Reviews from

in the past

This game finally went out of beta.


The new models are perfect

The music is so great, it sounds like remastered versions of the original game.

The new battle system is pretty good, and is similar to the original's battle system with a couple new things to make it flow better.

For a mobile game the visuals are amazing, I'm surprised how well it ran.


Why is this game on mobile????? This game is essentially FF7 remastered, yeah I know it includes crisis core, and a new Sephiroth story, but surely they could've found someway to do something with those.

This game's story follows FF7 remake instead of the original, meaning new players will be confused if it plays out the same way.

The chapters are releasing monthly, meaning that the stuff that rebirth is covering, will be released long before rebirth is even out if they don't delay it.

As with all mobile games, this game is a big battery killer, I lost 14 percent in about 25 minutes that the tutorial covers.

This game is still pretty good just brought down by the fact its a mobile game, I hope after it's all out, they release a full packaged console and PC version like with FF15 pocket, but one could dream.

My mom asked me if i threw out the garbage, i yelled "APPLIBOT!"

she hugged me, she knew they were trash from the beginning

Unplayble in 2023:

No sweeps;
30 fps lock;
annoying pop up ads;
no voice acting;
0.1% for costume and stamp system is just shit overall, even worse than your 50/50.

With so many good gacha-games on radar it's just a hard skip.

Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

A primeira impressão foi horrível.

Depois do tutorial e da introdução, tu é bombardeado com trocentas notificações, menus, sistemas e bombas de informação. "WIN A FREE 5 STAR WEAPON" "DRAW THIS EPIC THING" "DO THIS MISSION" "GET THIS 1000 BLUE CRYSTALS GIFT" "DON'T MISS OUT ON THE CHANGE TO GET THIS EXCLUSIVE ITEM OR YOU'LL LOSE IT FOREVER".

Beleza, relevei e continuei um pouco a história e missões solo pra upar armas.

A história é resumidíssima, mas também não sei o que o povo tava esperando pra um jogo grátis...

O combate na história é fraco. Fácil demais e tu pode automatizar praticamente todas as lutas. Em missões solo (fora da história) mais difíceis (acima do teu "nível de poder"), o combate até fica interessante. Ainda assim, acho que não segura as pontas e se pá que o Nier Reincarnation é melhor nesse quesito (sei lá, dropei esse aí também).

Então eu me deparei com o fato de que tu pode rolar o gacha com as moedas do jogo pra conseguir a skin de samurai do Cloud (q tá mto foda, inclusive) ATÉ QUINTA-FEIRA QUE VEM, mas pra isso tu precisa de MOEDA PRA CARALHO. Se não me engano, 27 mil se tu tiver azar (oq provavelmente vai acontecer). Uma quantia na fronteira entre o "acho que consigo farmar se jogar pra caralho" e o "hmm acho que vou gastar uns pila aqui".


Edit: para conseguir a roupa, vc precisa de 12 stamps. Cada stamp custa 3k blue crystals, então, se vc for azarado, vc precisa de 36k blue crystals, oq não é fácil de se conseguir.

Joguei mais um pouco até desbloquear o co-op. Tem potencial, mas não vale a pena o tempo perdido (praticamente perdi o dia de hoje).

Vou continuar jogando, mas provavelmente vou dropar depois que pegar a dita roupa.

EDIT (11/09): peguei a roupa depois de um grind que eu considero intenso (por não ser jogador de gacha). Contudo, vou aumentar a nota em uma estrela e meia porque... eu tenho me divertido com essa joça. O jogo é bem generoso com itens e pulls. Ele segura a mão nos cristais azuis mas, pelo que ouvi falar, tá generoso p CRL em comparação a outros gachas. Sem mencionar que o jogo tem um loop bem frenético em relação a progressão de personagem, oq o meu cérebro de macaco que se delícia com a endorfina recebida ao ver números brilhosos aumentando numa tela adora

Provavelmente vou enjoar daqui a algumas semanas, mas se estou me divertindo, então missão cumprida...

EDIT (23/10): Não abro o jogo faz quase uma semana. O drop rate de materiais diminuiu absurdamente e os eventos viraram uma grindaceira daquelas, apesar de que ainda, SUPOSTAMENTE, não esteja sendo um gacha tão predatório e pay 2 win. De toda forma, quando um jogo começa a parecer como trabalho, eu dropo e vou jogar outra coisa cujo intuito primário é DIVERTIR. Flw vlw

I'll keep playing because of how much of a sucker I am for the world of Final Fantasy VII, but as a game it's not great.
The character design and aesthetics is really good and the cutscenes are at the same level of the recent Remake and Crisis Core Reunion.
The combat system is simplified from the already very intuitive classic FF7 system although I had some connectivity problems where the combat would lag a bit. That plus the absence of voice acting if not for the beginning narration by Sephiroth made me enjoy the beginning of my adventure a bit less.
The stories are done in a way where you jump from narrative to narrative, for example stopping the original FF7 storyline to Cloud's first meeting with Aerith and then jumping to the beginning of Crisis Core.
The gacha is atrocious with a stamp system that is just vile.
Overall is an ok-ish game, I'll keep playing to relive the trauma that is the FF7 timeline and to see what they do with the new story for Young Sephiroth.

