Reviews from

in the past

Only redeeming quality is the wacky madness you experience with co-op.

Not going to lie, when I saw Chris punch that boulder I really started to question if he was natty or not…


played it with my old bestie / neighbour. we were kids and had no idea what to do, stuck on the first level for maybe an hour just constantly trying to kill every single enemy every time and not understanding what we were doing wrong. good times

The seven minutes Wesker gave me were the best seven minutes of my life

dale chris dale mas duro a la piedra

RE5 is a fun game but is a complete step down from the amazing and arguably greatest game of all time RE4. Although I enjoyed my time with the game, it’s plagued with issues that I couldn’t overlook and just goes backward from RE4.

The coop campaign is awesome, I hate how the screen is cut off though if on local. Honestly I would say don’t even bother playing this alone, the game is worse alone.

Great tone, setting, graphics and art direction is beautiful still holds up.

Great controls, they’re like RE4. Inventory is a huge downgrade, although a shared inventory is a great idea, design of the UI itself can be improved.

Too many enemies feels generic most of the gameplay, so much mindless action, RE is still in there but a lot of it is gone unfortunately.

Wesker carries the game hard, his boss encounters and dialogue and cutscenes are peak RE, even Chris at times. Sheva is cool she’s not Jill but she grows on you. Jill is so real btw, also her writing and role was kinda wasted in this game.

Feels like a RE4 but worse most of the time, virus is similar, enemies are similar, feels cheap.

Too many loading screens 
Unfair checkpoints at times
Bad puzzles
Terrible revive animations and crowd control sucks.
Not scary 
No atmosphere
Just not very RE and way too action focused.

Cool death screens, super gorey.

RE4 references; Kennedy report, Las Plagas is awesome. Wish they tied it in more. 

Dogs are sick, they got chainsaw dude not man from RE4, Ogres are sick once again, I liked the enemies but too much like RE4.

Overall, I enjoyed the game but its a complete step down and only worth playing coop. Some cool stuff in here but this is where the decline of RE started. Hopefully the remake makes this much better as there was a lot of potential here.


I liked it quite a bit on release but as time moved on, it kinda melts into a sea of 360 era 3rd person shooters. I was feeling this way before the replay but I think I genuinely prefer RE6 as a co-op RE game. The menus might be straight garbage but at least the karate and dodge mechanics make it stand out a bit more. I suppose RE5 does have stun batoning your friends going for it though.

I 100% it on PS3 and I just went back to replay it on PC with a buddy, and the action-packed goof show still holds up, with its over-seriousness, clunky gameplay, and ridiculous one-liners. You might read these things as bad, but I'll tell you now that they do hold an incredible sense of charm to them. I'm happy I played it again, it was worth it.

The series stopped being a survival horror to become and action game. Which is nice, but is it Resident Evil?

monstro gigante da machine gun é insuportável
existe um enorme problema com gerenciamento de munição, que se pudesse ser comprado já seria solucionado
e história total genérica

mas é divertido

Esse aqui se pá eu fiz TUDO QUE DAVA PARA FAZER.

Had me until the last like hour and a half- pacing and the execution of events is what dropped it to a 5 for me. A lot more fun with a friend tho

worse than re4 but is multiplayer so it is epic

Having now just beat the game, my only thoughts can be surmised as a resounding "eh". I wouldn't say that Resident Evil 5 is a bad game, it's far from the worst experience I've had in a game. But let me be clear, at the end of the day, this game is just okay at best.
I think I can describe the gameplay in just a single sentence. It's just worse RE4. It basically repeat a lot of RE4, and changes some stuff to be worse, and for me, primarily the inventory system. RE4 introduced one of the best inventory systems in any game I played, and removing it in RE5 just felt wrong. As well, the boss fights were a mixed bag, either being pretty decent, to just somewhat annoying. I particularly hated the boss fight in 5-2.
And of course, the most notable thing about RE5 is the Co-Op. And I gotta say, for the portions of the game I was able to play in Co-Op was really fun! I played with some random individual, and it was a genuinely fun experience. We figured out ways of communicating, and were able to stay on the same page even though we couldn't talk to each other directly. It was easily the highlight of my time with the game. However, with that in mind, I can't recommend playing this game alone. The partner AI can be a little weird at times, especially when you're trying to manage inventory. The game is so much better with someone else playing with you.
Resident Evil 5 has one glaring issue with it though that just keeps it from being as good as other Resident Evil titles. There's a lack of overall substance that keeps this game from really being interesting to me. Barely anything really felt remarkable to me, and a lot really blurred together. Which makes it worse when the second half of the game (Specifically 4-1 to 5-3) dragged on for a while. And the game doesn't really have much of a style to substitute for its lack of substance. So aside from a few moments, this game just felt wholly unremarkable.
I don't hate Resident Evil 5, and I don't love it either. I had some fun, but ultimately this game just felt like one of the most average games I've ever played. I'm just glad I was able to punch that boulder.

played it with my homie. Good time drunk. Very good couch co op. The last 2 chapters were kinda of booty tho

I'm rating this slightly lower than the last one, thanks to the amount of stupid deaths I've had in this game. Other than that, really fun co-op game. Do NOT play this in singleplayer though. The game recently got updated to allow splitscreen and remove the weird GFWL thing, which is great.

