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While this Ace Attorney chapter is a bumpy ride in terms of pacing, the new cast of characters are fun and lend themselves to an interesting exploration of the setting and an all around great character arc for the new protagonist.

Herlock Sholmes is so incredible, and Von Zieks is even more extra than Edgeworth.... this game... it's peak I fear.

Maybe a game that’s making me wish I didn’t stick to whole star ratings. A high-3, if only because I still don’t love Ace Attorney’s model, It’s just a little too long-winded for my visual novel tastes (the fifth chapter’s trial had me exhausted), and a little too visual-novel-y for my adventure game tastes. For me to stay engaged in a mystery where I can start to see the beats line up along a rail, but have to wait for the trolley to chug on through them all, I just need a little more momentum. The autoplaying of dialog really saved my overall experience with this game; I even opted to use the “story mode” for the final chapter just because I didn’t have the heart to play through it all myself, and I was interested in seeing how it worked.

I cannot deny, though, my experience with The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures was leagues more exciting than my time trudging through the first couple of games in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy a few years ago. Besides the aesthetic being enormously more intriguing, the “deduction” sections help break-up the investigation segments of the game so much better and I just found myself a lot less disengaged for half of the game. Herlock Sholmes clears, what can I say?

What also got me locked in here was the general politics of it all on display. The way this game is about the British Empire imposing on the world their own systems, looking down on all foreigners, especially non-white foreigners. I mean, this is basically a racism simulator. The over-arching story really grabbed me along with the over-arching vibe, so once again I am finding myself adoring the world and characters of Ace Attorney, but just not really able to get locked into the game. Does make me deathly curious how I’d feel about Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, since I really love the former’s gameplay and not the latter’s.

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my friend and i talk about magnus mcgilded genuinely every time we talk

As someone who has only played the very first Ace Attorney game before, this kind of blew me away. The presentation is so fantastic, the music is absolutely amazing and while I usually prefer 2D sprites to 3D models in games like these, the 3D models were so expressive and full of life! Very cool. The story in this engaged me with its longer sort of storytelling rather than in AA1 where the stories were (mostly) contained to their episodic formats. And while TGAA was plenty serious and dramatic, it was also funny and delightful. The game has a few issues for me, mostly contained to ch.4, but on the whole I had a very cozy and fun experience with this. Chapter 3 is a masterpiece, do not @ me it just is.

This gets 4 stars because I can't give it 4¼. But just imagine it's somewhere between 4 and 4½ stars.
EDIT: Okay it's been a couple of days and i am listening to the OST constantly and can't stop thinking about this game and the few problems I had with it feels like barely anything in comparison to how much I enjoyed it, so congrats TGAA1 here are your 4½ stars

It really was a the great ace attorney adventures

Es el juego más experimental de la franquicia con diferencia, desde su ambientación hasta sus mecánicas pasando por la estructura de sus casos. Esto se lleva hasta la última consecuencia con el hecho de que deja muchos cabos sueltos de forma explícita de cara a la secuela, cosa que por un lado deja a esta entrega un poco más coja pero que también aumenta el hype por la siguiente.

En cualquier caso, los puntos más fuertes de la saga permanecen: casos interesantes, personajes encantadores, momentos de pura emoción, mucho humor y una banda sonora exquisita.

A nivel jugable los elementos más destacables son las deducciones de Herlock Sholmes (divertidísimas, como todo lo que rodea al personaje) y la presencia del jurado en los juicios (que llega a dar un juego tremendo de las formas más insospechadas).

Mencionar, por último, que ni el setting victoriano ni la presencia del lore de la obra de Conan Doyle son, en absoluto, elementos puramente cosméticos; sino que se integran perfectamente con los temas de la historia y hacen la experiencia muy inmersiva.

I'm a huge fan of the main series after playing it over the past few years so let me tell you I was excited to finally play what is heralded as the first part to the best pair of games in the series.

It's unfortunate that ultimately, I feel mostly mixed on this entry. None of the cases are necessarily bad but I often felt that the each of the cases stretched on for far too long. It feels like the characters will dwell on one particular plot point for far longer than they should have, often reiterating points over and over that just gets tedious to read. The outline for each one of the game's cases are all generally interesting too; I never felt like there was too big of a leap of logic that made them fall flat. It's just each needed a onceover in order to trim the fat and make them less long-winded.

On the flipside, I simply adore this cast. Naruhodo is a strong followup to previous Ace Attorney protags and his feeling of inadequacy that slowly gets rectified over the course of the game is great character growth. Susado is a fun assistant who unlike most assistants never feels unnecessarily and always contributes to the case at hand. The duo really feels like a team. I thought I would hate Sholmes when I first played but he does grow on you as the game progresses.

