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in the past

I keep coming back to this, such a simple idea yet compelling because each run builds in complexity. Yes, it's actually a deckbuilder but it still relies more heavily on luck of the draw than anything else. If slot machines really were this complex they'd be much more addicting. I love how adjustable the base colors are, a really appreciated detail for visual impairment that has allowed me to play longer than I would have. Love obliterating landlords too.

Edit: Still obsessed with this and the more I play it the more I like it. I'm up to building 16 and still discovering new items and strategies. When you get a powerful run it's nearly as thrilling as winning real money. Bumping up my score because this is really a perfect little gem that rewards exploration and experimentation much more than you suspect it will.
Just to be goofy I recently tried an eggs-and-pearls-focused run that ended up being my best run ever after I landed the diver, frying pan, essence frying pan, chef, and two golden arrows. I sometimes had omelettes paying off at 120+ per spin, absolutely nuts.

It costs to live. You didn’t choose to live but you will pay your landlord. Here is such a brilliant and concisely defined game: your ability to pay a rapidly increasingly cost to live is based on building a deck through spinning a slot machine.

The game builds in complexity with every spin. The symbols you choose in the deckbuilding parts pay off against each other. If you’ve played your cards right, you might end up with more money then you need to live.

I’ve occasionally looked for a game that’s simply a slot machine plus a compelling mechanic that is not just a microtransaction feeder and this is such a pure example of how that can work, while imbuing these themes with evident commentary.

Sometimes the best idea is the most simple idea. Here, the mechanics are compelling because while there is this overriding aspect of chance, there is also a thrill in building a foolproof deck, knowing when to hold ‘em and when to go for more productive symbols. It’s such a smart little design and is a good and fulfilling bite-sized time sink.

Addictive little roguelike deckbuilder based around manipulating the symbols that appear on a slot machine. Add symbols that increase the income of your other symbols, add symbols that destroy other symbols for big one-time payouts, and prune away symbols that bring down your average payout. Once you play enough to recognize all the different symbols and items, it’s easy enough to just start picking good ones at a glance and more or less play on autopilot, juggling a few different potential builds until either one of them starts taking off or the whole thing stalls out and the rent payments catch up to you. I didn’t mind the mindlessness of it though, it makes for a really chill zone-out-or-listen-to-a-podcast sort of game.

I do find the slot machine theming kinda funny though, because unlike a real slot machine, the machine payouts are relatively consistent; even if you are reliant on specific arrangements/combinations, they tend to simply require having a couple specific symbols show up in adjacent spots, which you can count on happening every few spins unless you’ve really bloated your machine with too much junk. Instead, it’s the selection of new symbols and items between spins where most of the run-deciding RNG resides.

Like gamba, but only win. for real tho, its a good deck builder with plenty of synergies to explore and challenge yourself to find. a good time waster.

Solid arcade game that is easy to throw on to pass the time. It's a slots game that actually has strategy in you choosing what items go in the slots for synergies and payouts

A shockingly good little game, which is barely a game, but is anything a game? Anyways, Dwarf strats are key to my victories over the landed gentry.

A deckbuilder crossed with a slot machine and loosely (very loosely) themed around paying rent to an ever more greedy capitalist.

Purchase icons to go on your slot machine, pull to play, and if related symbols appear next to one another then they combine for various bonusses to give you more coins to buy more icons and eventually pay rent.

It's exceptionally simple, and addictively fun for short time - but ultimately I wouldn't recommend it because beyond the initial dopamine hits of something fun and a bit weird there isn't much substantial behind it.

to be 100% this game consumes me whenever i play it. its a nice leisurely time but it also only has so many builds that work and I can feel it growing stale but the formula is so creative and fun.

Very fun game and concept for a roguelike, and perfect for fueling a crippling gambling addiction! Balancing feels a bit rough at times, and runs tend to fall into a handful of the same archetypes more often than not. Still a good time waster for when you just want to spin a slot machine and defeat capitalism.

This game sounds fun on paper! Mid. The fun comes from trying to nail a good build using the limited options the game gives you. Ultimately it's up to luck though and the gameplay stops there. Spin the wheel. That's it. You get items to steer things in your favor but this idea is done way more fun in other roguelikes/lites.

This is a pretty simple but very fun little slot machine game. It's very lizard brain numbers go up, but fun devising strategies for which symbols you choose to go on it. And eventually your rent will go up to the point where you're priced out, even on a good run. If only the guillotine item didn't only kill the billionaires item.

finally a game to feed my inner closeted gambler

Sights & Sounds
- Simple, charming pixel graphics
- I'll be honest, the music and sound effects can be a little mind-numbing if you've got a long run going. I recommend muting the game and turning on the music of your choice instead

Story & Vibes
- As you may have surmised, this isn't some narrative masterpiece. Play slots. Win money. Pay your rent. Either get evicted or find out how your landlord dies. Alternatively, become a billionaire and fall to the guillotine. That's about it

Playability & Replayability
- After beating each floor, you unlock the next one. Each floor has something that makes it a little harder, whether it be more intense rent progression or additional "X" marks that don't earn you money
- Building out your slot machine icons to maximize income is basically the long-and-short of the gameplay. I do admit that it's pretty fun, though. Adding and removing pieces until you work your way into money-making build is actually pretty gratifying
- As you can tell by the hours I've spent on the game, this is a fun, quick, highly replayable game that's enjoyable when you have some time to kill

Overall Impressions
- A great time-killer and a unique concept. I'd recommend throwing it on your wishlist and waiting for a sale if you think you'd enjoy it

Final Verdict
- 7.5/10. A fun little novelty that's easy to sink time into

90% of luck be a landlord players quit right before they hit it big

this game prevents my inevitable gambling addiction

I can't explain why but this game is incredibly addicting (And sometimes frustrating).

I'm a fan, would destroy landlords again.

just. PURE dopamine. the gameplay is as simplistic as it gets but the numbers get out of control and it’s very fun

Wake me up when one of these drops at the Cesar's Palace

Had played this early on and only felt frustrated, but now it feels way more balanced
Of course it's still a huge deal of RNG, but knowing the synergies and possibilities plays a big role
Surprised me how much better it feels now, so I finally beat the 20th floor

Dont really understand it too too much but it's fun whenever I decide to open it!

Really awesome and unique roguelike - very addictive and fits the Deck exceptionally well, though I think I'd prefer to play it on mobile

Pretty fun for a couple hours. Not much more

El concepto es bueno, y la idea de tener un roguelite donde todo se basa en tiradas completamente aleatorias en lo que basicamente es una tragaperras con el background de tener que pagar un alquiler esta genial, pero es demasiado aleatorio, no hay suficientes herramientas como para construir algo "solido" cada vez que empiezas un run y muchos mueren por el camino por puro RNG de empezar una build y quedarte a medias ya que no enmcuentras ninguna pieza mas tras unas cuantas tiradas.

not very complex. you will have more or less the full experience after just a couple runs, not really worth the price tag. it doesnt take long to figure out the best things to pick and i was bored long before reaching the 20th floor.

Once upon a time, I finally cracked the algorithm and was steadily becoming a billionaire with my hardcore tactis. After 2-3 hours of slowburning moon farming, I was getting kinda bored and decided to pick a devil's deal upgrade. I didn't fully understand what would be the consequences of my actions but shortly after that everything was ruined. A few minutes later, I uninstalled the game and never touched it again. THE END

The achievements suck BAD

Kind of ingenious: the random upgrade drops in this subgenre of roguelites already resemble a slot machine. So this game has you playing two different games of pseudo-slots, one in service of improving your odds at the other one. A very enjoyable way to waste any random amount of time.