Reviews from

in the past

really fantastic but also leaves me feeling so drained. I can only really take it in pieces. scraping through a dungeon, trying to decide if it's worth it to use my recovery items or risk death and lose 30 minutes of progress. exhausting and exhilarating in equal measure. so many jrpgs that I've played are very generous with full hp/mp heals at checkpoints that it's really cool to see one fully commit to the resource management aspect of dungeon crawling and just refuse you any freebies. it's new territory for me.

then I'll be making my way through a new area having a good time, but I make some bad decisions or get unlucky and then get sent back to square one. it kills my motivation really hard. I always feel a bit lame for dropping games due to difficulty and I want to get better about it. but also, sometimes I just want to have a good time and see some new stuff, and getting my ass kicked and playing the same section over and over doesn't fulfill that. it's a gamer weakness of mine. I do want to come back to this eventually though, just need to be in the right mood.

Too many thoughts to state in this tiny box

Enjoyed the game much more on a replay. Already put all of my thoughts in a review for the remaster, but it's great. Love the combat and probably everything about it. Gotten me excited for SMTV Vengeance!

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A game with one of the best atmosphere’s ive seen. Unsettling, unholy and apocalyptic, this is everything i would love to see from a game about summoning demons to kill your best friends. My only issues were the extremely high encounter rate, which isnt so bad since its good for levelling up but it heavily hinders gameplay, and some of the “puzzles” being downright unreasonable (trial and error). Apart from that, this game was perfect for me to transition into mainline SMT after persona (i vastly prefer the more serious gameplay of smt now)

amazing hardcore JRPG, but honestly not that hard once you'll understand its mechanics with debufs and weaknesses

i would rather say it is perfectly balanced around available demons and abilities so the game is just very challenging but fair 

most of the dungeons are filled with teleporting bullshit and it's really annoying, but the combat and fusing mechanics are just great and fun to deal with

It's hard to put it into the words but there is something alien and surreal with this game that definitely should be experienced first hand

minimalistic plot combined with its oppressive atmosphere made it memorable and unique

the music is very memorable too and it fits the game's tone perfectly

also featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

gonna play the HD remaster again soon for the true demon ending

the best rpg i ever did play. does pretty much everything perfect. wow!

The biggest example that a story don't need deep and likeable characters to be good and captivating, a masterpiece of parable in all aspects, also a actually good pokemon game (Lacks Alice)

Amazing combat, setting, bosses, dungeons, difficulty curve and soundtrack, the narrative and characters compared to games like SMT 4 are a bit lackluster, but i guess this is part of the charm of the game honestly.

I did not have a single second of fun while playing this game. 10/10, one of the best games I've ever played.

This game is fun and all but the story feels pretty superficial; Reasons (as well as the other factions) are interesting but the minimalist design philosophy just makes it so that each one's philosophy is basically conveyed inside a 3 minute cutscene. And I'm honestly not a fan of how its fans use that to excuse it.

No inicio eu não dei uma foda pra o que era esse jogo, demorou muito pra eu começar a gostar, e virar fã de SMT a partir deste jogo, ao qual tbm é o meu primeiro SMT, até certo ponto acho o jogo fraco, a narrativa é escassa, e vazia, mas ao menos tem um propósito pra isso, o jogo tem uma ótima atmosfera, um clima bem pesado, e por mais que a história seja escassa, isso não a impede de ser bem escrita. Eu amo o Demi-fiend🖤

Very brutal and great game, had amazing graphics for its era (It was released just a month before i was born lol), really interesting philosophy behind it, has a really cool combat too, with a very high difficulty, it also has banger music and good

I love the idea of people being able to rebuild the world based on their philosophies.

You need to play Nocturne as soon as possible. Don't listen to anyone talking about it online, don't use a guide. Avoid the "HD" Remaster: you can easily emulate it for free if you don't have a PS2. If possible, seclude yourself somewhere far away from society and do nothing but play this game over the course of fifty to eighty hours. Nocturne is a one of one gem of a game, the product of tempestuous bottled lightning. It's the best RPG ever made, and might be the best game ever made.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry series

gen z can simply call games like this and chrono trigger "ass" and think nothing of it. feeling my age for the first time.

Great game. Wish the characters had more time to make their ideals more realized.

if riot releases this game there would be a day 1 balance patch so that everyone can play

Was quite fun, challenging as expected, beginning was a bit dull for me was hard to fully get into it early but as I progressed I got a lot more into it. The endings had cool ideas/themes for them, TDE being the main ending people do, I thought that was the best for sure, outside of that, in particular, I was quite fond of Chiaki's end and thought her perspective of the whole thing was definitely my favorite of the rest
Supposedly it is a theme w SMT games and its narrative and storytelling to use other methods to do so like worldbuilding and other methods, which was definitely evident here, though I do wish there was a tad bit more "plot" or story in your face, more dialogue between the established characters maybe? idk I'm not the creators, though don't get me wrong, I don't have an issue with how it was presented here, I just feel for me personally, more story would've pushed this much further up for me

this game is one of the most fun games i have ever played, i don't know what it is about press turn in this game but like it just works so well. only times i didn't have fun were when the enemies used insta kill spells (fuck you throne)
the plot's like alright ig, the presentation is fucking PHENOMENAL tho everything from the visuals to the soundtrack just works to create this absolute vibe to the game that you can't find anywhere else

The atmosphere in this game is brilliant. Some of the best RPG gameplay ever.

+Hard but fair, the game requires you to fully utilize its mechanics in order to succeed which makes the experience very engaging. Grinding is not a thing in this game.
+The systems are satisfying to use. Collecting and fusing demons is fun. The press turn system is simple but works.

-Inexistent story
-The presentation has its charm but is overall very lacking. Most of the game is spent running in empty corridors.
-Dungeon traversal is tedious and boring

A reta final desse jogo é uma das coisas mais chamas em termos de gameplay.

Probably my FAVORITE MegaTen game, very close to being one of my favorite jRPGs ever.

The atmosphere and vibe of this game is second to none, the combat is challenging and it is not ashamed of being itself.

If Nietzche was a game, this would be it.

SMT IV may be my favorite Megaten game, but this is the one that I keep coming back to. This game is where the press turn system debuted, and I maintain that it's the best battle system of any turn based RPG ever created.

overrated as hell but it's honestly deserved, it's great

Featuring "Imagine if your friends played the game you like: part 3" from Marl's Review Series.

"Who can we pray to? There are only demons and fiends here."

The probably most famous SMT entry, and well deserved that praise.
First of all, i must say i am a little dissapointed because i thought this game was gonna kick my ass, and it did not. It's not easy, but it's not hard either. For me is the same degree of difficulty of every other Atlus game that are not persona (even persona is harder at some points). That's a bad thing? No, but i was hoping for more after hearing so much. You will become stronger very early and if the boss it's not immune to physical, you will destroy it very easily.

Other than that i really found the story to be lacking, much of the game it's just you and that's it, characters are completely whatever and i tend to like a little more than that in storylines. The demons interactions are still amazing though.

Okay, no more cons. THE ATMOSPHERE IS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. The edgy boy inside of me was having a blast. Walking around, fighting fiends, feeling the air, everything was so immersive. I did the True Demon Ending so i explored the entire map (i hope i did) and was a fullfiling experience.

SMT still alive and kicking, let's go kill demons Demi.