Reviews from

in the past

flat out ruined by its checkpoint system being so awful. when you die, enemies that are dead do not respawn, effectively either restart the entire level or just feel like you're legit cheating.

This game rules. The checkpoint system sucks, but you can just restart the level. It's not a huge deal.

Fun weapons and DOOMy level design and enemies, but the early access and spread out design of it is a little tell-tale, with easier and gimmicky levels in the latter half padding it after a more naturally ascending level of difficulty. I still liked it enough that a future episode could be potentially interesting.

It's a nice boomer shooter with some good gunplay, but I felt like it didn't really get my attention: I just wanted to speedrun the levels, get some nice "rushy" feeling and be done with it. It didn't attract me as much as other boomer shooters like DUSK.

The quintessential DOOM2016-like.

This is a really solid boomer shooter that takes a lot from Doom 2016 and that ilk of nu-shooters. Using the classic Doom method of rotating sprites instead of models is also a really interesting choice. The game's biggest strength is the level design, not falling for the trap of just locking you in a combat arena with a ton of enemies like a lot of other Doom 2016-likes have a tendency of doing. Highly recommend.

What would happen if you took Doom (1993) and Doom (2016) and fused them together with cosmic radiation? Prodeus might be as close as we ever get to an answer. The game casts you as a nameless warrior and drops you into a war between Order and Chaos. You’ll blast enemies across a range of faux lo-res environments, from decaying power plants and cities to frozen wastelands and orbital satellites.

Though the baddies you face primarily take their inspiration from Doom, other influences have also crept into the mix. Fireball chucking Xenomorphs appear in spades, and later you’ll encounter enemies that would fit in among the ranks of Starcraft’s Protoss. Why are all these mutants and monsters going berserk on you and each other? I never quite figured that part out, but the visceral action and joy of watching rival factions mow each other down more than made up for the lack of story.

Why sit back and watch enemies tear each other to shreds, though, when you could join the fun yourself? The action in Prodeus moves fast; the weapons look and feel great, and each has a secondary firing option to boot. The Shredders – dual SMGs – let you fire one with reasonable precision or unload both at once to pulverize aliens that get up in your face. Shotguns, meanwhile, come in multiple flavors – my preference is the Super Shotgun, which can fire four shells at once to drop nearly any monster, big or small. There are also rockets, grenades, energy weapons, and last but not least the Chaos Caster. The Caster’s primary firing mode is a lightning attack that leaps between nearby enemies, while its secondary fire option turns it into a sniper rifle.

Yes, I said sniper rifle. But make no mistake: You’ll never find yourself hunkering down in a foxhole and waiting for enemies to pop out of cover. Prodeus plays hard and fast, the level design always funneling you forward. There are few puzzles or mysteries to ponder over, unless you want to uncover all of the secrets.

Unfortunately, many secrets are only reachable with extra abilities – abilities you only unlock late in the campaign. Realizing that I wouldn’t be able to find all the hidden collectibles in a level on my first visit completely disincentivized me from hunting for them. There was nothing more depressing than spotting a precious chunk of ore only to realize that I wouldn’t be able to grab it without a double jump.

I do have a few other nitpicks. The controls on console are a bit wonky, even after tweaking. The game was clearly built for keyboard and mouse first. Also, the difficulty balance feels just a bit off. Using the respawn points makes the game too easy, but disabling them makes the later levels overly punishing. I wish there was a compromise between the two options.

All in all, though, Prodeus is a spectacular throwback FPS. It takes the frantic action of newer shooters and effortlessly blends it with the nostalgia of the 90s classics you know and love. Every aspect from the gameplay to the soundtrack oozes with style. The dissonant synthesized drone of the stage select music will stick in my memory for months if not years to come.

A fun mix of classic and new Doom. More fun than the former, nowhere nearly as good as the latter, not that much could hope to be. All of the guns feel satisfying and the maps are fun to explore. The blood is a little much, sometimes it obscures the action.

loved the look and atmosphere + music. the rotating sprites are a wonderful touch

not a huge fan of the unlock system or the weapon and enemy variety, quite a bit of strange design choices... maybe they were just too adamant to diverge from the source material and made changes haphazardly? that's how it felt at least.

there's some "story" to be had here, but the main thread is the changes in locale. would have loved for the variation that comes towards the end to be introduced a bit earlier, as I was already halfway out the door by the time the big changes occured

maybe i'll revisit it? not in a big rush

You know how FPS games used to be called "DOOM clones"? Well, this is the first FPS in 25 years that's actually first and foremost a DOOM clone rather than an FPS.

Not as distinct as other boomer shooters that come out recently, and certainly doesn't hold a candle to wonderful New Blood catalogue of games. 75% of the game is visually very brown and red, even if levels are different. Speeds up by the end with icy, space, and church levels, but they're each like a level as opposed to the factory that's going on for most of the game, for some reason.

Wish it had more of an identity, but it still looks and sounds quite good and has wonderful punchy combat.

