Reviews from

in the past

Played the playtest and the game is coming out in about an hour. After the many hours I've played this game, I gotta say it's a BLAST! Laughing with my friends non stop playing this. It is the best party game today!

Pretty adorable if you like dumb fun, but I myself don't tend to care much for games that almost require me to have friends to play with, so I don't think it'll have much shelf life for me.

10/10 for the corgi, though. Very boopable snoot.

it's ok. just play gang beasts instead.

Great party game, but nothing mind-blowing. Group up with a couple friends, have a couple drinks, it can get chaotic real quick. Don't know if I'd recommend it solo, though.

Long-term, I think it needs a greater variety of maps and game modes if it wants to survive. And some of the existing game modes could also use a mercy rule or some score adjusting, like the football/hockey ones. When you're getting steamrolled by the other team, you want it to end at 0-3, not 0-6.

No creo realmente tener que jugar mucho está cosa para entender está cosa. Simplemente es CRACK a la antigua.
Posiblemente la experiencia vaya a peor después de un rato como buen juego de servicio, pero para la reta con los amigos, oh boy, droga pura.

Easily animal combat game of the year

super fun but i'm worried about the longevity. 20$ then the skins are more expensive than that? i'm guessing it'll do what fall guys did & go free to play later..

Bonitinho e engraçadinho, porém bem repetitivo. O jogo é bem divertido se jogar com amigos porem enjoa bem rapidom, tipico de party games que vc joga vez ou outra

this might just be the best fighting game this year

Watching cute little animals clock each other at full speed is one of the most enjoyable things in life

playing this with friends will have u reaching for ur nearest shovel

I've had a lot of fun with friends on Party Animals but I do think that in order for this game to thrive in the long-run, there will need to be new modes, maps and cosmetics added at a regular cadence.

Evokes the same feeling as playing early Fall Guys but a little lacking on the content I would expect from the extended dev time. It needs more features like playlists and offline play. The only game I truly dislike playing is Beast Ball. Many of the games are also just too long, with the 'sport' type games being a first to 3. With friends it's always a good time, granted you're not getting repeatedly owned every round. It's far from perfect and a little lacking overall but I got basically exactly what I paid for. Thus the rating.

In the battle of The Chad broken ass, bare bones, freeform jazz rough & tough Gang Beasts VS The Cowardly gorgeous looking, mostly playable, limiting (in comparison) Party Animals I will always choose/champion the (former) multiplayer party game with no tutorial, zero rules and in-game purchases (and budget), and that doesn't play itself for you. This game is still very fun though and a good alternative option for those who struggle with/have yet to master the former. Somewhere in a combination of these two games is a perfect physics based multiplayer game for me. As soon as I acquire the Garfat character I will change my score to a 5/5.

Update (9/25):
I'm bringing this down a star because while I am having a lot of fun with it the controls are so annoyingly sluggish that it's really unacceptable it was released like this.

Demorou pra sair? Demorou. Foram 2 anos de espera pra lançaram? Foi. Mas é mais um game divertido se juntar com amigos. Infelizmente ele tem uma estrutura de F2P de skins bizarra e o seu preço não é muito convidativo para um party game.

Tem gamepass? Da uma chance que tenho certeza que terá horas de risos, senão espera mais um tempo que certamente ele se torna Free.

Gang beasts 2.0 is a very fun game.

Gang Beasts but it's fun for more than 10 minutes.

Mike Vick’s Game of the Year without a doubt.

obviously an ongoing thing but where it stands this game was super fun and has a lot more longetivity than i was expecting! there's some small balance things that are a bit frustrating, and i hope they consistently update with new maps and stuff but right now it's a super solid game with lots of varied and fun game modes! the achievements are pretty shit though lol

Once the local co-op options become a bit easier to get into matches with, I can see this becoming a regular thing for me and my partner. Look forward to seeing what they do with this!

one of the best couch coop games out there

Moderately amusing party game but making each round the same game was a really silly design choice. Each round should be a new game type as it gets suuuper boring once you've on round 7 or 8 of the same damn thing.

After my 3 hours playing Party Animals drop kicking your pals off the map and boomerangin headtops still hasn't got old.

Iceberg stage brings back great memories of Polar Panic on Crash Bash PS1.

Cute but clunky, with a rather poor local multiplayer implementation. It's a shame because I feel the game would excel in a couch setting, but is most entirely geared towards online play.