Reviews from

in the past

It's actually impressive that this much backtracking can be as fun! It's still backtracking though.

Stellar vibe, and such interesting worldbuilding. The gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, though. Maybe it's better if you don't play through it start-to-finish in one go, but I definitely found the loop a bit stale around the halfway mark. Even still, it's a solid game, and I'm very excited to see how the sequel expands on it.

It’s decent. I think I made a mistake by playing 2 first. Compared to 2, this one feels less polished and less intriguing.
Still, I enjoyed my time with Steamworld Dig. There needs to be a third installment.

This is easily one of the best games on the 3DS eShop. I love the way it mixes a Metroidvania and roguelike, and I don't even like roguelikes. The gameplay loop of this game is really neat, and then the story was really awesome with the way it becomes what it wasn't at the beginning.

Très sympa et addictif. Long comme il faut

Dans ce metroidvania, on progresse en minant toujours plus loin dans les profondeur de la terre. Ce concept force malheureusement le jeu vers une progression linéaire mais permet une certaine liberté dans l'exploration car on crée sont propre chemin à la recherche de minerais et de nouvelles compétences. C'est un jeu unique en son genre et très court que j'invite tout le monde a essayer.

This is the definition of first game syndrome. Fun, but super basic

Una pequeña experiencia muy bien medida y divertida.

Une ambiance vraiment cool mais un peu répétitif.

I'm pretty confident that SteamWorld Dig is one of the first indie games I ever played. If my memory is correct, the first was Cave Story, and I'm pretty sure that SteamWorld Dig is within the first ones I got on my 3ds. Point being, I wanted to return to the game for a little bit of a nostalgia trip.

Luckily, I think this holds up really well! It sits at the intersection of Dig Dug, Mr. Driller, Terraria, and a little bit of Metroid. I think most people would accept the first three influences, but there may be some debate on whether or not this qualifies as a search action game.

I really love the main gameplay loop of mining. The restrictions on your capabilities, namely how you cannot dig across a layer above you brings a lot of thought to each movement you make. As the game progresses, and unique obstacles are added, the game only becomes more dynamic. The various caves, while less interesting in my opinion, help punctuate the gameplay. The upgrades you collect across the game also do a good job at expanding your possibility space.

Ultimately Steamworld Dig does a great job at applying an arcade style gameplay loop into a short but featured campaign.

The main loop of SteamWorld Dig is very fun. Explore, mine, return and sell. Manage your inventory to not waste ores. Manage your health or you will die very quickly (before you get later upgrades at least). Predetermined caves to explore are placed around the randomly-generated world to change up the loop a little bit and avoid the game getting stale.

I mostly enjoyed the game, but there are a few things that hold it back for me. First off, the combat is extremely limited and not very fun to engage in. You have only a few tools to deal with enemies and enemy variety is almost non-existent. You're better off simply ignoring enemies unless combat is absolutely necessary.

I also found the movement very awkward to start with. Rusty slides around a lot and the walljump took some time to learn to use effectively. The cramped environment doesn't really help either. I got into the groove of it by the end of the game, but I wouldn't call SteamWorld Dig's movement good.

Meu que jogo bom, recomendo muito, esse jogo diverte qualquer um que jogar, é prazeroso explodir e fazer uma cratera na terra, deformando toda a area, tem boss fights legais e otimas mecanicas, fora que a estetica steampunk com velho oeste casou muito bem

mmmmmmmmmm... GOOOOOOOOD game. Me thinks this is GOOOOOOOOOOOD game. GREAT even. Yeah, it's great.

I don’t typically like to redo a review or rating for a game I played in the past but I gotta knock it down a star. The world feels small and the game is over before it starts. But whatever the game does have to offer is just a little nibble at a whole cake that the sequel gives you. I enjoy building up the town even if it isn’t anything huge and the mining to selling to buying upgrades to mining is just in perfect harmony.

This game feels like the natural evolution of Dig Dug, and a less-punishing version of Spelunky. Digging through this game's underground is so fun and relaxing, I don't know how to explain it. It's just a really fun game to turn on, load up your inventory, and stop playing. I played it on some Nintendo console years back, and I still remember how much fun I had back then, even. Super glad I decided to get this game again.

Confesso que esperava mais, tem boas ideias, mas achei incrivelmente repetitivo e em muitos momentos chato e frustrante. O que ajuda é ele não ser muito longo, no geral saí bem decepcionado apesar de não achá-lo ruim.

The children yearn for the mines.

Muito bom pra passar o tempo!! Acho que a conquista mais difícil que tem é de SpeedRun mas sabendo um pouco do game se torna fácil!! Muito bom

One of my favourite "casual" games.

Start of a nice 2D metroidvania mining game. Combination of pretty chill genres and I finished it again after so many years and recently finishing the 2nd game. Finished in one sitting, literally one sitting, my ass hurts as I am typing this.

Experiência curtinha, cerca de 5 horinhas, perfeita pro steamdeck.

O ato de cavar, encontrar minérios e liberar novos elementos é bem prazeroso.

Me incentivou a ir atrás dos outros jogos da franquia Steamworld.

When John Steamworld said "I am Steamworld and I must dig." I clapped and tears rolled down my eyes

Mein erstes Spiel aus dem "Steamworld" Universum. Hab nach etwas kurzem und preiswertem für die Switch gesucht.
Das Spielprinzip ist ziemlich simpel: graben, Ressourchen sammeln, Gegner bekämpfen, Upgrades freischalten oder in der Oberwelt kaufen, um tiefer und effizienter graben zu können.
Mir gefiel der Grafikstil und auch der gameplay loop sehr gut. Das Spiel ist mit seinen 3-5 Stunden (je nachdem, wie gründlich man die Ebenen erkundet) auch nicht allzu lang und lädt durch seine Statistik am Ende dazu ein, mehrere Durchläufe zu spielen. Die Progression funktionierte erstaunlich gut, erinnert in gewissen Zügen an ein Metroidvania oder rogue-lite.
Weniger gefiel mir das Kampfsystem, da es nur aus Schlagen mit der Spitzhacke bestand und sonst nicht viel zu bieten hatte. Auch wurden einige Funktionen wie der Teleporter gar nicht erklärt, was anfangs zu Verwirrung und Frust führte, weil man dafür auch wertvolles Geld, was man erarbeitet hatte, ausgeben musste. Die Gegnervielfalt lies leider auch zu wünschen übrig und die letzte Eben bestand fast ausschließlich aus Bomben oder explosiven Gegner. Die Story oder ein world building war auch kaum vorhanden, kann aber damit entschuldigt werden, dass es erst das zweite Spiel ist, welches das Studio entwickelt hat. Vielleicht haben sie die Punkte im Nachfolger verbessert.

Alles in allem ein solides Spiel, vor allem wenn man den Preis von 2€ im eshop bedenkt. Das Spiel hat es aufjedenfall geschafft, dass ich mir auch die anderen Ableger der Reihe anschauen werde.

The really inviting world of western robots make for a great metroidvania that knows what it is, does it well, and doesn't overstay its welcome. Nothing crazy, but a cute game to pass a weekend

Game Complete, All upgrades obtained.