Reviews from

in the past

Al igual que los otros dos anteriores, un juego lleno de inteligentes puzzles, aunque he de decir que este me ha gustado ligeramente menos debido a lo lento que es el movimiento yendo de un lado para el otro. No por eso es malo ni mucho menos, pero me esperaba un pelín más.

A little bit better than the previous one, as I liked the multiple endings.

More of the Room - as always visually really nice and fairly standard, if satisfying, puzzles. Also as always, it feels like some interactibles don't always trigger as you expect them to (i.e. they're very visible from a certain viewpoints, but you have to back out and zoom specifically to it in order to make it an interactable object) so you can sometimes mistake these for simple decorations.

There seemed to be less of the hidden drawings behind the eyeglass stuff this time, which was nice.

The extra endings are probably best played with a guide as it's a lot of convoluted backtracking.

The Room Three expanded its world even further with a mysterious mansion to explore, its various rooms and hidden areas offering a wide variety of puzzles, as to be expected with the series. A new mechanic was the ability to go inside objects and manipulate them from within, which was pretty cool. It also included four endings, depending on if the player discovered certain items.

It was impressive to see the series evolve with this instalment, as well as the developers trying new things. They could have just stuck with more of the same as the previous two games, but they actually put in the work to add new creative features. I liked it, the story even piquing my interest.

Plusy: wykonanie, długość rozgrywki, intrygująca fabuła, klimat, pomysłowość zagadek
Minusy: kolejne przejścia gry trochę monotonne

My last assistant had less taste for my particular brand of puzzles - let’s see if you can “follow through” or if this one will “bowl” you over.

- The Shitsman

n tao bom qnt os outros mas bom tbm

I like the idea of multiple endings less than the idea of redoing the same final level four excruciating times in a row to see all of those different endings.

...the nostalgia buff has worn off and the ending is so stupidly repetitive but the puzzles are still peak sooooooo

Pretty good way to kill a few hours. Only criticisms I have are that the puzzles sometimes seem to have obscure solutions rather than ones that are logically difficult, and there is a considerable amount of backtracking.

Overall though, a good time and an excellent mysterious atmosphere.

The puzzle boxes and the environments they’re placed within are impressively intuitive to stumble through without ever feeling too stumping or too simple. Those environments have a nice eldritch theming that’s evocative without being too overbearing. The upgraded visuals of the PC version were nice, but I might try to play more of this series on a tablet with touch controls; seems like it might make the puzzles boxes feel even more tactile than they already do with a mouse.

playing this game I kinda wanted to retroactively rate the previous ones higher but I won't because I STICK TO MY GUNS

I just really love the aesthetic in these games, this mix of clockwork and magic and dark things that just fucking works!!

this game is more of that and I love it for it HOWEVER I MUST SAY

I did not like the multiple endings? I like how relatively self contained the puzzles are in this series, but having this hub world with extra hidden bits and bobs that make you trek back and forth and forth and back to get all the pieces for each new ending feels not fun to me

not not fun enough to say I hate the game tho, still loved it, but hey, loved it less ):

Devs tried to pull the big boy pants and made an actual longer game, without the mobile port feel - I think they are wearing them alright

Good little puzzle game - Alternate endings are a little tedious to get as they don't show much but overall not a bad game at all - Fully recommend, other than the headache this game gave me once in a while - 8/10

The Room 3 is my favorite out of the whole series. It takes the unique settings from the second game, expands upon it, and adds multiple endings and secrets to uncover.

i didn't find this one bad but the other two were better compared to this

De todos os games da franquia,esse pra mim e o pior...

A major upgrade, but movement across different rooms is quite slow and annoying

Same beautiful settings, same fun gameplay!! However, the time it took to move from room to room chopped up the flow in certain areas and the multiple endings added a lot of steps to complete the game. All in all, very enjoyable and added a lot of features that expands upon the fun of the first two games :)

Pretty good, interesting bringing in multiple endings to spice things up, but still got a couple of those weird puzzle elements that would be just hard to see if someone doesn't outright tell you.

Lembro que zerei, mas não é muito marcante, o meu amigo tinha uma galaxy pocket e consigui jogar isso kkkkkkk, bão dimais.

The mechanics of the game are really great. Sometimes I see such mechanics and puzzles that I marvel and say wow. I can't say it's hard in general, but it's not easy either. I had more difficulty at the beginning than at the end, maybe it was getting used to the mechanics, I don't know. It's a chill game to play with tea or coffee. In general, it doesn't get boring and progresses smoothly. Also, the game offers us a story, even if it's not in the foreground. There is more than one ending but I didn't find it necessary. I enjoyed it and finished it in one sitting. It's perfect for those who like difficult puzzles and puzzle lovers.

I've already written a review on The Room 1 & 2, so I don't think there's too much to add beyond what I wrote there. Do you like visually interesting puzzle games? Did you play first two entries? If you answered yes to those questions, go ahead and pull the trigger on this game.

Final Verdict: 7/10

Improved graphics, more puzzles, and (I believe?) a new tool. The story continues with mystery of the series. So much fun to play. I wouldn't change anything.

Eu to achando que esse quarto ta confuso demais

The Room Three is a welcome step up from the second Room game, and a nice evolution of what the first entry put out. The puzzle difficulty has returned, and environments are even more elaborate this time around, alongside some added meat on its bones.

I was particularly surprised to find that the game has multiple endings, in contrast to the previous entries being linear. These can be a little unorthodox to achieve, but you're only missing out on a few short cutscenes if you choose not to head that route.

Also loved how that added space within the castle opened up puzzle complexity and brought back some sections where multiple puzzles could have progress made at the same time. It really added to the maze-like aspect of the labyrinth you're trapped in.

Only complaint has to do with some of the puzzles in the fifth chapter being a tad tedious, alongside one puzzle just before a few of the endings. Still, minor in the grand scheme of things.

Overall, probably the best of the Room games I've played thus far. Solid puzzle designs, great atmosphere, and finally a good bit of progress on the story. Not much to complain about. Interested to see if The Room Four takes one of these endings and runs with it.

there was a lot i liked about this relative to the first two games, for example it feels like the production value was a lot higher.

however, while many of the concepts attempted here were good in theory, i feel they were poor in execution. for example, the hidden puzzles that unlock the additional endings should have been cool and been a good reward for observant/determined players, instead it was tedious because i had to slowly move between rooms of the grey room and tap on things until i found stuff that was interactable, and repeat this until i found the correct parts. i resigned myself to using a guide after a while because it was just taking so much time to move between scenes.

Bigger scope, but purpose-less multiple endings are lame.