Really bad with only one level I enjoyed, never got the hype for this version.

This collection has the best Sonic Game, Sonic CD, on it but almost everything else is garbage so just go and get CD on its own and Mega Collection for everything else.

A fun and cute little puzzle collectathon that's a little too slow and clunky for my taste.

Always loved this games premise, and it has some cool bosses, but the gimmick holds it down hard and is genuinely infuriating.

A terrible fighter, anybody telling you otherwise is lying.

Always loved this game, from the awkward shooting, the cool level progression gimmick, the incredibly corny writing... Absolutely incredible.

A decent arcade game that many people probably found through Sonic or some Sega compilations. It's fun but you've seen everything you need to after a couple minutes.

Easily my favorite Sonic compilation due to its great collection of titles, tons of bonus materials, and much more. However, it is still just a compilation.

A ridiculously fun real time strategy game on the DS that I've replayed several times and really never gets old for me. Lost Magic has a nice story, that's very charming and reminiscient of classic fairy tale anime films, a cute artstyle, very well balanced yet challenging battles, and so much more. My only real critique is the OST is pretty meh but it's forgivable considering everything else is so good.

Slightly better than the first Rush game but this one's still pretty bad, with only a couple decent levels.

Always felt soulless to me. Just play any other decent Sonic platformer instead.

Well it was a game, that's for sure.