Reviews from

in the past

Excelente jogo, infelizmente nunca tinha ouvido falar, olhando apenas algumas imagens você já vai se maravilhar com o gráfico deste game, direção de arte incrível.

O game é sobre Liao Tianding que é basicamente uma lenda taiwanesa nos moldes de Robin Hood - qual veio antes não sei -, se passando na invasão dos japoneses á Taiwan, a história é basicamente uma luta de resistência ao colonialismo japonês. A narrativa do game é muito simpática e carismática, usa aquele esquema de narrar a história através de HQ's e a arte desse jogo é fenomenal, que artes lindas além de ser muito legal ser apresentado a uma cultura diferente da convencional, para min ao menos.

A gameplay é extremamente divertida e bem feita, tudo é muito responsivo com uma ótima variação, o principal esquema do combate é roubar as armas dos inimigos, isso faz com que tenha uma boa variedade de combate e também de inimigos, a movimentação muito boa, único problema é que o jogo é bem curto, tu não consegue aproveitar ao máximo as ferramentas que o game te dá.
Joguei no difícil, os boss foram bem desafiadores, boas variações de golpes além de design muito bons.

Vale o preço cheio, jogo extremamente bem feito e tu vê muito carinho dos desenvolvedores. Arte excepcional.

I didn't expect much when I started but I sure didn't expect an indie masterpiece that it turned out to be! I want more games like this to learn history.

[+] Engaging Storytelling
[+] Charming Protagonist
[+] Excellent portrayal of 1900's Taiwan
[+] Beautiful artstyle
[+] Unique and satisfying gameplay mechanics
[+] Interesting boss fights
[+] Great soundtracks
[+] Fast travelling with rickshaws

[-] A few unfair platforming sections
[-] Combat becomes repetitive at the last part of the game

Es un buen juego corto para pasar el rato. Tiene jefes interesantes.

I did not expect to be doing rocket launcher air juggles today.

Usar Taiwan como palco é algo que vejo tão pouco que só nisso já me interessa bastante, e que jogo gostoso. Um ótimo platformer com mecânicas muito boas pra interagir com o mesmo, salvo algumas partes, mas não detrai da experiência.

fun 2D platformer/beatemup

but what the hell was that ending. Not saying it was bad but what the hell

The Legend of Tianding nos entrelaça ao dinâmico combate e em seguida rouba nossa atenção para voltá-la à narrativa culturalmente instigante que não perde tempo em celebrar os feitos do herói popular taiwanês. Se por um lado a obra se deixa levar pela ação que fica progressivamente mais interessante com o desbloquear de novas técnicas, do outro ela pisa no freio de tal forma que só não te perde por se sustentar em sua história e ambientação.

Acrescento que achei agregador ter visitado Taiwan através desse jogo pois me entreteve não só durante a jogatina como também depois, quando me vi curioso o suficiente para procurar mais sobre Tianding e o que o cerca.

Escrevi um texto sobre o jogo no site Game Design Hub.

Joguinho sem gracinha. Beat 'em up padrão, com algumas mecânicas interessantes, mas nada de absurdo.

É legal pelo período histórico e geográfico que se passa, não costumo ver jogos assim.

Taiwanese discount guacamelee

Great art style, simple but enjoyable combat system, interesting characters. Only issue I had was a huge spike in difficulty for the end game boss, but got there in the end. Great outside of that.

-i adore this game's art style. it is absolutely amazing.

- the gameplay is super fun and simple.

- the story and setting were also really good. definitely worth playing.

dobrze sie gra fajne po prostu

Zerei a um bom tempo no gamepass e gostei bastante apesar de ter pego o final ruim por que aparentemente não fiz as missões "secundárias" e me ferrei 💀. Foi um jogo bem desafiador e às vezes até frustrante, pelo menos no quesito dos bosses.

A great setting, with a beautiful art style. Music and own-language voice-overs really served to transport me to colonial-era Taiwan.

Cast was entertaining, story was good, gameplay was fun and satisfyingly challenging at times.

