Reviews from

in the past

This game by far has the worst story in the franchise but the definitive best sets and level, this game is so dramatic but dull in story which sucks, with a better story this could be better than everything else in the franchise.

A great story with frustrating gameplay. I would have expected that by the third game the controls were good, the shooting and AI but nope, and they found new ways to piss you off.

Not as good as Uncharted 2 but still decent. There's way too many dark areas and a few parts of the game feel like a wild goose chase. I still don't like the villains, but the character dynamics are still great.

Probably the weakest in terms of story, but it has some of the greatest action set pieces in any video game I have played. Just as good as 2 in terms of gameplay but what makes 2 better is the story. The story is not great. Sometimes it feels like stuff is just happening just because it has to. It's not bad, just flawed. The overall game is still amazing though. I play video games for fun and this gave me that.

Another solid improvement for the series, UC3 takes strides to be even more fun and bombastic than UC2. The gunplay felt slightly more smooth with more varied weapons, and the encounters felt a little less frequent in favor of more action set-pieces that have gotten even more awe-inspiring. Better writing, better puzzles, better brawling...

Unfortunately, Drake's adventures are becoming both more serious and more silly at the same time. His relationships with other characters is easily the highlight of the narrative, but each game tries to top the previous with a more involved (yet extremely similar) plot about a treasure that ultimately doesn't feel that important (and maybe that's the point). Meanwhile, Drake performs increasingly more ludicrous stunts and survives situations that absolutely boggle the mind. It's good fun, but it does feel like a game (series) that I have to turn my brain off a bit to enjoy.

Additionally, I encountered way more glitches in this game than the previous two, and the best parts of it often felt like the parts I wasn't actually in much control (hold forward, maybe press Jump a couple times). The combat really just isn't doing much for the series, and cover shooting versus hordes of mooks stops being fun about halfway through each game.

All-in-all, I'm not sure if I liked UC3 more than UC2, but I think that some of the more objective gameplay improvements warrant a slightly higher score.

A fine game. Not a huge step up from two but didnt really do anything "wrong"

Contínua com os mesmos pontos positivos que o segundo, porém a história é um pouco inferior, tirando isso o jogo continua divertido como um filme de sessão da tarde.

My favourite of the trilogy. Insane locations, insane situations. Spiders, burning house, puzzles, crushing plane, boats, lost city, demons, deserts. Plus final battle epic as fuck

When I first played this game as a kid, like a decade ago, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. But after having replayed the trilogy fairly recently, I fail to understand why the third installment is being held to such a high regard.

The story feels extremely rushed and is full of plot holes that are never explained. For example: 1) How did Talbot survive being shot? 2) What's up with the spiders? 3) Why does Marlowe need the water from the city when she already has mind controlling dart guns?

The whole game feels like a check list. Like as if Sony went to the developers and said, we want a game where Drake travels to London, France and Syria. We also want him to get lost in the desert. And while you're at it, make him fall out of a plane. It's less of a cohesive narrative and more like a showcase for level design, a locale buffet if you will, which admittedly is where this game shines (with the shipyard level being my personal favorite), but the constant change in scenery feels very forced.

In Among Thieves you were hanging from a train that was hanging off a cliff. In Drake's Deception, you're hanging from a cargo net that's hanging off a plane. Uncharted 3 tried to replicate 2's greatest hit, but ended up over exaggerating it, almost at the risk of becoming a parody of itself.

Uncharted 3 is not a bad game by any stretch of the definition. Most casual players won't even notice these nitpicks, but I did. And while I don't think the mainline Uncharted series has any bad games in it, Drake's Deception is certainly the weakest.

this is almost as good as uncharted 2 and way better than uncharted and i would say probably better than uncharted the movie but a fair bit less good than uncharted 4 and i havent finished uncharted the lost legacy

Man I had a blast getting through this one after putting it off for a while.

I like the locations of this game the best so far in this series, but I still find the gunfight sections to be extremely tedious, especially in the second half of the game. They just grind the pacing of the game to a halt every time and whenever I die I feel like putting the game down because of how obnoxious it is to redo them. The story is pretty decent though, and is engaging enough to keep me going to the end, as well as the puzzles which occasionally pop up.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 8/10

tl;dr: Em partes exagerado, defeitos na jogabilidade mas um bom jogo.

Uncharted 3, contrariando o que eu esperava, parece ser o jogo menos "complexo"/"ambicioso" da trilogia original. Logo de cara o jogo já te apresenta novas mecânicas de combate melee a princípio interessante mas, mais pra frente, se esbarra num problema que ocorria no primeiro Uncharted e fora corrigido no segundo. Falo da mecânica de pode agarrar os inimigos. Se você está em um combate apenas melee isso é lindo, mas se tem troca de tiro e surge inimigo perto de você, você acaba de perder a abilidade de fazer rolamentos ou entrar em cover porque, ao pressionar o botão para isso, seu personagem irá se expor para agarrar o inimigo mais próximo. Porra Naughty Dog, me ajuda aí!

