Reviews from

in the past

Most games would be improved by frivolous disrobing

Fun game but I got sick of the stages pretty fast. One of the easier side-scrolling-shooters, this one with a lot of quirky stuff in it, but one I probably won't re-visit.

Sexy Parodius é um shmup divertido e sem muitas pretensões além de encher a sua tela de coisas fofas, diálogos engraçados (os quais você vê antes de iniciar os stages), mulheres seminuas, cenários nonsense que dão água na boca de tão bonitos e bem feitos e... muito tiro, PEW PEW PEW.

O jogo não é difícil (embora possua muitas dificuldades variando do Easiest pro Hardest, esse que é UM INFERNO), possui uma boa variedade de personagens (Hikaru sendo a minha favorita, fofíssima), fases distintas (com missões secundárias tipo pegar os Ratos ou Moedas) variadas entre "A" e "B", um visual estonteante e os powerups são aceitáveis - embora eu acho um pouco complicado de entender o que cada cor é e o que cada um faz, além de serem bem nada demais - sendo o aspecto mais fraco do jogo.

Não só isso mas a trilha sonora do jogo é atraente, composta de músicas clássicas que você com certeza já ouviu porém rearranjadas de uma forma mais carnivale.

Peguei o final que o polvo entra dentro do lençol que a mina nua tá, sendo uma espécie de Happy Ending eu suponho? Sei lá.

De qualquer forma, é divertido e fácil de jogar e por ter uma variedade de stages A/B, tem uma replayabilidade interessante.

This was a really fun romp, even better than the mainline gradius games. The gameplay is quite solid, frantic and chaotic, and the mission systems makes the levels quite a lot more interesting to tackle. You can clear a level and still fail the mission, so you have to be careful and make sure to fulfill the mission requirements before the level ends (collecting a set amount of coins, defeating a set amount of enemies, destroying a set amount of objects). This layer of complexity is greatly appreciated.

My main criticism is that sometimes the difficulty gets overwhelming in a frustrating manner, with the screen becoming a chaotic mess of colourful bullets, especially in the later levels. I also dislike how dying makes you lose a lot of your power ups, I know this is a relic of arcade-style design, but nowadays it just comes off as frustrating. Nothing that a bit of save-scumming can't solve, though.

The game's strong suit is definitely its irreverent style. I loved the comedic spin on classical shmup tropes, and the erotic undertones add to the charming silliness of this whole experience. The music is also extremely fitting, with high-tempo renditions of classical tunes that will cheer you right up.

I'll let this be a notice to those that see my profile: I do not like sexual content at all, and while this is a Parodius game to be wacky all over the place, they really didn't need to make one that went over the top with the tits. the fact that this one never made it to the SNES/N64 during this time period says a lot especially in Nintendo of Japan. I remember checking TCRF or The Sprites' resource and saw literal 18+ content within the games files. Now it's been a while since I've played this game (or watched, I can't get my hands to grasp naughtiness) so I don't remember if you actually see 18+ stuff in this game, but if anyone finished it and it's in the game.....

I'm too lazy to even come up with a response. Im never touching this game again and you can't force me to play it. Ill be heading back to Beatus for more torture 🙃

Fun, charming game with loads of weird, wacky, and someone explicit stuff that makes it standout, but by GOD was this game brutal AF. Considering it was an arcade game, this was definitely a quarter muncher of a game.

peak shmup. i am NOT here for the boobs that is DISGUSTING

This is a very fun, charming horizontal shmup, and definitely worth giving a try. But my gosh it is hard. Almost every Gradius or Gradius/adjacent game I've played has been absurdly difficult for me – I have no idea if I'll ever come close to 1CCing any of them. But regardless of my lack of ability to do well at this game, it's at least fun to mess around with.