Reviews from

in the past

It's a beautiful journey that rewards the player for every interaction, no matter how small. It's full of charismatic characters, has well written story and dialogues, has a perfect balance of comic/dark/emotional, and as if it wasn't enough, the soundtrack is a masterpiece by itself. It's one of my favorite games ever.

I miss Etika he made me fall in love w/ this game at the time. Don't care for it anymore but some tracks bang

Don't believe the lies of other players Gaster isn't real.

🕆︎■︎♎︎⍓︎■︎♏︎ ♌︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎ ♑︎♓︎❒︎●︎📬︎

as i have too many games in my backlog i only got to experience one of the endings, but i do want to come back to this as soon as possible

A really unique take on the RPG genre that oozes with charm and passion in every corner and one of the best soundtracks in the industry. If you want a short, funny and still moving game that you can beat in a weekend, give Undertale a shot.

Also don't look up what a Fun Value is.

I love it when games blend narrative with gameplay and this game does so perfectly. I'd say when you look into every detail of the game, you'll come to the same conclusion; it's one of the best written games in the industry.
Not that it's faultless. I think Toby's way of writing romance is a bit juvenile - which is weird because there are parts of the game that clearly show he knows how people tick. Eh, nothing's perfect.

Literally has been my favorite game of all time for a while

i have such a good memory with this game, internet will never ruin that

Instant classic. Geniusly designed. Play it for yourself. It's worth the money.

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Where it Shines:
Music - 8/10
Quirkyness - 7/10
Humour - 7/10

The Good:
So Undertale is definitely an achievement for such as mall team. The throwback to weird SNES era JRPGs like Earthbound is apparent, as well as all the references to other things.
The humour, world, and music are probably what the game does best. It also has a very interesting cast of characters, though some can get pretty annoying pretty quickly.

The Bad:
Hoo boy. Where to start. I wanted to like this more than I did. But this game is a little too "look at me I'm an indie game" if you catch my drift.
What starts as a deliberate, well paced adventure, quickly becomes a slog in the last couple of hours. Obtuse puzzles, annoying bosses, and a story almost entirely exposition dumped onto you like you're some kind of exposition flushing toilet.
I went pacifist route, and I think that's part of the issue. The pacifist route has become so proliferous in this game that even going in to this knowing almost nothing, I knew I was supposed to do that route to get the good ending. But the weird ass flower battle at the end is such a fucking insane choice, it looks like garbage and plays like garbage.
So then I realized oh, you're supposed to befriend some characters, and I missed Undyne because you'd have to go back and talk to her if you want to befriend her; it's not linear.
This game wants you to play it multiple times. I have no desire to play it multiple times. I don't think the story, the endings, or the gameplay are good enough for that.
It also tried to break the fourth wall a bunch but it's really obvious and not very well integrated into the story. The game really feels like it's 3edgy5me and uses literal rage faces and memes. I don't think that makes it subversive or meta, it just makes it obnoxious, which explains it's fanbase.

This game is overrated as heck.

I don't regret playing it, but I would not go out of my way to recommend it to anyone. It has a lot of good things going for it, and I can see some people loving it (clearly many do), but this game is just not as good as people make it out to be. I think something like One Shot does a much better job of being evocative and quirky.

TL;DR - As Peter Griffin would say "It insists upon itself".

Note on my ratings:

Treat my stars like Michelin Stars - just having one means the game is worth playing in some way.

1/2 ⭐: hot trash garbage, since you can't do zero stars here
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite

Rarely have i felt the same way undertale made me feel.A heartwarming story which will fill you with emotions indescribable through words,backed by amazing soundtracks and characters.Gameplay is also one of a kind and i like the whole concept on DETERMINATION.All in all,a game without flaws and the perfect game in my eyes.

i really do think that for anyone who played this at a young age, it impacted you in ways that lead to you being a better person. i wish games like this came around more often, because there'd be more tenderness to cherish in the people who play them.

Made me love simple RPGs again.
Story is important but undertale perfected presentation, everything is well crafted to pile up and hit you with a bat when you leats expect it.
Whatever toby fox does gets my attention, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

One of the best games I have ever played. This game has stayed with me and changed the way I look some aspects of the world. It's a delightful and charming combination of a lot of familiar retro games, with a fresh perspective. Gameplay is quite simple, but really ramps up depending on how you choose to play. Cannot recommend this game enough!

Kids who grew up with Undertale are now too depressed to function.

