A massive improvement from the first game, until world 8, when they finally remember this is suppose to be an AI game, and make the final world hard as SHIT. Good game overall tho

Not as bad as people will have you think, but that doesn't mean its good. The 'ending' is way too short, and ends out of no where, and the combat usually leaves you so outnumbered that you forced to take a few lives.

Honestly, i would've never beaten this if the contra anniversary collection didn't have the Japanese version, which not only gives you infinite continues, no matter the difficulty, but also has a 30 lives cheat. If you want an actually enjoyable experience, play the Japanese version, crank that shit up to hard mode, and use the 30 lives code.
Oh, and FUCK STAGE 5

Way easier than i thought, even if you only get about 4 continues. Pretty sure contra 3 strengthened my senses.

Physics are atrocious, and the final stage is also terrible, rest is of the game is OK. Really don't got much to say about this one

Man, some shit in this game makes me wonder how people can beat it with only 3 lives

Stage 1, 2 and 3 are really boring, but after that it gets way better. Stage 8 is fucking hell to finish though. Probably my least favourite Contra so far, but its still a great time

Great Game, but the hallway to death and stage 18 (phase 1) are absolutely hellish, and im pretty sure death is impossible without holy water

Alot of fun, but also really goddamn hard. Maybe the best sega arcade game?

Improves upon the original game in most aspects, except the controls. Alex feels so slippery, its hard to finish a lot of the levels that I originally breezed through in the first game.

Honestly, i enjoyed this game. Maybe even more than the original, but that final level is just BULLSHIT. Thank god for save states

If i'm being honest, this is my least favorite nes mega man so far. I felt indifferent to the robot masters stages, even though the cossack and wily stages and bosses are excellent. Not as good as 3's though.