Ultimately, I feel this is the most disappointed I have felt with an Ace Attorney title so far. It's a shame because while the characters and setting are generally fantastic, the overexplaining of each case makes me rank this one as my least favorite of the series.

This and the sequel have to be the best looking Ace Attorney games to date, I simply adore the look and overall vibe of this game. I love the classic Ace Attorney games, but none of them have ever felt as alive and as rich in personality as these games have.

I love the music unique to this sub series, I love the difference in locations and some of the new game mechanics. But most of all, I simply fell in love with this cast of characters.

As usual, the thing that makes me keep coming back to the Ace Attorney games are these amazing, lovable and funny characters that make every piece of dialogue really entertaining to read, even without voice acting. At first I thought that Naruhodo and Susato were going to be Phoenix and Maya again but in the past or something...But I was pleasantly surprised to see how much I actually ended up liking them despite that not really being the case.

If there is one negative thing I have to point out, is the fact that the pacing in this game can be really bad at times...A lot....

I still remember how shocked I was to see how long the first case is. I was just wondering if this game was just as good an introduction as the first Ace Attorney game, but just when I thought the fucking tutorial case was about to end...It just kept going needlessly lmao.

I still think this and the sequel are great games, they are just significantly a lot more exposition heavy than the Phoenix Wright games at least. To me this was never that noticeably bad that it took me out of the experience or anything, but yeah, it's worth pointing out.

Still a really good Ace Attorney game and still maintains the same core experience from the original trilogy imo. If you already like Ace Attorney, chances are you will also really enjoy this one.

This really is a prologue for the second game. But the 3rd and 5th cases as well as the characters are really good l can't help but love it.

Opino que la trama del juego se sostiene bien por si sola como para disfrutarlo sin jugar el segundo. CÓMO PUEDE SER QUE OCUPEN LA MÚSICA DE PURSUIT SOLO 3 VECES CONCHETUMARE.

eu só acho que os casos poderiam ser um pouco mais curtos .

Already played the fan translation about 2 years prior, but my ‘first-play through’ of the official game.

A very solid ace attorney game. Strong characters and soundtrack, with some of the best investigations in the series. However the cases themselves don’t shine when compared to other games’ cases, especially the last one. While still very good, it doesn’t hold the weight of most final cases in the series.

Not the best ace attorney game, but I really do love every game in the series so I had a lot of fun and am excited to play the sequel.

Finished in 2024

For some reason this game took me YEARS to finish even though I love the Ace Attorney series. I enjoyed the new game mechanics of the jury votes and the deductions. It took a little while for me to warm up to the characters - they’re fun, but I kinda wish they’d created their own characters instead of basing it on herlock sholmes- i mean sherlock holmes. The cliffhanger of the final episode makes me want to play the next game, though I hopefully it won’t take another 3 years to finish….

dont have a rating really i was playing it on my 3ds but it just didnt turn on again and i lost everything but i know its really good

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I'm kinda conflicted on this one. I enjoyed playing it and the new characters quickly grew on me. But you can really feel that this games story has just truly begun when the game technically already ends. If I didn't know that the second GAA game is supposedly really good, I think I'd give this game 3 stars. But I can't bring myself to rate it lower because I'm pretty sure I'll appreciate this game more when I have experienced the whole story of GAA.
Anyway, the graphics are pretty good (as this is essentially a 3DS game) and the best they've ever been in an AA game. The characters are beautifully animated and very lively. The soundtrack is pretty good, though I hope for more catchy tunes in GAA 2. Sucks Capcom gave this game only an English translation but I'm still glad these games finally made it to the west.

Sorry Yamazaki, but this is a real modern Ace Attorney game.

As a long-time AA fan who took way too long to play this despite knowing of it even prior to its original release, TGAA: Adventures really just pulled me in from the very start. The stakes are immediately established, and that first case is probably the best in the series.

Ryunosuke is just so damn endearing. He has real growth over the course of this game in a way I feel no other Ace Attorney protagonist does - his journey across the world is just one you WANT to see unfold and go along with him.

Even gameplay-wise, it pushes the series so far forward - much more than just adding a new gimmick. They were so confident that Sholmes and his Dance of Deduction could carry an entire case that this game has a chapter with no trial. Literally unheard of. And you know what? They were right. It slaps.

Visually, this game is exactly what I expect the series to look like now. AA5 and 6 have always looked a little off. TGAA is very PLvPW:AA (which makes sense), and it's perfect. I fell in love with that style immediately, and I'm so glad to see more of it.