Really great modern-era boomer shooter. Even better in co-op

I haven’t beaten it, as I’ve taken a break from it. Plan to go back as it is damn fun.

I didn't expect much going into this game, but exceeded my expectations.

It takes all the best parts of the Doom games and puts its own spin on them. They take the movement from Doom Eternal and the gameplay from Doom (2016) while having an art style that has a modern and retro feel.

Prodeus looks great, sounds great and feels great. The levels are really fun, and you get a lot of different weapons to play around with.

With that being said, I do think it lacks its own personality. This may sound vague, but Dusk for example sets itself apart from Quake.

With that being said this is one of the better indie boomer shooters and you're doing yourself a disservice not playing it.

Avrei messo 4 stelle ma dura più del dovuto, cosa che mi ha fatto ammosciare il cazzo ad una certa

I'm grateful for the final stage for almost exploding my heart out

This is an overall really good game that I would recommend checking out. The gunplay feels really nice with all of the weapons feeling and sounding really beefy as you'd expect, plus the enemies are all well designed and fun to fight (except for the Slayers). My biggest gripe with this game has to go to the Nexus Points which unfortunately trivialize any difficulty the game would've had. This is due to the fact that when you respawn at them, all of the enemies you killed stay dead. Other than that and the weapon grid feeling a little clunky at times, the game is really fun to control and the combat is great.

It gets an 8/10 overall.

its like doom but you can look up

Project Brutality+Doom 2016+Quake = This game

Абсолютно тупоголовый шутан для тех, кому за 80. Никакой глубины геймплея тут не ждите, всё предельно просто: ходи, стреляй, еби гусей. От такого скучно становится после первого часа игры, разбавляют всё это довольно солидные арсенал и бестиарий. Хотя и тут не без минусов - пушками особо не пожонглируешь, так как тут не колесо выбора оружия, как в Doom: Eternal, а архаичная поебота из старпёрских шутеров, типа Сэма или Кваки. Нажми четыре раза "3", чтобы переключиться на нормальный дробовик, бля.
Короче, на любителя штука.

It's a good game! 'Oldschool' shooter, way better than Boltgun - the level design is on another level, more variety, cool weapons. Pixel enemies are cool. It's almost an 8/10, but hey, Doom Eternal is 8/10. Bought it for the community levels — extended the fun a bit. But the core gameplay loop is a bit too easy, and the checkpoint system is weird (death has no consequence)

Better than Doom 2016. It feels like the first act of something greater

Great aesthetic, sound design, game feel. Whenever I'm in the rush of combat, I have absolutely zero notes on how this game. It's fast, frenetic, and ripping and tearing its hordes of (demons?) never ceases to entertain.

When I'm not in combat, a lot of this game wears... There's the cheap mobile game aesthetic of the menu design, the odd pacing where levels are broken into short <10 minute chunks that spit you back into a world map afterward, the weapon bloat of the inventory (there's 2-3 weapons of every ammo type, often leaving the weaker/earlier variants totally obsolete but nonetheless cluttering your inventory).

Enemies are too beholden to Doom's own—everything is zombie soldier, imp, cacodemon, lost soul, pain elemental, pinkies, hell knight, chaingunner. I don't think there's a single unique enemy until the final third of the game! Pair this with an aesthetic that bears a little too much resemblance to Doom 2016's space station grays and reds, and the game feels in real need of its own verve.

In the last 5 levels of the game they finally start experimenting. There's alien worlds with shifting walls and floors that really bring some life into the design, breaking it away from the tired Doom 2016 riff of the prior 20+ levels, but it's a little too little too late.

If the game had that energy from the start, paired it with some more unique enemies, and a significantly pared down weapon selection (take real inspiration from Doom and pare it down to just the necessities. each weapon should fill a unique singular role; if two weapons overlap, cut one.) it could really be one of The Greats of the genre. As is, it's some pretty damn fine fundamentals in need of a better package.

I forgot to log this when I beat it lmao

Pretty fun boomer shooter! I feel some levels are kinda whatever and almost feel samey to an extent, sometimes being cluttered and claustrophobic for some unfair deaths, but others feel more tightly designed and have a better sense of fairness to it imo. The enemies are nice and varied but specific ones I seem to have more issue trying to kill, especially the more enhanced Prodeus units which are more annoying.

That said, it is a really fun boomer shooter especially with a friend and it's got a good flow to it's combat and platforming.

Boring doom clone thats also way longer than it should have been

An amazingly chunky game that finds out how to put as much blood on the screen as possible without making it visually obnoxious. Admittedly, the game does begin to drag in the last leg of it, and much of the UI looks placeholder and really poorly designed, but once you're in the game and blasting apart demons into pixelated gore, you're going to forget about all that and be grinning ear to ear from the rush of it.

fast, not much variation to gameplay & the default style is a little too jank for the kind of game its trying to be but cant go wrong with doom-like fps