Reviews from

in the past

Al inicio me aburría bastante, pero rápidamente me di cuenta que esa era la idea, por lo que considero que las mecánicas están muy bien alineadas con la historia, y el plot twist me dejó plop.

The first act is great the but second act falls flat. The first act achieves a fair difficulty while the second act has a horrendous difficulty spike that really takes away from the experience. It is filled with very obtuse puzzles that are frustrating to solve. I'm not gonna comment on the story much but I enjoyed it, although it doesn't take much for a story to entertain me. Broken age has some great moments but overall it is a mixed bag.

fun puzzle game, i like the main characters

ignore the bad reviews, alot of people got burned by something that will not affect your playthrough. sorry to anyone that felt slighted, but the game is still great.

The first half of the story was extremely intriguing to me. The locations were unique and the writing was... fine. The second half fell a bit flat for me and I just lost interest

Fun ideas but doesn't nail the landing.

first part was great and then never finished it past the first half. I suppose I'll come back to it and if I finish it/am satisfied will have to no choice up it a star. If i haven't done this by 9/22/2024 someone @ me and I'll give them 10 million prussian francs.

Double fine continues to make bangers this game made me cry when it ended one of the games of all time for real it also took me a decent amount of time to complete and I got stuck a bunch of times which I enjoy. idc I liked all of it

Broken Age es un point & click que me ha gustado mucho.

Me gusta el género, pero soy mala hasta decir basta. Aun así, y salvo algún puzle más rarito, ha resultado una gran experiencia.

El arte y el doblaje me ha molado, y... Gary, te queremos 🤖❤

Broken Age (2014): Aventura gráfica clásica, y salvo por un par de picos (maldito hexacompi), con dificultad actualizada a los tiempos. Recupera el sabor añejo de Monkey Island o Day of Tentacle, pero sin llegarle a la suela. Aún así, la recomiendo a quién le guste el género (6,85)

It's a serviceable point-and-click, but occasionally has downright bizarre puzzles that have awful solutions that don't make sense relative to every other puzzle in the game, or hide their answers very out of the way where you'd never think to look unless you're very well versed in the subgenre's worst behaviors.

Now for a disclaimer I didn't play this game until both acts had been released so I don't have the many years of waiting that had happened to many others who expected more from Tim Schafer. I have the review split in two below:

Act 1:

Honestly, I really enjoyed this. I found the puzzles not too simple, but solvable and quite a lot of fun. The two different characters are very interesting, both wanting to go against the curve of their surroundings and free themselves. The many different characters are well written and voice acted too with a twist at the end which I sadly saw coming as I had seen Zero Punctuation's review of Act 2. I still quite enjoyed it though.

Act 2:

The sequel was quite interesting as both teens try to get to grips with what has just been revealed to them and they have to work hard to get out of the situation and reveal a diabolical plan. Unlike the first game, you need control of both characters to complete puzzles on either side (as if they were mentally linked, but they aren't) with one of the most ANNOYING puzzles I have ever seen in a Double Fine game. Luckily there were a few guides online that helped me out with this, leading to a interesting and somewhat symbolic ending.

Now, unlike everyone else I didn't play the first part before the release of the second part. As a full game, it's fine and works well. However, if I were waiting for this second part I would be VERY disappointed. Not to get into any spoilers, but the ending was cut a little short. The villains never get killed or take one, but it ends it with the whole "hope" message like RAGE which also pissed me off as it's like reading a story and then someone tore out the last few pages before the hero's confrontation with the villain.

All in all, now I would say it's worth the money but considering the kickstarter behind it, the amount of time it's taken and other issues like with Spacebase DF9 being incomplete I'd say not to support Double Fine's games unless they're COMPLETE as they have proven that even given a year they can't finish a game that they had received a stupid amount of money over.

I watched Cry play but he did not complete the game..I think....
I played but it got boring and slow... Idk if i will pick up lol

act 1 is a charming point and click adventure game experience with wonderful characters, dialogue, puzzles, world building, and all. act 2 shits the bed to a severity that i've rarely seen given how much i was enjoying the first half.

not sure who the target audience for the game was the more i think about it. going in i thought this was something aimed at being a potential first in terms of adventure/puzzle gaming for new players while appealing to everyone still but with how the puzzle difficulty goes off the rails i'm not so sure. i know with the acts releasing separately what came in act 2 was probably a response to the reception of act 1 but it's too bad that it resulted in such repetitive and miserable puzzles.

could absolutely see myself returning to play act 1 and then dropping the game there someday.

My memory of my time with this game is a bit foggy but I remember enjoying it but feeling like it was kind of a truncated experience. Still, give me more of these point and click adventure games and I'll keep diving in.

Unfortunately the highs of Shane's chapters really outshine Vella's in pretty much everyway but solid voice acting performances from Elijah Wood, Pendleton Ward and Jack Black, coupled with a really nice art style, make it worth playing if you're a fan of point and click games.

Fonte: Lista - Indie of The Year Nominees

Bro really said "What if it took is 2 years to release Part 2 and in that part we introduce literally no new characters, art assets, locations, or Puzzles".

Probably my least favourite Schafer game; it's got a sinister undercurrent that I just don't enjoy. It's drawn from whatever part of his brain came up with the bunnies in Full Throttle. It could be for you, though! It's solid, but unremarkable.

This review contains spoilers

My second playthrough. Releasing the game in two parts was a terrible decision and the main reason I disliked the game the first time around. I’m happy I replayed it because it’s actually pretty great. I love all the characters, locations, puzzles, art, and music. I thought it was one of the few adventure games where every puzzle felt fair.

I was shocked how many items in the game had unique dialogue for using it on so many irrelevant people, items in your inventory, and your environment. Some really funny lines too by just messing around with different items. I’ve played so many adventure games where the use the same throwaway lines that I was extremely impressed with the quantity of lines.

The voice acting is nearly spotless. Vella’s actress was probably the weakest. Honestly I think Jack Black was just okay too, but maybe that was the writing more than anything.

The script was terrific and one of the best from Double Fine. I was laughing constantly. The story was compelling for me also. It felt to me like Tim Schafer took huge inspiration from the Bene Gesserit of the Dune universe; how they infiltrate and indoctrinate local populations to prepare them for exploitation. I enjoyed the themes of breaking free from harmful traditions and smothering parents who don’t let you experience life. I do wish that what happened to the secret society (Thrush) was clearer, but it’s a minor complaint.

First half was perfect, second half lost it a star. Lots of plot holes but still worth playing.

I love this game. The story is so good, and the characters are cool

Unique concept with excellent art direction and execution, sprinkled with delectable voice acting and enjoyable puzzles.

The statute on ever returning to this game and completing it has passed. It looks very good, its got that trademark Double Fine charm. Its also a point and click adventure game and it being ironic about its unintuitive puzzles doesnt make them less unintuitive.

Awesome and beautiful game. I loved the story, the characters (Specially Vella), the gameplay and this idea of two stories simultaneously happening. I get lost sometimes and things to do were a bit... akward, so, it's no so intuitive or logical sometimes, that's why I didn't give 5 stars.

I played through and enjoyed the first part, waited, then heard mixed reviews on the second. So I never touched the game again.

Broken Age just didn't work for me, both conceptually and in actuality. The story was only so-so, and when I was trying to finish the ending of part 1, I remember being surprised and disappointed to see one of the monster's arms displayed as a big white rectangle. I did try part 2 when it came out, but quickly lost all interest in trying to solve those puzzles.

cutest thing EVA
some puzzles are puzzley but still would 100%% recommend this game completed me