My only real gripes are incredibly minor. Mainly, I wish it had more voice acting and a few more anime cutscenes. PLvsPW:AA nailed the usage of these, potentially almost perfectly, using them to enhance the game's presentation. If we can't have fully voice-acted AA, then voice-acting important lines and breakdowns is a great compromise. Unfortunately that's not what we get here (though the few anime cutscenes we get are stellar). And no matter how much you love a visual novel, for one as long as this, eventually reading endless lines of text can grow a tad dreary. Nonetheless, the game is so damn good and so well-written that I still pushed through and played for... more hours at a time than I care to admit over winter break.

There's just something different about The Great Ace Attorney. Takumi and his team clearly learned a lot from working with Level-5 on PLvsPW:AA, and this game is the fruit of their ambition to allow Ace Attorney to be more than just Ace Attorney and break countless series conventions.

And I apologize, but it may also just be proof that Ace Attorney belongs in Shu Takumi's hands.

The quality of cases 3 and 5 almost made me forget the slog of cases 1 and 2. As for case 4 it was alright, it would fall under 3rd case syndrome but this game had a unique setting for its 2nd case which had no courtroom aspects whatsoever and sought out to introduce the deduction mechanic. To be honest I think this slowed the start of the game down alot and case 2 is probably one of my least favourites in the whole series, especially after case 1 which is a long and arduous journey to get through.
Once those first 10-15 hours of setup finally finish we're introduced to the setting of the game which I really enjoyed being from the UK myself. And then we get perhaps the best 3rd case in the series which completely blew me away. It introduces the jury mechnic which I was quite fond of and I think trial sections are at their best in the series in this game with alot of different mechanics working together in tandem.
As for the characters, Herlock was a great addition and he really grew on me towards the end, Ryunosuke just kind of seems like a less interesting Phoenix and is perhaps the most basic MC we have seen in the series, Wilson and Susato are both good companions I feel. There's alot of great side characters in this game I think, particularly the likes of Mcgilded and Ash Greydon. The OST was fine but felt more like a Layton clone than an Ace Attorney soundtrack at times.
Finally, I should say that the game felt like it wrapped up its main story pretty well but there's no denying that it left many questions unanswered in the end and it seems blatantly obvious that they had to cut content and make a 2nd game because they couldn't fit all their ideas into one game.

Fantastic game. Starts a bit slow, and definitely feels like part of a larger "game" than the others do (the final case not being a real conclusion to anything, and feeling more like a midgame case from any other game), but that's not really a downside. Definitely looking forward to playing part two.

very charming game that captures a lot of the magic that ace attorney 1 had. it was refreshing to enter this new world with endearing main characters that felt fleshed out and distinct from other ace attorney offerings. far and away one of the game's strongest features is its animations being a lot crisper and detailed, due to being mo-cap'd. even minor characters had little animations that i found a joy to watch.

biggest flaw with the game, for me, is the unevenness of the narrative. the pacing is very peculiar, with a third case that feels like it belongs in the fourth case's slot due to how heavily referenced it is by the fifth case. and the cast is either incredibly endearing or absolutely repugnant with basically no middleground. i love characters like susato, gina, and even sholmes, but cannot stand characters like von zieks and gregson. also, it seems like this game has a pretty heavy recurring element of racism that doesn't ever get really touched upon in a meaningful way, which is an odd choice imo. it's definitely what i would expect from 1800s britain, but it's just weird to have sooooo many microaggressions (as well as the occasional outright "i hate the japanese" esque comment) and not really make a point of having naruhodo or susato react to them in meaningful ways. in many ways, this is the most divisive cast because the great characters are stellar, while the awful characters are series lowlights.

i'm very interested to see what tgaa2 does considering how heavily this game leans into being a duology. there were a lot of unanswered questions and dangling threads i didn't expect to remain unresolved by the game's conclusion, so i'm hoping that extending them into another game means the payoff will be even better. i've heard a lot of good things in passing about tgaa2, so it'll be hard to not have high expectations. if nothing else, i was pleasantly surprised that this concept that i had next to no interest in was able to deliver a charming experience.

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I love the atmosphere and the setting, I love the characters, and I love the setup this game has for the next game. I can tell that its cooking up something awesome for the sequel. But, holy crap the pacing and amount of exposition in this game is too much. The game is extremely long and padded out for an ace attorney game.

QUE JOGO INCRÍVEL, sério mesmo.
Só não é tão incrível assim pq é muito arrastado.