When you're running out of soap in the soap dispenser so you add water cause you're broke and you don't wanna buy more soap.

First Impressions, this game is pretty underwhelming. When this was announced I was mostly interested in the Final Fantasy VII portion of this bundle. For those unaware this is an interesting mobile collection of three games. The original PS1 game, the PSP's Crisis Core game, and what I believe is a new title, "First Soldier".
Before playing any of this game however I spent an obnoxious amount of time making my way through menus and "gatcha game spins". The collectables included weapons and outfits for the characters. These can be used in any of the 3 titles as far as I could tell and can be equiped anytime before starting an episode. So right off the bat my initial hopes that this was going to be an episodic port of the original game with new models slapped on top was sadly not going to be the case. No controller support made the game annoying to play on my tablet in DeX mode. Combat was pretty mindless and automatic, even when swapped to manual mode. Instead of using the original turn based system the characters now fight on their own, with the only input needed from the player being to tap on large icons to cast spells and do techniques. Overworld navigation is pretty lack luster, story is railroaded, ultimately this is about as abridged a remake of this game can be.
As a time killer I can see this being alright but for myself I don't see much reason to continue. I never thought this was going to top the absolutely steller port of the original game for Switch by any means, but I did expect more from it than this.

It's gacha slop but zack is in the game so :heart::heart::fire::fire: plus I like the chibi versions of characters and the new arranged osts

Can't exactly 'review' it since it's only been out for over a week but.. It's not that bad of a game. Time will tell out it pans out so far it's fine.
Maybe it's the free stuff they give basically everyday but the gacha's not that bad. Gacha's gacha but it's not that hard to get a 10 pull everyday or so.
What's bad though is the pacing. It forces you to play FF7 till Aerith, then it forces you to play CC till Ifrit, then it forces you to play FS until whatever happens in there and THEN you can continue FF7. Not to mention that you need to keep playing both campaigns to unlock features on top of grinding your characters so that they can continue through the story in the first place. But that's just mobile games I guess.
But yeah, so far, it's alright.
Not the worst FF7 game Square's made.

I was actually kind of excited about this game for several reasons. The art for this game is probably some of the best I've ever seen for the series, the costumes for the characters look good, the music is great, and most importantly it would bring parts of the compilation that never got an official release to the West finally, like Before Crisis. All for the best price of free. I was disappointed when they announced the game was going to be a gacha, and I have a strict mental block of not paying a penny to mobile game microtransactions, but I figured this game is so approachable to me I might as well give it a try. Yet somehow they still managed to drop the ball in so many ways and so hard at those with this game. I genuinely couldn't even get past the opening bombing mission; it was just so mindless and an obvious cash grab.

First off, they advertised that all compilation titles would be playable at launch in some degree, when that just obviously never happened. All that's been available at launch is the Midgar section of the original game, the first few chapters of Crisis Core, and some new story for First Soldier. To be honest, ever since Remake launched I've grown so tired of Midgar content because that's all they've been able to advertise for a while now. And yet these few chapters are all based in Midgar. It's all becoming repetitive, especially since both the original game and Crisis Core got remade recently.

Second off, I REALLY hate how you're forced to play other chapters of other games before playing the chapter I want to play. I was really only interested in the other compilation titles and maybe the First Soldier story, because everything else has been done to death already or is still being remade. I don't really want to play the bombing mission for the 30,000th time, I'm tired of it. I don't want to play Crisis Core again, when that game is already designed to be as replayable as possible. Yet here we are, still at square one. I get that this game will feature episodic releases, but if I'm not hooked in at the start there's no way I could really care for anything else. I just want something new again, so it really sucks that I have to play everything I've already gone through dozens of times just to get to the First Soldier story I may be interested in.

Third, the combat system was designed to be more in line with traditional ATB based JRPG combat, which is great for people who want that more traditional experience, but this is just a joke made in spite of that kind of system. It's not even ATB, it's just "wait for bar to fill up, press button". It's not fun at all. At least with the original FFVII, you had so much more freedom with your commands when your bar does fill up, but with Ever Crisis it's just pathetic. Really hard sell on this.

Finally, the gacha elements are everywhere. I get that this game is a gacha, so they're supposed to get you to gamble your life savings away, but everyday I've gotten notifications on my phone saying shit like "5 STAR PULL GUARANTEED!!! NEW COSTUME!!! DRAW NOW!!! GIVE BIG DADDY SQUARE ENIX MONEY!!!" There's even achievements in game for logging in everyday and pulling something from the slot machine. I think they might as well just lock away parts of the game behind gacha elements with how in your face it all is.

Overall, a MASSIVE disappointment. If you like gacha games I guess it's for you, but with probably being the biggest fan of FFVII I know amongst my small circle of friends this game just sends me into an ephemeral rage. I'm sorry. 3/10.

