8 reviews liked by ARollingStone

one of the most emotionally devastating endings ive ever experienced tbh. this is like a game of all time for me. cannot wait for what this guy does next

One of the best games I have ever played. Incredible mechanics, music, sound design, puzzle design, just everything it tries to do it does incredibly. Was on the fence about ever even playing, not realizing what it was and could be. Please play this game.

La madre que me parió menuda puta OBRA DE ARTE. Es un juego de cartas divertidísimo y con una estética espectacular, pero cuando te crees que has descubierto de qué va solo has empezado a rascar la superficie. Tiene 500 capas de meta y de humor. Jugadlo por favor.

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This game is neat.

When it comes to gameplay, I really liked the first part, but past that was not nearly as well thought out. I have only played a little bit of Kaycee's mod, and more might help.

The story is really cool, but it honestly isn't my favorite kind of thing. I couldn't completely get into the ARG stuff. I like how meta it was, but it didn't completely resonate with me.

Overall very cool game that is mostly not for me.

10 years on from its release, and Portal 2 still feels fresh, funny, beautiful and incredible as it did when it first came out.
It's the fully realised version of that bonus game on the Orange Box, everything turned up to 11 and hitting every beat.
I wholeheartedly believe Portal 2 to be the single Best Game ever made, and an essential part of any gamer's library

One of the few games I've played where I had a stupid grin the entire time.