I hated that mirelurk swamp section.

The best souls-like game. Honestly blew me away with how good it is. Solid story that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Combat is extremely satisfying and addicting. Level design isn’t great, but it’s serviceable and fun. The bosses are mostly great and the soundtrack is nice. If you liked nioh 1, you’ll love this game.

Played this a lot when I was younger. Good port of a good game

Too nostalgic, been a player since 2011

Fun souls-like that does a good job distinguishing itself from the souls series. Story was enjoyable and most of the bosses were as well. Level design isn’t the greatest, looking at you, Blood Cathedral... OST was pretty good, though the memory sections had the same track playing over and over again which became very grating. Good game 7.5/10

DLC doesn’t get better than this. Making an already masterpiece of a game even better. 10/10

Really wish I liked this game as much as the other 2 in the trilogy. That said, I did enjoy it and think it’s definitely worth playing if you enjoy the other 2 games. Solid 8/10

Peak Pokémon storytelling, second only to Black/White. That final boss theme will stick with me for a long time. 10/10

This game controls very poorly. That said, I absolutely adore everything in it and think the Trico mechanic works well. It’s also so technically impressive, having the most realistic portrayal of a creature. Play this game, it’s fantastic. 9.5/10

Bethesda’s best game to date. Probably why they keep trying to resell it lol. Story isn’t anything special but exploring on a first play through is magical. 8/10

Very passionate and beautiful game that has mostly aged well. My only gripe is really with Issun’s dialogue which can be extremely annoying. Solid 9/10

Nostalgia incarnate. Had so much fun with this game

Really excited for the full game!

One of my all time favorite game experiences. 10/10

The NieR series is something I can’t believe exists. Yoko Taro my GOAT 10/10