Falando sobre o exagero... A primeira vez que vi algo dos jogos Uncharted foi uma gameplay desse terceiro. Falo da parte onde o navio está afundando e o ninja Drake escala todo tipo de objeto para conseguir se salvar. Achei muito interessante e, na época, lamentei não ter um PS3 para poder jogar. Jogando hoje, realmente é muito interessante e divertido... Mas o navio não é a única parte intensa desse jogo. Todo lugar que o Drake pisa se envolve em destruição total e ele precisa correr, pular, parkourzar, whatever para se salvar. Com o excesso dessas coisas, acredito que tais escapes deixam de ser "épicos" e ficam cansativos. Esse jogo tem o suficiente para espalhar para os outros 2!

Mas tirando esses dois detalhes, é um jogo muito bom, bonito, bem feito e divertido. Possui uma ou outra parte chata como o começo na Colômbia(?) (que também possui uma fuga "épica") e o deserto. MEU DEEUS PRA QUE INCLUIR JOGABILIDADE NO DESERTO?!!? Uma cutscene bastava. Quanto ao final... Esse tem o final triste. Não triste de causar fortes emoções, mas triste de ruim. É mais explosões e fuga épica com o vilão sendo derrotado de forma mais xula que no primeiro jogo. Logo esse vilão que tinha um potencial danado!

É isso, não tenho muito o que falar de Uncharted 3 mas é por ele ser bem parecido com os demais e falar mais coisa seria repetir o que já foi dito. Recomendo muito a trilogia, é excelente. O segundo é meu favorito e acredito que seja assim com a maioria das pessoas. Em breve jogarei o 4.

What happened here? The first two games were so strong, and then this one shows up and just makes a mess of the good name that is Nathan Drake. There were some great moments that I love the Uncharted games for, adventure, cinematic moments, witty dialogue, but they're weighed down by some pointless gameplay (bruh, the desert, why?) and flimsy plot.

complétement zinzin le mec dans le désert

You may have a loved one this Valentine's but I have the Uncharted 3 platinum so who's the real winner here 😎

This game still slaps. I wanted to replay Uncharted 4 but decided to go through this one first, then I quickly realised I had nothing better to do with my life at the moment and decided to platinum it and in doing so I've discovered a couple of things.

1. The bonus rewards in this are so much better than Uncharted 3, mainly the skins, you can be a skeleton... The most you get in UC4 is a scuba suit 😔

2. Despite most of the game aging surprisingly well it's still janky as shit even in the remaster, mainly the climbing and cover mechanics, those got me killed the most. Anger.

3. I've never memorised enemy spawn patterns as much as I've had to during Crushing difficulty for this game.. love that for me. Love this is what I've done with my week.

Anyway, still a very solid game. Nothing masterful but definitely a fun time to come back too. Although glad I never have to touch it again for completion purposes.

gosto demais desse jogo, tem mais cenas foda™️ e é mais focado na ação pela ação que eu sou a favor nesse jogo apesar de a historia ser meio sem sentido as vezes fiquei cativado pelos personagens e a temática 🥺

My favorite amoung the og Uncharted trilogy. I get why Uncharted 2 is favored more but I enjoyed 3 much more both in character and gameplay and my god the set pieces in this game are amazing.

O jogo é bom também, o problema é que já ficou se tornando muito repetitivo tudo que acontece na história do jogo que é sempre na mesma ordem: vão atrás de um tesouro, cidade perdida, maldição sinistra e final feliz e tesouro se perde.
Mas tem pontos positivos legais como o Cutter personagem bem legal que tem os conhecimentos bons iguais ao Nathan e a vilã achei interessante todo o passado com o Sullivan, pena que achei que no final foi mal aproveitada.

4 stars but i hate the setting, this series is just that good

Another step up from the prior two games. I feel like Naughty Dog were really getting their narrative and cinematic feet underneath them. The best was yet to come, though.

Uncharted 3 tem um enredo super interessante porém chatinho em alguns momentos. O que acaba frustrando um pouco, pois joguei logo após zerar o 2 (que é perfeito). Todavia, Uncharted 3 entrega uma experiência muito divertida e empolgante. Valeu a pena cada segundo!

Mi uncharted favorito, el gameplay me parece muy bueno no tengo nada más que decir.

Talbot is the single greatest character ever created by naughty dog, they should honestly just make games where Talbot shows up and each time he gets slightly stronger but it's never explained why.

Actually I dislike this game the most from the franchise, huge let down for me after Uncharted 2 and how good it was. The only thing I love about this one is the locations, probably the best in the franchise before Uncharted 4.

Uncharted 3 surprisingly is the one were this franchise clicked for me. In uncharted 2 I think I just expected too much from the barebones stealth and since the first one I knew this was playable Indiana jones but this game made me rethink uncharted 2. This game is just improved 3 with less expectations. The shootings a bit better with the grenade system, the climbing's a bit better because everything you can climb has a slight twinge of yellow. I like the first half's character dialogue a lot especially with cutter and the crazy setpieces in the later half. The puzzles are a huge improvement since one and two with you sometimes having to use your head and not rely completely on the book. I just really liked this one probably becuase it felt more cinematic to me even though looking back 2 was probably better. also the story when looking into it at all is stupid but a little sadly I kinda wrote off the stories instead seeing it as more of getting these characters together and backdrop for the setpieces and treasure.

play this if you want to know the story for the fourth game