This game is really good! Although it never fully captured my attention, the story was good enough to have me continuously coming back to it. As of late I haven’t been too fond of story driven games so that means a lot. The combat is for sure the weakest part of the game but it’s decent enough to get you through the amazing journey/story this game tells. The presentation and graphics of GoW are unmatched. Looking forward to seeing how the sequel (hopefully) pushes the envelope further

A game with wacky/inconsistent gunplay, a somewhat enjoyable story that has no real direction, and fantastic sidequest. Way too ambitious considering the amount of development time spent on the game. Could've been so much better if not rushed. The sidequest being significantly better than the main story is a real issue to me. It sucks that they focused on them rather than the story. Also, my score will remain unchanged even if they patch every single bug, as they had no effect on my enjoyment of the game.

This game is masterful I don’t have any complaints on it. It has some of the best platforming and gunplay in gaming. It fr has better platforming than a lot of Mario games! I just wanna say that I disagree with the two common complaints about this game, the first being that it’s somehow not good on controller. I played 2016 on joycons and loved it. I played this game on an Xbox controller and it was even more amazing. Thinking this game is bad on controller is lowkey a skill issue. It’s amazing regardless of how you play it. Another common complaint I disagree with is that this game overstays it’s welcome. I thought the length of the game was great and I honestly wouldn’t have minded if it was longer. I guess that’s what the dlc is for. Amazing game 9/10 😁

This game is a rushed response from gamefreak to the many Pokemon fans who were demanding a botw like/open world Pokemon game and it somehow turned out pretty good. The open world is fantastic and doesn't get repetitive due to the many different biomes in the world. There is a lot to do in the world and the side content is great. The traversal could be better but it's pretty good and lowkey a strength of the game. It's fun! In comparison to traversal in other Nintendo games like Xenoblade, it is far better. The game's story isn't deep or anything but it's good compared to what Pokemon stories have been recently. The cast is good with Arven being a standout. Anyways this game is good, go play it if you grew up with Pokemon

Peak platforming, peak traversal, peak movement, peak boss fights, peak music, peak art style, perfectly lengthed, etc….. this game was just amazing wow. Only thing they could improve for a sequel is the enemy variety. Definitely one of the best non-Nintendo platformers I’ve played

I usually don’t rate multiplayer games but I’ve been actively playing this game since it’s launch so I feel compelled too. Rating could change if the game gets worse or better with future updates. Every free to play multiplayer game should take notes from 343’s post launch content drops and their unbelievable commitment to this game. It’s because of their commitment that the game is thriving right now

Mario magic will never go away

Fingers crossed Squanch Studios can survive without Justin Roiland. They know how to make good video games