Reviews from

in the past

Aqui você terá uma jornada extremamente linda e surrealista, porém irá ter que aguentar uma gameplay repetitiva e sem desafio nenhum. Vale a pena pela experiência, não pelo game em si.

Jogo lindo, cada print que eu tirava era uma obra de arte...mas com uma gameplay tão fraca. Ainda bem que é curto.

Simplesmente um dos jogos já feitos.

This game was very short but I feel that it earns as much as time as it needs. The art direction is beautiful and the message and theme of the game (while very apparent) is a great one. Now that gameplay is basically a 2.5D walking and sometimes jumping sim (wouldn't call it platforming) with VERY easy rhythm following games throughout, but just going through the motions of it felt like enough for me. It was just a good time throughout and watch this small story unfold. (8/10)

E a annapurna ataca novamente...

the artful escape é uma experiência breve e extremamente marcante! a arte desse jogo me deixou boquiaberta do início ao fim, nem me incomodou muito ser um walking simulator em boa parte do jogo.

isso sem falar da sua jogabilidade, simples, porém diferenciada e divertida. eles realmente acertaram com esse jogo. recomendo DEMAIS!!


Has about as much depth as a Windows screensaver.

The entire 3 hours can be boiled down to pressing forward and square, only to be rewarded with simon says and some crap about how being a folk singer sucks.

Thank god I didn't pay for this shit and played via PS Premium.

bad omen for your 'folk singer who feels destined to become a glam rocker' odyssey when the all folk music therein is better than the glam rock. for weenies.

Played from – to: (2021-12-29 – 2021-12-30) – PC keyboard.
‣ 8/10 – The ending was spectacular and a recipe for epilepsy.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 8/10
‣ Graphics – 10/10
‣ Atmosphere – 9/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 7/10
‣ Movement – 8/10
‣ Voice acting – 8/10
‣ Final notes: This was a very bright, vivid, and colorful experience. The universe built here is magnificent and the creature design is fantastic. I enjoyed this game but felt like the vividness of the colors sometimes were too much where I though it is going to burn my eyes out. The story was sort of cheesy and I really disliked the dialogue. It was filled with gibberish mumbo-jumbo and other complex words that have no real meaning when put together. Some characters were fun but some really boring. I could not sympathies with the main character at all, maybe because I am not an artist. The gameplay part as much as there was of it was also ok but got repetitive quick and needed some innovation. Overall, I should not judge this game too hard, because it did not focus on being a game. The Artful Escape gives you a beautiful story about a musician who can’t decide what he wants to become. Don’t dig too deep and just enjoy the ride.

You walk forward in an acid-trip-like world, talking to aliens and listening to music while a story focused on discovering yourself through music unfolds. Once in a while, there is some small music mini-game, but for the most part, this is about looking and listening as you move ahead. And that's fine because it does look and sound great, it's a presentation showcase. It's slick and polished, but I wish the music mini-games were fleshed out and more frequent, adding a bit more gameplay to the game.

This game is amazing! It is one of my favorite games I have played this year.

How did they get Carl Weathers and Lena Headey? :D

This game is beautiful, and the concept is off the walls wild and VERY fun, but I just wish there was... more to it. I remember when I finished the game, I said "Oh, is that it?". It ends very suddenly, and the story wasn't as good as I would've liked. It felt a bit, idk, preachy at times.

Direzione artistica eccezionale ma gameplay veramente ridotto al midollo, nemmeno all'osso. Un continuo camminare, zero sfida, zero gioco.
Come film d'animazione sarebbe stato un capolavoro, anche perché la storia non è male per niente. Si salva grazie alla durata abbastanza corta. Per il resto, una chance gliela si può dare

A gameplay do jogo é bem simples e a história é bem genérica, mas a qualidade da trilha sonora e da direção de arte é insana. É impossível não tirar várias capturas desse jogo!

One of the few times I'm glad to be a trophy hunter cause I would not have found this otherwise. Really really really good and underrated. It's really more of an art piece than a video game.

flottur stíll, flottur kall, mjög wes anderson

This review contains spoilers

i got to live out my rockstar fantasy while performing music on alien planets, it’s a blast!!!!!

the game itself was simple. it’s mostly just a side scroller, which i didn’t mind because i could take in the world. i found rhythm sections too easy, and i kinda wish i could adjust the difficulty, but even then it doesn’t take away from the experience. the story is more impactful than the gameplay.

the visuals are the whole appeal. the worlds are beautiful, the character customization rocks, it’s so colorful and lively and immersive.

and look, as a trans person, it really spoke to me. i liked having a main character who shared the struggle of wanting to make his own name, having to figure out what it is he REALLY wants and who he’s trying to be away from the imposed expectations. some of the dialogue was really hard hitting, wether it was intended or not. it’s in the title: it’s an escape- it’s cathartic.

any game that’ll let me have a guitar shredding battle with a galactic god is going to be remembered by me, anyway.

