peliculero, un buen balance a mi gusto personal.

El inventario y el crafteo son un asco en este juego, podría ser quizás el peor downgrade de los videojuegos y el mayor pecado de este juego. Fuera de eso, al menos que estes esperando un survival horror hardcore, te la vas a pasar bien con este juego.

Mal RE buen juego de acción e historia, fin.

bring sherry and jake back pleek…

Amo esse jogo, talvez por nostalgia mas ele é lindo

I'm calling it after completing Leon's story and playing some of Ada's (I will likely finish soon and MAYBE try the other campaigns but Chris is just such a lame and boring character I have no motivation to even try).

After playing this game, it is abundantly clear to me that, 1) 6 is not a terrible game like everyone says, 2) it is leagues better than 5, and 3) it is an obvious follow up to 4, with similar mechanics and thematic and design elements, cementing the idea that 5 is some sort of body snatcher, it has no real connection to the series.

That being said, is this an awesome game? No. Does it fail as a follow up to 4, yes. Does it fail as a game? No. The idea is fine, it is clear that Capcom devs hate survival horror, evidenced by their continued efforts to trick people into thinking they want their RE games to be more run-and-gun or rail-shooter and less horror even in 2024, but at least here, unlike with 5, there is a concerted effort to retain the essence of Resident Evil. There are at least a few attempts to throw in some jump scares (since the survival element is taken out), and that's acceptable, even if I don't personally like it.

Bottom line: 0-4, 7-8 > 6 > all the side games and spinoffs > most everything else > 5 > Silent Hill: The Short Message.

Jogo família, muito divertido de jogar coop com os amigos, pela primeira vez trazendo a maioria dos protagonistas da saga pra se jogar, um verdadeiro ultimato. O que impede de avaliar melhor é as mutações surreais que o jogo ambienta como uma mosca zumbi gigante ou dinossauro

While I think it's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, it is definitely flawed. Don't expect to get scared with this game. The gameplay is super fun though, and has the second hottest iteration of Leon.

Man fuck yall for telling me to hate this game

Sehr durchwachsen aber im Coop ganz unterhaltsam.

This game is amazing and I will die on this hill. I have never understood the hate for this game because it does exactly what it advertised.

Gameplay wise the controls are so fun and easy to use. Rolling around, dodging attacks, the melee combat feels crunchy and super satisfying especially with Jake.

It has an absurd amount of content. So many game modes, and the campaigns are all a decent length. PLUS, all of the modes have co-op.

This game fixes the problem re5 had which is that it was a fun multiplayer game but a terrible single player game. Now it is much more even. You'll enjoy yourself if you play or solo or with a friend. granted you can't share items anymore or do a lot of co-op stuff. But they still keep things interesting by having each character go through different sections or getting seperated.

The presentation here is immaculate. The setting and monsters are so graphic and intense. And all of the animations are excellent from the cutscenes to the melee takedowns.

This isn't a perfect game, and it has tons of issues. All of the stories are nonsense. And Ada's is pretty bad. On repeat playthroughs the puzzles can get annoying. There are sections with Jake and Sherry that are also annoying.

But every RE game is silly. That's part of the charm. This game leans into it and makes the most out of it!

It is just such a blast start to finish. I've sunk so many hours into this and I will continue to do so in the future. One of the most overhated games of all time

For as much as I groaned at the story and dialogue, I still had a great time playing online with a friend. The extra character movement was neat, but perhaps the game lacked situations where it could be applied better.

Anyway, if you have a co-op buddy this is a must-play.

diferente da versão de Xbox 360 essa daqui infelizmente não consegui platinar, pois, joguei enquanto estava disponível no Xbox Game Pass. efetuado a conclusão do game em todas as dificuldades.

need me a guy like jake muller 🙏

achei promissor nas primeiras 3 horas, mas pqp, o combate é executado muito mal. Não dá vontade de continuar. É uma pena pq achei o início da rota do Leon muito foda no quesito de ter de enfrentar um apocalipse zumbi COM CIVIS PRA TE AJUDAR. Dos RE que joguei, só o Outbreak fez isso, e eu achei essa parte muito legal.

Enfim, triste com esse jogo.

Tem uns cenários bacanas e dar cambalhota e pirueta é OCASIONALMENTE legal fora isso é uma bosta, tem uma história amarradinha mas se leva tão a sério na própria tosquisse que chega a ser patético, RE5 ainda era decente apesar do nonsense, esse aqui enfiou a decência no cu junto com o divertimento, ruim pra porra como single player e deprimente como coop, porque mesmo com um amigo isso aqui continua péssimo, mas jogar com a Ada foi massa

J'étais resté sur une note amère à l'époque de sa sortie, et n'ayant quasiment aucun souvenir du jeu, je me suis dis tiens, retentons. Eh bien qu'est-ce que c'est laborieux... Un virage hollywoodien inexplicable, digne d'un film de série B sorti directement en DVD. C'est un très mauvais Resident Evil, un jeu dans l'ensemble moyen avec des idées bancales et mécaniques répétitives pour combler les gros vides scénaristiques. De base, je n'étais pas forcément fan du concept de Remake, préférant la nouveauté, mais pourquoi pas sur celui-là tant il y a à revoir. Je retiendrai quelques cinématiques et passages intéressants (principalement sur la campagne de Leon) qui me font espérer qu'avec un Remake, on pourrait avoir un super jeu.

Definitely one of the games of all time. I laughed at every vehicle collision.

Essa sequência consegue ser tão fraca quanto seu antecessor, esfregando na sua cara o cansaço da fórmula ação/terror. Ainda é divertido em sua gameplay mas esse igualmente ao 5, só tem isso de favorável.

It’s the worst one lol. The camera is always either at a weird angle or moving around, actually gave me eye strain which never happens to me. There’s nothing I like about resident evil that this game offers other than just seeing characters.

Great game to play co-op with a friend.

too many quick time events & just constant cut scenes right after you just got out of one.