Reviews from

in the past

Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, Einstein solved relativity and Vanilla Ice performed his hit song Ice Ice Baby, all of these major canonical events being then followed up by the best videogame ever made: this one. Only reason it gets a 10/10 score is that backloggd does not allow for higher, the complex and in-depth gameplay mechanics, the heartfelt and touching story, the masterful level and audio design, all the unique ideas baked into this game truly just create an irreplaceable experience. While some might argue that it's sequel, Persona 5, achieves a more complete package with it's nuances, however I believe the original king is still the true king. Very happy that such a worthy entry has got to be my introduction to The Legend of Zelda series. I think I should play it's spinoff soon as well, I'm told it has a horse!

This is a good shooter and in fact the wii was the best console for shooters.
Don't believe me but the console was banned from Call of Duty competitions due to how easy was it to aim when you're aiming at real speed without the imprecision of a mouse or, even worse, a joystick.
Anyways this is a nice game, if it wasn't a Zelda people would be less pissed about it.

This is a really boring game made to sell the gimmick device known as the Wii Zapper, development stories for this game make me so upset seeing as how the team wanted to make this game an extra story for Twilight Princess, but instead was forced to make a bare bones arcade shooter. Basically Link has a crossbow that shoots like a modern firearm... That's it.
Its not a fun game at all, there is no incentive to play the game past the first level as there is no actual boss battles, worthwhile upgrades, cosmetics, or anything to show progression other than "get big numbers."
I will say they have some variety having on rail sections, small movement sections, and "bosses" that just require you to shoot smarter, but that's about it. Hell even the music choices is off-putting, why is the Goron theme playing in Orden?
Whatever, at least links crossbow looks cool I guess and yes I did unfortunately play this with a Wii Zapper.

Definitely one of the more gimmicky Zelda games, if you can even call it a "Zelda game". It's actually more similar to Wii Sports or 1-2 Switch ---- a game in which Nintendo shows you what a new system or peripheral can do. In this case, the Wii Zapper. And from what I recall it was perfectly adequate. It's a silly, somewhat amusing arcade-like shooting game with a Zelda: Twilight Princess coat of paint.

A Zelda-themed on-rails shooter with a goofy plastic peripheral that Nintendo never really uses again. What's not to love? (It is actually pretty fun)

Starved for everything Zelda I could get my hands on after Twilight Princess, I got this on release and was massively let down by it not having any sort of story or, in fact, any logical reason for existing. But I guess I still squeezed it for all the bucks I had spent.

Beating every Zelda in timeline order 6.5/20:

Link's Crossbow Training boldly asks: what if the shooting gallery from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask was fun?

I expected to just play through each stage once and call it a day but I was enjoying myself so much that I went ahead and got a platinum medal on all the levels. This game rocks and it's a shame more people haven't played it.

actually a pretty decent lil zap gun tie in. the combination of traditional zelda aesthetics with the wii's was like discovering nostalgia i never had

fuck this game we were supposed to get a twilight princess sequel and it turned in to this fuck this game

A silly arcade shooter related to Twilight Princess that kind of remixes elements of the original game in a fun way, making you approach these challenges differently. It's not too long to complete unfortunately but rewarding getting a silver rank and being able to progress. Only 2 stars for not being a full sequel to the best Zelda made.

Was fun playing with family

Pretty nice to discover

This scratched an itch and im not afraid to say it

Pretty much a tech demo for plastic bullshit, but still a pretty fun time. The free roam bits are worth the $5 entry price.

the opps was talking wild on ig so i pulled up on em with a wii zapper. they hit my shit with a bazooka

It's a completely fine shooting gallery minigame made with the stupid Wii Zapper attachment in mind.

This game started a war in my house.

genuinely really good. vr before vr

It might just be that I played a lot of mediocre arcade shooters on the Wii before this but this game is a ton of fun and actually made me want to go for a high score. Plus the way they implemented the Darknut and Stallord fights were really cool. Controls felt responsive too, no real issues other than the length which I do think was a little short.

Mid-high 7/10

I had a lot of fun with this one and I still wish they had made a longer follow-up to it. The world is ready for a full-length Legend of Zelda third-person shooter. It would be really funny.

Link's Crossbow Training can currently be picked up for single dollars from just about any random retro game shop or eBay storefront. It's lost what little value it had at launch as a Wii Zapper pack-in, relegated mostly to a joke within the Nintendo community. But in reality this is a really well-designed and nuanced light gun game with the level of polish that you'd expect from a Nintendo EAD game. There's really no reason for Link's Crossbow Training to be reevaluated on a larger cultural level because it's such a low-impact title, but I do think it's an extremely replayable and fun entry in its genre. A lot more depth and density in the missions than I expected, and a lot more risk vs. reward in the combo-based gameplay than it appears. Definitely worth checking out, especially for how cheaply it can be found.

another accidental stream clear, a friend was shocked because i hit a bell or something and he didn't know that was possible.

This game comes with a Wii zapper and you best believe that I am getting my money's worth out of that thing

Everyone's always asking for Twilight Princess on Switch, wouldn't it be hilarious if we ported this one instead

Did anyone actually like this gun controller?

the fact this couldve been twilight princess 2 kills me