It was pretty okay. I had fun playing it coop with a friend from start to finish, but i probably won't play it again.

i saved my rocket launcher for wesker. i missed.

Fun co-op game, Fun single-player game, story kinda bad but wesker saves it entirely.
Really fun gameplay.

It is one of the games of all time. Such a downgrade coming from 4, the only saving graces is co-op, without it I would've have never beaten it. Sheva and Chris have inexistant character besides "huh, gotta shoot the zombie".

Wesker is probably the best thing in the game. He's such a hater, even when dying the only thing he could think of is Chris.

This game sucks, they tried to follow on from RE4 but it just ended up in the shitter. Even playing with a friend doesn't make this dog shit fun, it's lucky I'm giving it 1.5 stars just for being a resident evil game.

Dirigido por Michael Bay.
Tentaram copiar a mesma fórmula do 4 mas elevaram a ação do jogo pra outro nível no final.

Some fun with my brother, but also some pain and regret with him as well

the piss and filter in this game 😭

Resident Evil 5's biggest problem is that it tries way, way, way too hard to replicate the magic of Resident Evil 4 without understanding what made that game work so well in the first place.

You can really see this just in the concept alone. A legacy RE character goes to a foreign country to find someone in particular and has to fight the infected natives as he uncovers some dumb Umbrella plot.

But it goes way deeper than that.

When looking at the structure of the levels throughout the campaign, you really start to notice how the flow of the levels perfectly mimics the same flow found in RE4. The opening level features a long fight for survival against an endless horde of enemies, then you explore the local village, followed by a big lake area, then an underground cave section, and then a big evil laboratory, and then a ship. It isn't a perfect one for one ratio, but you can really see how the team was just trying to retread on what worked before.

And they, for the most part, failed. Without Leon's iconic case, the cheesy fun plot, the great level design, the merchant, and every other little thing that worked so well in RE4, it just doesn't work. (Not to mention how RE4 didn't bother bringing up anything from the previous games other than a few small events and returning characters, while this game doesn't shut up about things that happened all throughout RE lore).

And on top of that, Capcom made the choice to push even further away from RE's roots here. Instead of having the connected world that RE4 had, Resident Evil 5 just has straight forward levels, offering little in the way of exploration or discovery. It was disappointing to see my favorite aspect of the series just disappear all of a sudden, and without any fanfare in the slightest. The ammo conservation and general sense of survival is still there, but it just doesn't hit the same as RE4 at all.

And then there's the controversial addition of co-op. To be honest, I think this game works well enough when playing with a friend, it's entertaining, at least to the point that it can keep your attention the whole time. But playing solo however is an absolute nightmare. I played singleplayer this time around, and my god, was it horrendous. Sheva ended up putting more bullets into the back of my head than she did any zombies. I tried to just use her as a healing station, but there were too many sections where she had to survive on her own that I couldn't risk her not having ammo. By the end of the game, I was absolutely sick of her and I couldn't wait to not have to play with an AI anymore. This could have been averted if the game was designed to be played co-op or solo, but the game was specifically designed to be played with two people, so solo play is nothing short of excruciating.

And on top of ALL THAT, there's the big elephant in the room. Is this game racist? Well, I don't think intentionally so, but yes. Playing as a big white guy and running through decaying African villages and swampy African huts and slaughtering hundreds of Africans just feels wrong. Incredibly wrong. I don't think Capcom were intending anything racist, they just wanted to use Africa as a setting because its a foreign country so rarely used in video games, and decided to make it look spooky the same way they did with Spain. And hey, that worked really well, so why not? They either just didn't consider how bad that looked, or didn't care. I hope its the former.

I'm also a firm believer in the conspiracy theory that Sheva was added in last minute to help ease over the racism issues. I don't think the entire concept of co-op was put in just to add her, but rather, she was a replacement for whoever was originally going to be Chris' partner in this title. And considering how this is pretty much a sequel to Code Veronica (at least narratively), my money is on Claire. But whatever the case may be, in the end, the game still comes across as either repulsive, or hilariously tone deaf.

But after considering all of that, I gotta say, there's something I find charming about this game. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but the first half of the game just hits right for me. It might be just be how this game is a perfect encapsulation of the seventh generation of consoles: a horrible gray/brown filter over the whole game, bad turret sections, unneeded co-op, annoying quick time events, everything that we look back on this generation with laughter and jeers this game does. And I don't know, something about that just feels nice to me. It's kind of fun, in the same way watching a film that really showcased a certain decade is fun. I wouldn't say its good by any means, but its kind of charming.

Overall though, Resident Evil 5 is undoubtedly on the weaker end of the Resident Evil series. I don't think it's as bad as 0, but man does it get really close at times. The second half of this game is a complete pain to get through especially on solo. And when you consider everything from the mostly uninteresting story to the racism, it's hard to really see a reason to bother with this game. But, still, I think there's something fun here, something worth playing, so long as you either have a friend or can handle the horrendous AI.