I can't think of a single other game I love that I hate replaying more. Fuck you Undertale, you ruined my life. Chara is evil, Sans is a joke character, and Gaster will not be in Deltarune.

bom pra caralho, zerei e vi o analzoka zerando entre outros, bom jogo

Legit the first game I ever played on a computer. This was my entire childhood.

Wow... just wow... How did I take so long to play this masterpiece? Beautifully crafted, amazing music, one of the most original and entertaining fighting (or should I say encounter?) mechanics I have seen, top-notch writing that really touches your heart...

Everyone should play this.

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Woow, esse aqui é uma peróla do indústria indie, e amigos, que jogo fantástico. Admito que tinha preconceito com o jogo, por conta dos gráficos e jogabilidade fora do comum, MAS, que bom, que bom que perdi esse preconceito e tomei coragem de jogar.
Cara minhas mãos formigam para falar em 100 linhas sobre como esse jogo é incrivel, como tem diálogos impactantes, história FODA, e tudo isso em um jogo SIMPLES, COM MENOS DE 200MB? Eu fico indignado em como o Toby Fox conseguiu fazer essa proeza.
Eu peguei a vibe do jogo em 30 minutos de gameplay e nesse momento já queria virar a noite jogando de tão divertida que é a gameplay e como é inesperado os eventos que acontecem. Flowey é outro personagem GENIAL, e o que quebra a 4 parede de forma inteligentissima varias vezes, esse safadinho conseguiu me ler completamente várias vezes (SPOILER: eu matei a Toriel na primeira vez que joguei porque não sabia que dava para poupar, resetei meu save de pena e a flor me disse que sabia o que tinha feito, e ela disse que eu fiz isso exatamente porque me arrependi, CARA, como que eles pensaram nisso, fiquei me perguntando. Eu nunca vi isso em nenhum outro jogo. Me senti culpado por alguns dias admito porque parece piada, mas esse jogo realmente te toca e te faz ficar muito imerso).
Um tópico somente para as músicas desse jogo porque, cara, como que o Toby conseguiu programar esse jogo, pensar na história e ainda fazer músicas tão boas? As músicas desse jogo são um espetáculo, cada uma transmite sua emoção de um jeito único. Eu me sinto cheio de DETERMINAÇÃO toda vez que ouço Hope and Dreams.
Você se sente acolhido pelos personagens do jogo, e parece que está inserido naquele universo.
SPOILER: Rota genocida: se você fez essa rota, de duas uma, ou você é um psicopata, ou só fez porque queria saber o que acontecia, ou seja, de todo jeito você é um assassino sangue frio.
Dito tudo isso, um jogo realmente espetacular, totalmente fora da curva e inovador!!


Smiled from ear to ear at so many different moments of this game. If it doesn't click with you at first...keep going.

I've never been more disappointed in not liking a game. My full thoughts are on the Use Your Items podcast:

I tried playing this game 3 times, and only finished it on the 3rd play through. It wasn't due to being bored mind you, I was somehow just not captured and it kind of fell to the way side.

Third time though, I was filled with determination and finished it. I wasn't going for any specific ending, but I had the following mantra, if you asked for mercy after bringing me to low health, I would not acquiesce. This was my way for role-playing a character who would forgive anyone, but wouldn't be dumb enough to forgive a villain that brought me low.

Unfortunately, Papyrus brought be down to low health. We were both at around 4 HP before he asked for mercy and I did not give him reprieve. I feel fine spoiling this as a warning: killing Papyrus makes the game incredibly boring. In my previous two playthroughs I had gotten to around the last Undyne battle, so I knew about how the story usually plays out early on. If you kill Papyrus there are no other cutscenes or story beats, its all quiet and boring.

I feel bad giving a 2.5 star rating for a game that I feel like I would've enjoyed more if I had played it differently, but this play through is all I got and it's too easy to kill Papyrus, so can't really forgive this glaring issue.

one of the most influential little games out there loaded full of good and cringy memories.

Simplemente la cabra. Mi mayor amor en el mundo de los videojuegos y mi OST favorita fácilmente. Además despertó en mí una chispa creativa que a día de hoy sigue creciendo y creciendo al ver que casi toda esta obra maestra está hecha sólo por Toby Fox

O maior jogo da minha vida, o jogo mais importante pra mim, foi um grande boom dos jogos indie RPG é incrível que até hoje os personagens viraram marcas da internet como sans, etc.. músicas incríveis, pra mim um 5 fodão

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So I played this game and unintentionally killed Toriel and had to ALT+F4 to get out of it. When I reloaded the save, the characters all seemed to know what I did... and Flowey appeared to reprimand me. Good Lord. What an intro.