Reviews from

in the past

Extremely difficult to try to review in terms of "objectivity". Regardless, the game is a hugely influential masterpiece and has made me feel things no game can. At a very confusing time in my life, I discovered this game and I understood it in a way difficult to put into words.

O jogo mais importante da minha vida.
Não seria hipérbole da minha parte eu dizer que sem Yume Nikki eu seria uma pessoa completamente diferente da qual sou hoje, conheci a obra em meados de 2014 e desde então ela me acompanha a todo instante, nos momentos bons e nos ruins, Yume Nikki esteve ali de diversas formas; sendo ouvindo a trilha sonora que me acalma de uma forma meio mistica ou simplesmente abrindo o jogo e andando por alguns dos meus mapas favoritos.
Talvez a primeira vista Yume Nikki pareça apenas um jogo cult desconhecido, mas ele é muito mais que isso, ele é um projeto genuino sobre sentimentos genuinos, me ensinou a me entender como individuo e aceitar a solidão como algo aconchegante, me ensinou que sonhos são uma forma de olhar para dentro de nos mesmo.
A esse ponto nem sei se isso é uma review do jogo pq sinceramente ele é muito simples, é basicamente explorar e coletar diferentes efeitos pelo caminho mas alem disso tudo ele utiliza essa mecanica a seu favor pois Yume Nikki só é efetivo como é por ser um jogo.
Esse tipo de obra me faz lembrar pq videogame é tão impactante, da mesma forma que existem experiencias que só são fortes por serem filmes, ou livros como por exemplo house of the leaves, existem obras que necessitam de serem videogames.
Eu sinceramente não sei mais o que eu to escrevendo mas de todas as minhas analises nesse site essa talvez seja a que mais tem emoção envolvida.
Eu amo Yume Nikki e se pa vou continuar amando até o momento da minha morte

The fact that this game both exists and is as beloved and respected as it is makes me happy beyond words. Nothing more I can really say. Glad I finally experienced it for myself.

It's hard to write about this game without getting too personal. I think that the type of person that will be drawn to the game's aimless exploration will also resonate with it the most. For the protagonist, the dream world is an escape. Video games can fill the same role. My relationship with my favorite hobby is always changing, but in my worst moments it's hard to treat them as anything other than a place to hide.

As you explore the game, the more that it becomes a physical location in your mind. Dreams connect to dreams, loops lead back to the nexus, and you start to push out deeper and deeper as you become more familiar with the space. I feel like I could chose any specific location in this game and make my way there by memory. I genuinely find more fulfillment here than I do in most open world games.

The different locations you visit are surreal and have no consistent logic, but the real world is constantly seeping through the cracks. No matter where she runs to, Madotsuki can't escape the reality of who she is and what she's experienced. As the player we don't really know anything about her character or what she's been through, but I found a lot of emotional resonance with the world anyways. Just enough detail is left out to force your own imagination to fill in the cracks, which made my lasting connection to the game inevitable. I don't think there's any "correct" interpretation of the story, the emotions and concepts conveyed are enough to create a memorable experience.

I do wonder how it would've turned out if development on it had continued, but I also don't blame the creator for abandoning it. If they had any kind of personal emotional investment in the themes presented in the game, I imagine working on it only became more exhausting over time. I hope they're doing okay.


Enigmático, atmosférico e maçante, a nota seria maior, mas o jogo simplesmente não é para mim

Very interesting and atmospheric at its best, but the game is version 0.10 for a reason: it's unfinished, and that's pretty obvious sometimes. Some areas are beautiful, eerie, full of interesting things... and some are just a looping .png background with nothing of note. Regardless, "completing" YN isn't something I'd consider necessary, but the experience of just walking around it for a while is very worthwhile.

im not depressed enough to play it all. Love the aesthetics of it and how it inspired many games that we have nowadays

Really good. A niche classic.

Un juego muy de nicho pero que ha influenciado mucho al internet, simplemente es una experiencia unica que algun momento explorare mas

where my descent into the indie rabbit hole began
great game

It's not for me, but I understand why people like it.

This is a free game on Steam that was made in RPGMaker. The entire allure of it is that you have to walk around a dreamscape (or nightmare-scape) to collect effects that allow Madotsuki to change how she interacts with certain things within the worlds inside of her dreams. It's a very fun game and a very artistic game that has a cult following related to the various dreams and how they may or may not apply to certain things within her own life. The developer of this game is intentionally very secretive which may add to the allure of what this game is saying, if anything.
This is a very surreal game but it does essentially equate to a walking simulator that you can interact with minimally with things. I think for me to rate this higher, I would have liked to see more events/interactions and maybe a bit more symbolism for plot points. Subjectively I would rate this higher, but I can't ignore the fact that objectively it is a very passive game and many of the effects simply do nothing worthwhile.

This review contains spoilers

The ending still haunts me, nearly a decade after playing the whole game
The drop of my stomach when I witnessed Madotsuki throwing herself out of the building, only to find a single blood puddle and no corpse. I still feel for Madotsuki :C

Less a game and more a surrealist experience, it creates a one-of-a-kind atmosphere with its minimalist music and dream-like game design.

This game is not simply an experience.
It's THE experience.
Absolutely fantastic

This game is pretty great and I love love exploring all of these strange dreams.
What I don't love is that there is a very clear goal behind this exploration. I'd love to just walk around and get lost in these bizzare worlds but instead I am constantly just thinking "Where can I get the effects" and then when I don't find them I get frustrated.

i wish my dreams were like this all i get are dreams of my nonexistant girlfriend

Very interesting however too obscure to navigate

sta roba ti fa cagare addosso però è bellissimo perchè dà tanto spazio all'interpretazione psicologica di sta povera bambina guardatela oh non se la sta passando bene...

