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in the past

Rewatching some of the cutscenes in this game had me grinning like a fucking idiot. It's hilarious but not surprising that nothing else has matched this game's visuals and writing.

17 (que coincidencia) jogo de 2023, caralho cara eu nao tenho nem palavras bixo, eu nao vou chegar aqui mentindo dizendo que eu entendi todos os temas do jogo pq eu nao cheguei nem perto, mas tirando um pouco a história extremamente complexa e intrigante de lado (e o plot twist fudido) o jogo tecnicamente também é fodido, os graficos extremamente únicos, a mecanica principal do jogo de controlar 7 personalidades distintas também é muuuuuito bem aproveitada, a trilha sonora não é tão presente mas casa muito bem com o jogo, e cativa demais com essa ambientação liminar e até assustadora que o jogo oferece, muito bom a forma com que voce fica extremamente paranoico quando voce escuta aquela risadinha, a história do jogo também apesar de bem complexa, (e sinceramente ainda preciso de um tempo pra digerir) é muito intrigante, abordando temas como politica, psicologia e retratação da sociedade do inicio do século 21 no geral, realmente uma das grandes peças de videojogos da historia. (disclaimer: ainda não joguei o conteúdo adicional do game)

from game boot to the end of the first chapter it has the best introduction in gaming history. if you aren't hooked by then idk dude

holy fuck.
Bizarre, stylish and surprising, these are the three main words that come to mind when I think of Killer7.

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No entendi ni verga pero Japon hizo kabum

Hahaha muito engraçado pena que COLLATERAL SHOT!!

I think about the Russian Roulette scene all the time.

Hella confusing, I barely understood what was happening half the time. Not the most fun gameplay in the world but I kinda loved just seeing what happens next. Game has more than its fair share of inconveniences but there's nothing that ruins the whole experience. So despite the middle of the road gameplay, I never felt like I couldn't keep going. I still had to take breaks every now and then since it can get repetitive.|

Anyway glad I played.

out of all the games ive been weirdly and significantly obsessed to the point of where i had dreams about THE FUCKING BETA OF KILLER7, i can forgive myself for being so. suda himself said out of all the games hes made this is the one hes the most proud of making and i gotta say id be damn proud too if i made this my life would be complete. incredibly ambitious, striking visuals and sound that smacks you across the face, and anxiety inducing cutscenes this is one game a true gamer must experience

this game that was developed in the land of the rising sun is so immersed in its politics it doesnt have japanese voice acting, english voice actors only and subtitles for japan i cant think of another game that does that

this game is so opium wtfff

I'm gonna pretend to know what was happening and say it was a masterpiece.

im willing to admit when i get filtered. this is one of those times.

I didn't know what to expect going in, and the game surprised me very positively, the gameplay is very unique and satisfying, the puzzles are fun to solve and the combat has a wide variety of enemies that test the capabilities of each one of your personalities, the bosses are great too, most are easy but very creative and fun, and the story... where do I start? It starts off very confusing but it's not that hard to understand if you pay attention, it doesn't tell you everything right away but it gives you all the information you need to understand, the characters are also very charismatic and you get attached to each one of them, even the most insignificant ones, simply for the authenticity of each one, the cutscenes are also very well directed and the ost is amazing, keeping you always in the edge of your seat in each scene and dialogue that appears, and by the way, the dialogues are very well written, the setting is also very unique and well done, the scenery is abstract and deliberately not very detailed, with desaturated yet present all throughout the scenery colors, forming a very bizarre and comforting aesthetic at the same time, my only issue were some very slow animations and some boring enemies, but overall a great experience, 9.8/10, 5/5 stars.

Gameplay gets fairly repetitive and bosses weren't super fun but the game is so stylish and full of Soul that it's easy to ignore the negatives. Dan Smith is one of the coolest characters ever.

One of my favorite games of all time. Blew my mind back in the day and it still holds up. One of the most stylish games of the era, and even today the ambitious story and art design are among the best in the industry.

One of the Goichi Suda games of all time

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hoylks hit

screw it, 5 stars

if you're looking at the 4.3 average rating and expecting the best story ever or the best gameplay ever or the best graphics ever, don't. killer7 gets so much love cuz it's the most creative video game released by a major publisher. you're looking at the grasshopper power trio of suda51, masafumi takada, and akihiko ishizaka working with SHINJI MIKAMI and left to do nearly anything they wanted. it's a must play for anyone interested in "games as art". plus, its funny. russian roulette IS the greatest cutscene in any video game.

It become my favorite game and I wasn't expecting that. The story and gameplay was what impressed me the most, also rave on has become my fav soundtrack of all the games, It's really good. Anyway, I highly recommend it!

really interesting and bizarre story/characters, very pretty visuals, and fun exploration

Rating this feels weird. I'd earnestly recommend it, but it's not for everyone. It's a really, really bizarre experience.

So you're telling me they fit seven guys inside this one geezer?

Incredible and very unique experience.

muchas gracias suda51 no volveré a dudar de ti jamás