Reviews from

in the past

grew up on this and its still amazing

Great game, but don't play without the DLCs

707 horas e provavelmente terei muito mais, eu não lembro nem quando comecei

Que joguinho de estratégia complexo pra se jogar sem saber nada

Just an amazing game series and an infallible game format. So damn good.

Better than Civ 6 in every way.

Amazing game to compare serious political issue to on Reddit

Pretty fun. Loved to play it as a child.

Played this with a few friends one night and got my ass handed to me so bad I uninstalled the game and hid it from my Steam library.

Very solid Civilization game and the one I would recommend to try if you want to test out this series.

Combat is finally not as random as before, which in addition of having only one unit per tile allows for more interesting approach, when it comes to war. Trade is now being controlled by trade units, which allows more diversity than standard automatic approach. Pretty good balance of civs (but not perfect, sorry Napoleon).

As a downside, warmongering system (relation penalty for conquering cities) in this game is not the best. Also some units should be able to stack (like meele units who protects siege equipment).

Per mi el millor de tots els jocs de gran estratègia del seu estil, també és pel que tinc més nostàlgia.
L'actor de doblatge en castellà és molt bo.

Peak 4X. I'll still play this over Civ 6

It's fine to play for a while but you'll get bored partway into a match, then start another down the line. The beginning and mid game is more interesting than the end game and honestly it becomes kind of overwhelming eventually with how long games go. Gets worse the more you play it.

Civilization V is a game I hope to revisit someday. I played it back in 2015 and found it enjoyable to some extent. One aspect of the game I distinctly remember disliking was the tendency for other nations to turn against us as our nation grew larger, even those we were friendly with. I believe this is an area that could be improved in the game. It doesn't make sense for players to be forced into remaining a small nation just to keep others happy. While it's understandable that some nations might be unhappy with our rise, having everyone turn against us takes away from the overall enjoyment. This was a significant issue for me back then, and I truly wish that the game could be enhanced in this regard.

My personal pick for best Civ game. I played Civ III growing up, and this feels like a very strict upgrade over all that game's systems. I've had fun with this game while tryharding against high-difficulty AI, while wiping up short games to farm achievements, and while playing long-form political games with friends.

I almost failed college, because I was too busy playing this game

I've dumped stupid hours into this game.

man i don't even know what to say. I like 4x games but civ always felt more approachable than the other entries in the genre. I also think that civ v has done it the best for me.

I'd go down on Catherine the Great ngl.

A classic turn-base strategy game, cannot go wrong with it


A blast with friends, VI is honestly better though, just different in some ways. This one is more gritty and "realistic-y", VI is just great fun

Alexa, play Despacito while I nuke Ghandi (in game in game).

Impose whatever personality you like onto famous leaders of the old world.