I had a dream kinda like this the day my wife left me

Yume Nikki ranks among my favorites of all time looking back after having played it for a number of years. What I adored about Yume Nikki was the music, worlds, and imaginative art direction all encompassing the themes of isolation. If the "Top 10 Scariest Video Games" and "Video Game Creepypastas" initially piqued my interest due to Uboa, I stayed for the atmosphere and the other unique oddities that make Yume Nikki stand out among other RPGMaker games; or even other video games outside of the RPGMaker space. Despite the fact that this game hasn't been updated in years, many developers who came after it dabbled in the same idea such as .Flow and Answered Prayers. And, there is even a fangame that is still being updated to this day by contributors called Yume 2kki and is forty times larger compared to Yume Nikki and I highly recommend if you end up liking Yume Nikki and want more to give the games I mentioned above a try. I absolutely love this game and I hope you decide to give it a chance too.

No creo que deba dar una nota a esto, porque más que nada, quiero explicar lo que siento, a diferencia de la mayoría que ama este juego, yo tengo un problema pero no por el juego, si no con migo y el porque no me gusta este tipo de estéticas visuales y temáticas particularmente mescladas, que me explayaré en hablar de un trauma personal de mi infancia que hace que no me gusten las estéticas surrealistas pesadillescas normalmente 2 con estéticas de yo lo llamoo "colores pesadillescos), no desde el punto de parecer e un buen o mal juego, creo que eso no me incumbe, si no el porque, básicamente, le temo a estos juegos, y por temor me refiero a lo siguiente.

Tenía 3 años o 4 años, mi primera pesadilla que me marco y recuerdo de toda mi vida. Era de noche, estaba viendo coraje el perro cobarde, y básicamente apareció una de las cosas que más me traumo en mi infancia, el fantasma de la cosecha, avanzaba el capítulo, y de la nada paso a la señal de esas de colores que aparecia cuando no había señal, y me aterre, de hecho, estaba solo en mi cuarto (era de noche), y lloré y grite, pero lo peor no vino ahí, y fue precisamente esa noche. Básicamente fue ese personaje mesclado con los colores de la señal mala que hizo que tuviera uno de los sueños más traumáticos, y que hizo que odie normalmente las cosas de terror surrealistas y sobretodo cuando veo juegos como yume Nikki o juegos que usan visuales de ese estilo así como muy errático, el mundo que me rodeaba era de colores mesclados y solo de fondo un niño como yo corriendo de esa cosa, y cuando pensé que podía escapar, aparecía unas cartas de la nada donde me metía y caí (quizás por la escena de Toy story 2) y de la nada de golpe salió en mi cara, y ahí desperté.

La combinación de esos elementos surrealistas, y de estilos de colores saturados como se presentan en muchos de estos juegos de terror 2D o surrealistas hechos por una persona, con estéticas de juegos de NES o más aún, juego de spectrums, hace que me joda el día. Y se perfectamente el cariño que muchos le tienen a este tipo de obras, de por si yume Nikki inspiro a estas (aunque para muchos la inspiración inicial es eathbound, pero como es dosis pequeñas de la parte de la ciudad esa o de gygas, no es un problema para mi), pero por eso me resultan tan molestas pero no en el sentido de que algo me puede molestar pero encantar por lo que ofrece aveces (como lo que me propuso dark souls en su momento, o juegos difíciles que amo) si no porque, literalmente aveces que veía estos juegos por ahí, luego tenía pesadillas con ellos, jugué yume Nikki, almenos para sacarme ese trauma y almenos tocarlo, y ¿ saben que pasó a la noche? pesadilla que hizo que me levantará con sudor y hasta casi llorando, soy un perfil de persona que no soporta eso, y los sueños surrealistas de ese estilo me aterran, al punto de que quiero incluso replantearme si querer seguir con el día, me jodio la mañana y estado almenos el resto del día jugando HI-FI Rush para quitarme eso de encima, pero quería compartir lo que siento.

Normalmente son los 2D, porque los juegos 3D de estilo similar pues al ser mas concreto en varias cosas, lo asimiló mejor, veo las profundidades de las cosas y no me molestan tanto y puede ser más algo de "dolores de cabeza de ver cosas así" (como pasa con cruelty Squad) pero los 2D como yume Nikki, estéticas como el de problem attic, el estilo de hilics, etc, me aterran pero muy dentro de mi, y creo que no es agradable tener una pesadilla traumática después de jugar algo así, y que te jodan el resto del día.

Estoy seguro que Kikiyama hizo lo que quería ser, e inspiró a una generación de pequeños creadores y mucha gente, pero las visiones más personales de una persona, pueden chocar con otras de estilos diferentes y aunque respeto a cualquier desarrollador sea gran de o pequeño, simplemente es algo que desde ahora, no quiero ver ni en pintura, porque ya no es que porque me parezca buen o mal juego, es por mi propia seguridad mental y estabilidad, ya trabajo, me gusta mi tranquilidad y dormir tranquilo, y pensar en obras como está y jugarlas, provoca todo lo que quiero evitar.

the kind of creativity you only really get in tiny games like this that exist for no other reason than to show someone's passion and imagination. this game captures the feeling of dreaming and just being a child in general better than pretty much any other piece of media i've ever seen and if nothing else that's pretty fucking incredible