This review is brought to you by the GLENN GANG.

sadly, i did not finish ever crisis. not that you can really finish the game in the first place atm, cuz you know, episodic. But i was planning to at least finish all the story the game currently has.

Got most of the way there, but yeah nah. The game is just

So, you need to be 40.000 power level for the next story mission.
First, lets do some xp grinding missions to grind levels.
Wanna upgrade ur stats? Sure, lets do another type of grinding mission to get materials to upgrade those.
Oh, you should level up ur weapon. heres another type of grind quest for materials.
whoops, weapon hit the level cap. here u can uncap it with materials from ANOTHER type of quests.

I havent even mentioned the materia upgrade materials, mostly cuz i ignored those.

Now, if you get bored by the combat, which i wouldnt blame you, you can just put on auto battle and make the game play itself with more skill then a human ever could. U can just put ur phone down, do the dishes, maybe check phone to activate a limit break or 2, and ur grinding is done for you!
....which begs the question what you are doing this for in the first place.

I never really played a gacha before, and uh, yeah, i dont think i will in the future, lol

Game is cute! its a neat lil (very) abridged recreation of the start of ff7 and crisis core, and i think the idea of putting the entire compilation into 1 game is cool! The models are cute, backgrounds are cozy, and the character portraits look great.

and also theres the FIRST SOLDIER story, a story that, unlike the title suggests, wasnt actually in the game the first soldier (rip), but actually is entirely new. It stars glenn, who is like jack from stranger of paradise if jack was more like zack, and his lil gang of shinra soldiers. Also heavily features the backstory of sephiroth, tho i havent gotten to that part yet.

Its defo the beefiest part of the game rn, but sadly, i think i will have to experience it by watching the cutscenes on youtube.

maybe one day when the games finished they will port over the game to consoles and take out the grind. prolly not, but who knows?

Yea this is pretty awful the cutscenes are really charming though. And the character portraits are really nice. I'd just youtube all the cutscenes.

sizin ff7nizi sikerim oclari

I was hoping this would be the FF7 remake I was looking for in terms of being more faithful to the original but that's not really the case. That's not the reason this rating is low tho. This being a mobile game with monthly story releases and typical unfavorable mobile game features really holds it down.

sometimes i feel glad i chose genshin as my main gacha game

gacha is a plague that must be extinguished. would love to be able to play before crisis in english officially but not if i have to wade through the typical gacha game bullshit to get to it

It's fine. The visuals are cute but really I'm just here to see this brand new story about the origins of Sephiroth's skincare routine or something

Just... watch the cutscenes on YouTube, this really isn't worth it. Played through all the story available so far and it's just your typical grindfest gacha using every trick in the book to drive addictive personalities to bankruptcy. The music and visuals are quite nice, gameplay is alright but gets boring fast—granted at least it has a VERY smart auto battle—story recaps for FF7/CC are okay so far and fairly faithful despite being abridged (idk what people are on about with it following ff7r, it doesn't at all beyond copypasting the opening), but definitely not a substitute for the actual games. Unsurprisingly you can't get away with just beelining the story, you'll need to grind a ton and endure endless popups pathetically begging you to empty your wallet to make the grind faster (or y'know, play another game).

As for the original First Soldier story, aka the only notable thing here, it's... fine so far. Fun trio and Glenn is a top tier himbo, but they're limited by how brief the story is in this format (30 second cutscene before 3 waves of enemies, the usual gacha deal). Baby Sephiroth might be fun to see in later episodes, and I look forward to watching the rest on YouTube in the future.

Anyway time to uninstall this crap.


The core idea of an abridged FF7 compilation experience is great, but it's brought down by overwhelming gacha elements and boring combat that effectively plays itself. Total wasted potential.

2023 Ranked

Decent for gacha game standards and while I do enjoy it, I just cant see myself sticking with it long term due to how grindy it is to access story content which is what I care for the most since gameplay is pretty brain dead. Will probably continue consuming this as a YouTube series just like KHUX.

opening the game to a cool intro sequence and a nice little remake of the opening bombing mission only to be immediately bombarded with CLAIM YOUR DAILY REWARD FREE LOOTBOX DAILY STORE COSTUMES GUARENTEED FIVE STAR DROP 5 MILLION DOWNLOAD BONUS

No. I won't play this game anymore.

It may be disrespectful, but I hate this mobile spin-off. I don't want to see such a great game overwhelmed with terrible battle gameplay and gotcha elements everywhere.

I'll only wait 'till Rebirth. Let us meet on 2/29, 2024.
Update: I redownloaded it after the Rebirth released last month. Maybe I should give it a try again

I love the new taste this game brings to the original foundation of Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII! It doesn't ruin it or soil it's legacy, and the added content from the First Soldier is truly something out of this world. Can't name many other GOD TIER franchises that resurrect their games and implement them into new ones with a whole new game play style and story!