PLAY THIS GAME ON THE KONAMI ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION. Infinite lives is a godsend, without it, i wouldn't be able to get past the second goddamn level. With infinite continues, its still a grueling and pretty unfun experience, even after you get the cross, which can destroy basically all bosses within a few uses. Music is fucking incredible though, it doesn't deserve this game.

This game should not be legal. This should be outlawed in all countries. This is pure torture. And i fuckin LOVED IT

Even if I spent more time reading a guide then playing the actual game, I still enjoyed it enough. The cryptic nature of the game is a bit too much though. Sort of mixed on this one. Also the music is incredible

Great game, and the difficulty is perfect, but the platforming can be absolutely bullshit, since they decided to put everything at a sort of isometric angle, making pixel perfect jumps hard as all hell. Still a fun challenging experience, even with a few shortcomings, but man, i fucking hate that platforming.

Its not the worst thing ever, but not only is it repetitive, its also really goddamn short! I finished all the levels the game has to offer in less than 2 minutes, and didn't get a game over till loop 5, where the difficultly randomly increases. Pretty weak game.

Pretty ok. Controls aren't the best, especially with the ladders, but its meh.

Definitely the best out of the trilogy, I can see myself actually coming back to replay this.

Once you know what to do, its pretty fun. The rounds go on for a bit too long though.

Fun game, but a bit too easy. Once you know to kill each of the enemies, its a walk in the park. Love the music.

I was really deciding between a 4 or a 4.5, but i feel the more frustrating moments of the game (9-04) hold it back. Anyhow, its a fantastic game. I played through nearly all of the stages, and beat the game once with Sypha and once with Alucard, just wanted to add that in

It might be because i have absolutely 0 clue how to play baseball, but i hated this game. The AI somehow always is able to get one of my players out within the first 3 seconds, while my characters run around like idiots. I lost 0-10, and have no need to go back to try to beat that. Boring, horrible game

Obviously, while playing this, the first thing you'll notice are the controls, which are impossible to get use to. Thankfully, on the first level, you move pretty slowly, making it easy enough, but once you get past the first few levels, it literally becomes impossible. Clu Clu (no fucking clue what his name is) moves so fast, its impossible to get all the tiles while avoiding the enemies at the same time. Okay premise, bad execution.

Unlike baseball, i actually know how to play football, so I had some fun, even though the game was trying to fuck me over, especially with the fact that you cant choose what player you are, as it randomly switches. That doesn't sound too bad, but when the game puts you in control of a player thats off screen, its just complete bs. The CPU are also really goddamn bad, even with that struggle, I won 4 nil in a 30 min match. Its not the worst thing ever, but why play this when you could just play FIFA? (or ea fc now, but who the hell calls it that?)

This is the mega man game of all time. It was thought of, produced, published then sold. What a game.

The only thing holding it back from being a 1/2 star is the music and that stage 1 was ok. Horrible game.