Reviews from

in the past

Feio pra caralho, mas só isso também, a qualidade se mantem a mesma.

This review contains spoilers

Great game and the foundation for a great series.

Tekken is a good game that, in its foundation, is a tournament fighter like many others at the time. What sets it apart, however, is its excellent story with brutal plot that was kind of dark at the time.

It all evolves around Kazuya Mishima, the most iconic and memorable fighter of the series, who is tossed off a cliff as a five-year-old because his old papa, Heihachi Mishima, the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu family and clan, wanted to test if his son is strong enough to lead the family. Perfectly normal way to determine one’s strength if you ask me. Kazuya survives but is heavily scarred. Filled with hate and a thirst for revenge, he climbs back up the mountainside. To humiliate (and motivate) Kazuya more, Heihachi adopts an orphan called Lee Chaolan and trains him to be Kazuya’s biggest rival.

When Kazuya fell, he literally released his inner demon, a gene that grants him unbelievable strength, fed by rage and hate. He now travels the world, training and competing in various martial arts contests and becoming one of the best fighters alive. Heihachi sees his son develop and wants to test him in the ultimate contest, the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Kazuya blasts his way through the opponents and faces his old man in the final battle. He crushes him and, in an ultimate act of revenge, picks up his knocked-out body and throws him off the same cliff he did twenty-one years ago. Just epic.

The principle of Tekken is simple. Pick one of the eight fighters and start beating people up. You face different fighters throughout seven stages, then a sub-boss, who are clones of your character (but stronger and with slightly different moves), followed by the great Heihachi himself. If you beat the game with each of the eight original characters, a cutscene unlocks and you have access to seventeen playable characters, including Devil, Kazuya’s alter ego. This is basically a costume for Kazuya himself.

The graphics in Tekken are all right for the time. The game is old, but I felt that a little more detail could be added to the fighters, even for the time. Mainly because this is the only aspect on screen to focus on. The historical accurate locations in the background, however, are greatly done. The animations are a little slow and stiff, but hits on your opponent’s land where they need to and are overall not bad.

There is no music, but the sound effects are nicely done. Hits and grunts are on point and satisfying. The final blow sound is epic when you yeet your opponent to the ground.

Although still a simple game, Tekken features a lot of content and for the completionists among us, offers you the satisfaction of unlocking many more characters then the original eight the game begins with. This is a game from the good old days, in which you actually need to work for your content instead of it just being there.

In the end, Tekken is a great game with a solid story and a lot of content. I must admit that it did not age that well because of its slow and stiff movement, but this is because of the time period back then.

It is still a great classic and, of course, the foundation for a great series. Definitely recommend this blast from the past.

King is taking you to suplex city. Buckle up.

Heihachi with Jack voice, i just hate you!

Beat with Kazuya. Pretty basic, but fuctional game. No music was kinda meh, but it had functional buttons.

Oh my, another one to the collection of “Somehow starts as a rough clone of Virtua Fighter on PS1”, I swear this happened to Dead or Alive, Dynasty Warriors, and probably many more forgotten in the pile of trash of the PS1…

Tekken is just another Virtua Fighter clone, it’s ok, it doesn’t do anything wrong other than having an annoying final boss but I was able to fight him by ease when I realised I could use cool grapple moves by spamming buttons and that’s how I killed him, the true spirit of a fighting game.

Other than that it’s just ok and I swear it’s not much else, it literally only have a 1v1 mode and an arcade mode with nothing else! Other than the wonderful galaga mini game opener that’s fucking awesome.

Quando foi lançado foi um jogo revolucionário no gênero de luta 3ds mas, ficou datado com mecânicas quebradas e um gameplay lento. mesmo assim acho que para um fan da série vale a pena dar uma conferida pra ver a evolução dessa saga.

Pues bastante entretenido y a pesar de la edad muy completo. Las historias son bastante sencillas pero no podemos esperar más. Me he entretenido jugandolo y eso es lo que cuenta, ¿no?

Sofri pra caralho pra terminar esse, sou muito ruim em jogo de luta kkk

Envelheceu muito mal, os jogos de luta da época costumavam ser ultra básicos e bem desbalanceados, pra 1994 talvez realmente fosse algo interessante já que jogos de luta 3d ainda eram bem raros, mas de não tem um motivo real para jogar isso além de curiosidade

Holds up shockingly well for the time it was released, fights are fast and hectic and everyone feels like a powerhouse, it really adds to the feeling of strategically choosing your moments to strike
But god damn if the AI doesn’t get stupid unfair in later stages

Hey, this holds up surprisingly well!

But if I ever have to fight T1 Anna or Lee again I am throwing my controller into the drywall. Not to mention all the moments where Lee's entire moveset felt so safe that I couldn't even let go of my block. Throws are also massively OP in this game, but they're also abhorrent in their tech. So many moments where I would have shouted "SOMEONE CLIP THAT" because there was -no shot- that throw did not connect. Terrible.

I need to git gud, that much is true, but oh my god.

Me joga do penhasco pra você ver o que eu faço contigo

Tekken 1 is a very interesting game, in that you can feel the Virtua Fighter inspiration, but you can also feel it trying to be its own thing, even if not as much as its sequels.

The game can get quite hard, and the CGI renders are definitely a product of their time, looking ugly as shit. But the environments are fine, most of the models are ok (not great though), and the soundtrack is probably the best thing in Tekken 1.
The gameplay itself can be quite hard to get used to, since it doesn't feel as smooth or as fluid as following titles. It's hard to juggle opponents and it's hard to make strings.
Still, it was the 1st game, so I'll give it some slack.

It's an okay first game, but this series would only get better from here.

What an admirable start. The places where you fight and characters that start here are very cool to see. The move list is tiny compared to how the series would start. Like 8 each. The moon jumps are strange and the speed of the fight but is super strange and slow. Kinda interesting to check out if your a fan of the series but I'd recommend starting else where. Not a bad first stab at 3d.

Heihachi como puedes ser tan hijo de puta

this is one of the games of all time

Meu braço ta doendo, eu como leigo tenho um veredico, chega um ponto do jogo onde o tempo de reação dos inimigos se torna muito rápido, oq deixa inviável você realiza qualquer combo improvisado, oq te sobra uma única opção, que eh spama um único golpe tendo em vista que não tem nenhuma forma dentro do jogo para vc aprende e dominar combos sem ser no modo de treinamento, e eu nn queria perde minha run para ir para outro modo, enfim, zerei com o King e foi definitivamente uma das experiencias gamers

de qualquer forma Tekken eh importantíssimo para a indústria, sendo um dos primeiros jogos de luta em 3d, e todo seus personagens são mt carismáticos para mim que cresceu jogando Tekken no play2

Not the game to be played in 2024

Balance is out of whack for sure plus frustrating AI input reading. So I appreciate the infinite continues. At the same time there is something satisfying about the slower pace and larger damage of this game. Matches can end so quickly. And of course the cheesy ending FMVs and awesome OST. Don't really like the game but it's cool for the time.

É divertido, mas bem escasso de tudo.

Lo jugue en las arcade de el tekken 5

“não fazem mais jogos como antigamente”
Graças a Deus irmão

Bastante transgressor
Comparado ao seu irmão mais velho (Virtua Fighter), talvez ele seja um pouco mais bruto, mas ganha pontos pela ousadia.

Melhor que virtual fighter 1 pelo menos, e tem o Kazuya pescotapa :)

You know your ass is bored when you play something like this