Reviews from

in the past

Fun game. It's free so why not try it?

This game is funny. It also taught me that I can't draw a straight line.

funny enough gag game that will only be enjoyable to those who played the witness.

Damn, I thought a parody of a game I don't like would be better than the game I don't like. The dick joke was funny, I will admit, but the rest of the game feels just as tedious as The Witness, without anything genuinely interesting to diversify it.

Had a good laugh even though I’ve never played The Witness. Maybe I should…

This game isn't anything special in its own right, but being a satirical version of the witness really bumps it up. You need to play or have seen gameplay of the witness in order for the humor of this game to fully hit.
This is a short and sweet play and if you get a laugh out of it, I think you've won.

Hilarious parody of a game that's overall fine but pretentious as hell and from a developer who just sucks as a person.

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A near pitch-perfect parody of puzzles and pretentiousness.

A few of the "puzzles" dragged the joke out a little too long, but the ending was totally worth it. Highly recommended for anyone's that's played The Witness– regardless if you loved it or hated it.

The Witness would be easier with a shotgun

Unironically pretty good for what it is. Makes fun of Jon Blow which is always a plus.

Pretty good time. It's really funny, and the gameplay is simple but satisfying with the Start End thing. Some of these puzzels were actually good. Art style looks good to. The music that was in it was also pretty good. It's also free so that makes it even better. Only like 45 Minutes long if that, so I'd recomed giving it a try.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

Juego de comedia con más gracia de lo que me esperaba pero con diseño demasiado tosco en ocasiones para que sus chistes funcionen una y otra vez.

i had a better experience playing this than the witness. also it's free.

cool but a bit short, wont complain for a free game though

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The Obelisk of Knowledge.

To the extent that I'm an advocate of having fun on the computer, I'm a supporter of The Looker (2022)

The witness but it respects your time

honestly a pretty good parody of a pretty good puzzle game. i enjoyed it frankly. he really did look all over the puzzles

It's an hour. If you've played the witness you HAVE to experience this game/ending.

this was a cock of a game

incredible ending

Surprisingly funny given its subject matter. Was expecting something a little toxic

One of the funniest games I've played, especially while with friends who knew nothing about it. Puzzles were genuinely really good. Definitely worth checking out.