The first entry of the Ace Attorney series for me to try out, I was instantly gripped by the mixture of evidence based deduction and reasoning in the form of a visual novel. The first episode had me fully invested as it felt the stakes were high and the culprit and antagonists were unlikable it really caught my attention early on and I really liked the way that each mystery began to unfold. However, the story really starts to drag and take its time in the fourth episode where episodes became twice as long with the investigation taking as long as each trial. The final trial was good, but took way too long. The characters grew on me and the twists were good, although I almost have fatigue after this first game in the series. I should hope it is a while before I make a return, but once I do return I suspect I'll enjoy the reintroduction.

Many years ago, I was told by a friend who was a contributor (or at least was following) to the fan translation of the original version of this game, that it was kinda mediocre. That always stuck in the back of my head, until I was able to play it, as part of the collection on the Switch.

Well, unfortunately, they weren't wrong.

I like the setting and the characters and the whole premise, and so I did not by any means not enjoy my time with it, but man, this game is a great example of Nintendo style Baby Mode difficulty. The mysteries are sometimes almost comically simplified, and you will come to expect that if anything seems difficult to figure out, sure enough some Deus Ex Machina level piece of evidence with an obvious clue will get put into your lap. I know it's kind of silly to talk about the "difficulty" of a visual novel, but boy, what little difficulty you can bake into this kind of game seems like it was set with the intention for no one to ever get stuck.

This game has made me wonder whether Ace Attorney 7 has been in a state of mostly-unannounced-but-not-denied development for so long (7 years as of writing, I believe, since a new game has been released...!) because they are starting from the ground up with the gameplay. I think that would be nice.

My only other complaint is that they should have waited until 2023 to develop and release these games, so that Sherlock Holmes would have been in the public domain, and so they wouldn't have had to change their names. Herrlock Sholmes as a name sucks so bad.

Se passando entre o final do século XIX e o início do século XX, em um período marcado como Era Meiji no Japão e como Era Vitoriana no Reino Unido, vemos a jornada de Ryunosuke Naruhodo, um estudante da Universidade Yumei e antecessor distante do grande Phoenix Wright.

Inicialmente um estudante de inglês na Terra do Sol Nascente, o destino acabou fazendo com que ele se tornasse um advogado de defesa que cruzou os oceanos, partindo para a Terra da Rainha para completar algo que a ele foi confiado. No decorrer da jornada, vemos um crescimento enorme do Ryunosuke, deixando de ser o homem inseguro e tímido que vimos nos primeiros casos e se tornando um baita advogado.

Acompanhado de seu melhor amigo, o prodígio japonês Kazuma Asogi, e de sua assistente judicial, Susato Mikotoba, a história deles no outro lado do oceano seria iniciada, mas ninguém disse que ele ocorreria da forma que foi planejada, já que não seria um Ace Attorney sem enormes obstáculos e imprevistos no caminho dos protagonistas.

Falando do trio principal, queria ressaltar que o cast de personagens desse jogo é estupendo, muito graças a escrita fenomenal da obra que elevou muito a barra da franquia. De Ryunosuke, Kazuma e Susato a Sholmes e Iris, Gregson e Gina, Natsume e Van Zieks, todos esbanjam muita personalidade, profundidade e uma tremenda qualidade, você acaba se importando com o cast principal inteiro desse jogo.

A narrativa principal é bem intrigante, mas pouco acaba sendo resolvido nesse jogo, deixando a maioria esmagadora das tramas a serem concluídas em sua sequência, o último jogo da duologia TGAA. Por mais que sinta que isso acaba diminuindo um pouco o brilho do Adventures, eu entendo que era preciso deixar a maioria dos fatores abertos para serem resolvidos na já planejada sequência.

Eu também senti, infelizmente, que o jogo se arrasta mais do que precisava, com isso valendo principalmente pro último caso. Como não tinha muito a se resolver, eles decidiram expandir as explicações e as deduções ao máximo que foi possível, para que o produto tivesse uma boa duração, mas no final do jogo eu tava bem cansado.

Entretando, essas são as únicas reclamações que eu tenho a fazer. The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures introduziu uma nova temática à franquia que foi um verdadeiro respiro de ar fresco, já que finalmente foi possível fazer um produto afastado de Phoenix Wright e companhia. Além disso, junto desse jogo vieram novos personagens fenomenais, uma trilha sonora linda e, no geral, um jogo que eu recomendo a todos.

Estou muito ansioso pela sequência, ela promete ser ainda melhor.

For whatever reason, the last chapter took me MONTHS to finish. Despite having an interesting story, this game somehow made me very reluctant to pick it up and play it. So I guess it's not as fun as I'd expect it to be.

You can skip the other Ace Attorney games. They're super good, but trust me, play these ones first.