Great game.

You ever play a game, and say "Why did I just play that?" Well that was Tianding. Not that it was a bad game; I'm just unsure why I picked it up in the first place.

Até que tem um tema legal e história boa, mas tem algo nesse jogo que o deixa muito desconfortável para mim.

The art style is cool and the game is fun.

First of all, I love the setting- taiwan during the japanese colonial period. This is something none of my history studies have focused on, and definitely unique among games. I could tell this was a product of a Taiwanese studio excited to export their culture not just a game theme chosen arbitrarily.

I appreciate the novelty, and I find 20th century history particularly interesting so even better.

The city you walk around in between levels is cool (probably more exciting than most of the levels actually). The game sends you on some fetch quests through this area, but I didn't find myself minding too much. {There's good fast travel options, its only a few screens large , and i think it overall works for the pacing}

The random artifact collectibles are neat. These artifacts are actually so close to being very interesting to me, except the majority of the descriptions are quite lacking. I lost count of how many descriptions were just "this is a [X] that existed during the japanese colonial period." I'm an easy person to get interested in random information, you just have to try slightly harder!

The manga framing for key events and story is rad, definetly the highlight of the presentation overall. I also enjoyed the use of Chinese voice-over, i'm glad the developers didn't decide to go for an english dub.

The gameplay is pretty fun. I don't generally play or love beat-em-ups, but i was able to find enough to vibe with here. I like how tianding's move set emphasizes motion. Stealing and cycling through enemy weapons is surprisingly enjoyable.

The boss fights feel noitcably distinct from standard gameplay. They're much harder, and your characters move set is generally more crowd focused. That said, the shadow techniques shine pretty well here, since your focus in now on a singular enemy's moves. When I play games like this I never know if the bosses are unfair or I'm just getting punished for my unreasonable aggression and lack of respect for the enemy. There's definetly moves you can't properly react to the first time here, and they can be fairly punishing

It feels kind of jarring to settle into repeated attempts on a boss when all the other gameplay is pretty easy & free flowing. I do like both halves of the gameplay here though, so overall that's fine. They do both have a sense of repetiveness though- there's only so much normal combat can be different and each boss I had to try quite a few times. Maybe i spent slightly longer trying bosses than I would have preferred, but overall the repetiveness never becomes a noticeable issue due to pacing of the game

I played on wanted outlaw difficulty- my other option was presented an easy/story mode, so i assumed this was the intended difficulty Yet I got an achievement for beating the game on hardcore difficulty, so I wonder if the split was actually normal/hard-with me unknowingly choosing hard.

I'm pretty disappointed in the train level- normally that's a level archtype that I really enjoy but I think the one in this game is actually the worst level :(. It's where the game feels the most repetetive, and its environmental hazards are annoying.

There's not much I valued in the story. Its mostly carried off the setting and likability of the main character. Legend of Tianding is mostly interested in plot, and lightly interested in characters. They didn't explore any particularly interesting ideas, although its not like I was offended or bored either. The story leans a lot into exaggeration- sometimes this works (like with the use of martial arts and special techniques) and sometimes I'm a bit apathetic (like how comically evil the villians are)

Finally shoutout to 4 color cards. I adore its inclusion

I can't officially review this since I won't be able to finish it in time when game pass is removing it, but from what I played (the first couple of levels) it's a very cool side scrolling beat em up! Looking forward to it getting it on sale later and playing through the rest.

El plataformeo y el combate son divertidos aunque algo descalabrados. Pero es el tiempo entre "fases" lo que me ha hecho abandonar este juego. Es un tedioso tiempo de recadero que sirve de excusa para contar una historia mil veces narrada con otros personajes. "¿Por qué sigo jugando a este juego?" fue el pensamiento que atravesó mi mente justo antes de abandonarlo.

战斗丝滑 手感极佳 意料之外的好玩 基本不玩横版的我也能玩的下去 已经通关了 很不错

I had a lot of fun with this game. Very underrated hidden gem. Wish it had more recognition