This game is one of the most difficult to describe experiences i've had in gaming. But one i'm really glad I had

(Game Pass) An extremely artistic and music influenced game. The visuals of space and alien beings make you feel small in the vast gameworld. A point and click adventure that can be enjoyed in full in an afternoon.

Uma das experiências mais lindas que tive em termos de vídeo game. Quem nunca se sentiu como Francis Vendetti? Sem ter um senso de identidade própria, afogado em expectativas que os outros jogam em cima de ti sobre o que eles julgam que o melhor pra tua vida.

É isso que me cativa. Por mais simples e tresloucado que seja o jogo e todo o universo maravilhoso criado aqui, as motivações e o que leva a trama adiante são temáticas muito pé no chão e de fácil identificação. Não tem como não gostar.

Isso sem falar na direção de arte maravilhosa, a trilha sonora espetacular (e o fato de que sempre que tu toca a guitarra, a melodia acompanha a trilha sonora do mapa em que tu tá, isso é genial), os personagens cativantes e a gameplay simples, mas ainda assim efetiva. O jogo não é muito longo e é bom que não seja, a duração dele contribui bastante pra história que acho que poderia facilmente se perder se fosse esticada só pra criar barriga e aumentar tempo de campanha.

O final então é emocionante e muito lindo. Comecei e terminei esse jogo com um sorriso no rosto do início ao fim. Não sabia nada sobre ele quando comecei a jogar e ainda bem que não sabia, tornou tudo ainda mais delicioso. Tô extremamente apaixonado e adoraria ver uma continuação dos acontecimentos daqui.

Mas, até lá, fico com a satisfação de ter jogado essa maravilha e ter vivido essa experiência.

No gameplay but it doesnt feel like it needs it, the insane psychedelic visuals make up for it

What a weird game, if you can even call it a 'game'. Firstly, cool graphics, really pretty visuals at times. Music is....I dunno. The whole game revolves around you walking left to right playing a guitar through some trippy space levels. The music itself is kinda cool, its essentially just a dude noodling a solo endlessly on a loop. Its cool, but it does grow monotonous pretty fast. So you walk through the levels, then face a 'boss', which is just like a game of simon says with the controller buttons. Very very easy, never even a hint of a challenge. And that's it, that's the 'game'. There's very little interactive elements to it, its always on rails, and its over in about 2 hours, including getting the Plat. There is zero replayability.

The story is just, kinda weird and stupid. It does have a few funny moments, but mostly the writing is trying wayyyyy too hard to be kooky and weird and trippy, plus there are dialogue choices which you quickly learn have absolutely zero influence on the story, so you just end up button mashing to get through dialogue scenes ASAP. I will say, the voice acting is top notch, especially my man Carl Weathers (!?), who is excellent.

But yeah, its a quick and not particularly interesting 2 hour game. When its over you're kinda just sitting there saying "Is that it???". But you're also glad its over so you can move on to a better game.

Music: 10/10
Art & Presentation: 10/10
Characters & Story: A little too pretentious and "lol random". Would probably make a pretty good Edgar Wright movie.

An absolutely beautiful little journey, but don't pay attention or think too deeply about anything anybody says.

The story is ok, and the gameplay is straightforward. However, there's nothing like the feeling of shredding your guitar will sliding down a slope. This, the art, and the music have kept me playing a game I would normally have put down within the first 30 minutes.

he Artful Escape is a weird one. There is quite a lot about it that feels a bit overdone, you know? It is trying so hard to be high-minded that it might come off as vapid in another title, but here it’s wholly endearing. The game is a bit silly, and it thankfully knows it is. It melds a vibrant art aesthetic with an earnest look at the process of the artist finding their medium. What is particularly delightful about it is that it is a story of people helping you along the way. The cast of characters are as vibrant and strange as the world around them. The celebrity cast is a novelty, but credit where it is due, they don’t just phone it in. Carl Weathers in particular offers a bright light among the cast as a rock star whose light has started to fade by the time we come around. None of the supporting roles are huge parts but each plays a part in transporting star Francis Vendetti across the universe to find himself.

Although not without a sense of cynicism Artful Escape embraces the idea that you can do what you love and be yourself even if it takes you some time to get there. In support of this are the game’s adventure elements. The game is at its best when it is in the dialogue between characters or just Francis choosing what his rock style is going to be. It is at these moments a true adventure game focused entirely on the character and his growth. Alternatively, there are gameplay sections of platforming and rhythm games. Perfectly fine, but not remarkable. They are elevated by visual style but brought down by how plain they otherwise are. The game needed them to vary itself up but doesn’t mean they are entirely helpful. Regardless they don’t drag down the experience. It is a short and sweet little adventure and that should be enough for most. If any rockstar